Oh, not to mention $1,000's of dollars it has cost me to feel like crap. Was better without trt.I've donated blood 5 times now because of hemocrits/hemoglobin. Last time was almost 3 weeks ago, did follow up cbc and now they think I need to donate AGAIN who cares about my iron... I'm sick of this. Know these post will be deleted but people need to see the negative of trt
To moderators and op: I apologize for being What ever you want to call it. If I could edit post i could put all my thoughts into one post. To the op, point you should take some of what you perceive is in your head. When you know your estrogen is high your thinking about it. I do this and have learned to ignore my reactions to lab test. Like I said my nipples never got sensitive even at 67 (4 months before it was 63, so I went several months (7 months from start at new "clinic" until last labs so 4-6 months approx.) with high (60+) estrogen.