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Having a whopping TT 1468 ng/dL means nothing without knowing where your FT sits let alone how many days post-injection you were hitting such!

Although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of T responsible for the positive effects.

Even then with a whopping TT 1468 ng/dL you would need to have an absurdly high SHBG in order to have a not so stellar FT level.

To put this in perspective a man with a TT 1400-1500 ng/dL and a very high SHBG of 80 nmol/L would still have a high FT!

How many days post-injection were labs done?

If anything you need to find out where your trough FT (lowest point) before next injection sits.

You could easily calculate your FT if you know where your SHBG sits.

Need to know where your FT truly sits before jumping to any conclusions.

Although having healthy FT levels is important when it comes to gaining muscle/strength not only is following a proper diet/training protocol critical to making progress but more importantly genetics will have the final say.

When using a therapeutic dose of T whether serum levels remain moderate, high-end, slightly above the physiological range one will see a change in body composition (muscle/strength, fat loss) to a certain degree depending on diet/training and of course genetics.

Gains will not be indefinite when using therapeutic doses long-term and regardless trt doses are not going to take you well beyond your natural genetic potential.

Most when training natty make their best gains within the first 1-2 years and during the first year is where most notice the biggest impact.

The longer you train the harder it becomes to add pure muscle tissue.

Keep in mind genetics plays a huge role.

Aim here would be achieving a healthy FT level combined with a proper diet/exercise regimen if your goal is to maintain muscle let alone experience improvements in body composition (gain muscle/lose adipose).

This can easily be achieved using therapeutic dose of T.

If you goal is to pack on muscle mass/increase strength well beyond your genetic potential and sport that fake looking chemically enhanced build that unfortunately many tend to idolize then you would need to abuse T/AAS.
Thanks for your informative response. Like I said at the beginning, I've trained my entire adult life and know what my genetic limits are. All I'm trying to do now is get close to where I normally am. For 40 years my physique changed very little and that's all I want now.

I'm starting to think my recent change might be related to my reducing of TC from 150ml/wk to 120/wk three months prior. I did this because I had high blood pressure and suspected the high TT.

My BP is fine now and I'm increasing my TC back up to 150ml/wk to see if I can make some gains. Already three weeks in I think I see a slight improvement in my physique. But my recent labs showing 1468 TT alarmed me, hence this thread. I had taken a shot only 24 hours before the lab test, so that may account for the big number.

Throughout all of this, my diet and exercise routine remains constant, I work like a beast in the gym and eat tons of protein.

I don't put much stock in labs, I rely more on how I look and feel.

Side bar here, what are your thoughts on HCG?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
For those of you who train hard with weights and are over 60, what is your daily protein intake and what is your fat/muscle balance? In other words, if you have big arms, chest and shoulders, what does your gut look like?
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Where do you buy your HCG and have you noticed any benefits?
The most striking and certain benefit I can attribute to it is an improvement in orgasm quality. It may also improve libido. I think it has some effects on mood and cognition, but I'm not sure how to characterize them yet and whether they're good or bad. It's still early days.

I'm using Sifasi brand from alldaychemist.
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