High Estradiol

It's hard to say. I've been treated for depression for years.
I don't think the Testosterone ever helped with that.
When I was first diagnosed with hypogonadism, my T was in the low 200's.
That was about 7-8 years ago.
My libido is ok for a 59 year old. I don't have erection issues most of the time.
I'm in good physical shape. I maintain no more than 12% body fat year round...lower in the summer.
I have some polycythemia, but can't give blood. That's one of the reasons I lowered it to 100mg. per week.
Apparently, my T is still in the slightly High range, even at that dose.
My concern was the Estradiol and managing it.

You guess you feel ok? What low t symptoms were you experiencing pre-trt and have you noticed any improvements in libido/erections/energy/mood? What do you feel are the positives and negative effects of your current protocol and other than nipple sensitivity/soreness are you experiencing any symptoms you feel are related to high e2?

Yes there are clinics that put patients on an aromatase inhibitor right away without even knowing ones estradiol (sensitive) levels and automatically assume one is going to experience elevated e2 on their protocol when in fact the true reality is it is not needed by many and ends up causing the patient to have low e2 issues. Mind you many of the standard joe blow t-mills start patients on high doses 200mg/week instead of starting low and going slow.

When one first starts a trt protocol it will take 6 weeks for testosterone blood levels to stabilize and to truly understand how testosterone is going to effect ones estradiol an aromatase inhibitor should not be prescribed unless one were experiencing high e2 on lab work (pre-trt) along with symptoms.

Seems sensible that when one has a higher total t/free t that they can also have a slightly higher e2 and feel good as oppose to a lower total t/free t where elevated e2 would definitely cause issues. I personally would rather have a higher end total t/free t with slightly higher e2 on the lab range than the opposite. Also if one had a higher total t/free t with low e2 it can cause problems as estradiol needs to be in a healthy range not too low or high.
You can't accurately break those pills into anything smaller than 1/2. I take a total of 0.34mg per week. I couldn't dose that way unless I dissolved the pills. JMHO
Yes...100mg. pr week. Sorry, my mistake. 2.5 of a 1ml syringe. I do that twice per week.
i'm using an insulin needle now, since I've seen Vergel's videos.
I do it IM at 90 degrees, usually in the deltoid.
I think that might be a good idea...to try lowering my T to 80mg.
So, even at that low of a dose, you're saying I might want to ad adex?


2.5 ml does not help us. Test comes in 100mg/ml or 200mg/ml. So you are NOT injecting 2.5ml of either or you're dose would be 500mg or 1000mg per week. So I'm guessing you are injecting 0.25ml but still don't know the concentration. Let's assume you are injecting 100mg per week. SubQ or IM? Any Hcg? If I'm correct, the first thing I would do is lower your T dose to 80mg/week. You will probably run into hematocrit issues if your T levels remain that high. Just reducing your T by 20% can reduce your E2 levels to 40. Still a tad high. Then you can retest in a few weeks and add adex. I feel awesome when my E2 is mid 20's.
Deciding on using adex doesn't depend on your dose. It depends on how much aromitization you do and how much E2 you produce. Also obviously how you feel enters the equation. I'm 56 and I feel like I'm 30 in every way IF I keep my E2 in the mid 20's. If I had your levels, all the benefits of TRT would be gone. My guess based on several years of experience tells me if you lower your T dose to 80 and don't change anything else, your new E2 levels will be somewhere between 38-41. Still way too high for me. Trust me when I tell you that making your own adex solution is the way to go.
Yes...100mg. pr week. Sorry, my mistake. 2.5 of a 1ml syringe. I do that twice per week.
i'm using an insulin needle now, since I've seen Vergel's videos.
I do it IM at 90 degrees, usually in the deltoid.
I think that might be a good idea...to try lowering my T to 80mg.
So, even at that low of a dose, you're saying I might want to ad adex?

If you wish to try Arimidex, I wouldn't use more then .125 twice a week. Then do labs after a few weeks, remember testosterone can give you nipple sensitivity. Too many blame estradiol levels.
I have 1mg tablets.
How do I get .125?
What's that...and 8th of a tablet?

If you wish to try Arimidex, I wouldn't use more then .125 twice a week. Then do labs after a few weeks, remember testosterone can give you nipple sensitivity. Too many blame estradiol levels.
I have 1mg tablets.
How do I get .125?
What's that...and 8th of a tablet?

You can have him write a script and have a compounding pharmacy fill it. I don't know if big Pharma makes that small of dose. It would be nice if your doctor uses compounding pharmacy.
This is why I make my own. My solution is 1mg/ml. So I can dose any amount by drawing the solution into a 1cc syringe. This allows me to c.make small changes in the dose as my labs change. My solution is flexible and cheap.
My Dr. has prescribed Arimidex for me in the past. I stopped using it for a while. They pharmaceutical 1mg. tablets. I still have some left over.

He wrote a script for HCG to give to a compounding pharmacy, but I'm not using it now.

You can have him write a script and have a compounding pharmacy fill it. I don't know if big Pharma makes that small of dose. It would be nice if your doctor uses compounding pharmacy.
Everyone is different. I started with T of 150 and Estradiol of 5. After 8 weeks on a protocol of 100mg Test and 1500IU HCG 1x per week, my T went to 300 and E went to 18. Switched to a protocol of 40mg Test EOD and 500IU HCG E4D and after 8 weeks my T went to 800 and E went to 60. That's when I added an AI of 0.125mg 2x per week. Why did I do that? When I switched to the EOD protocol, there was a week I felt fantastic then it went away. I assumed it was from my E rising to my ideal level and then getting too high. I'm going to retest my E in a couple of weeks to see how the AI is working and then reassess.
Wow, that's a very unique response.
I was doing 50mg, twice per week when this test gave these results.
I've lowered my TEST dose to 40mg. twice per week, for a total of 80mg. per week, with no AI. I'm going to retest soon.

What was your E level when you finally felt fantastic?

Everyone is different. I started with T of 150 and Estradiol of 5. After 8 weeks on a protocol of 100mg Test and 1500IU HCG 1x per week, my T went to 300 and E went to 18. Switched to a protocol of 40mg Test EOD and 500IU HCG E4D and after 8 weeks my T went to 800 and E went to 60. That's when I added an AI of 0.125mg 2x per week. Why did I do that? When I switched to the EOD protocol, there was a week I felt fantastic then it went away. I assumed it was from my E rising to my ideal level and then getting too high. I'm going to retest my E in a couple of weeks to see how the AI is working and then reassess.
I meant 0.5 mL. injection split into 2 doses per week for a total of 100 mg.
Now, I'm trying 0.4 mL. split into 2 doses. 80 mg.

Yes...100mg. pr week. Sorry, my mistake. 2.5 of a 1ml syringe. I do that twice per week.
i'm using an insulin needle now, since I've seen Vergel's videos.
I do it IM at 90 degrees, usually in the deltoid.
I think that might be a good idea...to try lowering my T to 80mg.
So, even at that low of a dose, you're saying I might want to ad adex?

Hey Vince,

I'm still new to the T-therapy world & new here so forgive me for responding to an obviously old thread but you noted "some nipple itch is totally normal and acceptable in TRT". I wonder does the itch & in my experience, soreness, ever completely subside? I'm finding too much contradicting info so I'm hoping a more seasoned user can offer solid insight.
If it's helpful, I'm a female & my current T level was tested as being 4. My T-therapy dose is 1ml 2x weekly. Thanks!
Hi Amberlin, this Thread is talking about estradiol levels in men. I have zero experience with trt in women, I've read the posting by feelinglost and I'm sure his wife would be a benefit to you. My fiance does have very sensitive nipples but not in the way you are describing them and she is not and never has been on trt.
Ask Allison Woodworth RN, MSN, FNP-C Questions About Testosterone, HCG, Women's HRT and More
This is why I make my own. My solution is 1mg/ml. So I can dose any amount by drawing the solution into a 1cc syringe. This allows me to c.make small changes in the dose as my labs change. My solution is flexible and cheap.
Besides the vodka, what other liquid could be used and would that change the ratio of 1mg pill to amount of liquid?

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Besides the vodka, what other liquid could be used and would that change the ratio of 1mg pill to amount of liquid?

The liquid has no effect on the ratio. I use vodka because the alcohol acts as a preservative and the pills dissolve better than they would in something like water.
I have been on both ends of spectrum. Highest estrodial sensitive was 67.x (so far) lowest was below 5 and it wasn't the sensitive test (I've been on no AI, upwards of 3mg of AI, and now currently on .125 mg every other day to get e-2 down from 67). I pretty much have felt the same ever since I started TRT 6-17-17, testosterone has ranged from mid 400's to over 1200 in trough too it hasn't mattered. I feel like crap. No nipple sensitivity, at any time, if anything trt has just made me numb where most men wouldn't want to be numb. Trt is a hoax/sham, bunch of b.s. glad so many can feel "great" but I have NEVER felt good. Worst mistake of my life going to a "doctor" then doubling down and going to the most recommended "clinic" on this board thinking I would get better. lmao that's funny
I have been on both ends of spectrum. Highest estrodial sensitive was 67.x (so far) lowest was below 5 and it wasn't the sensitive test (I've been on no AI, upwards of 3mg of AI, and now currently on .125 mg every other day to get e-2 down from 67). I pretty much have felt the same ever since I started TRT 6-17-17, testosterone has ranged from mid 400's to over 1200 in trough too it hasn't mattered. I feel like crap. No nipple sensitivity, at any time, if anything trt has just made me numb where most men wouldn't want to be numb. Trt is a hoax/sham, bunch of b.s. glad so many can feel "great" but I have NEVER felt good. Worst mistake of my life going to a "doctor" then doubling down and going to the most recommended "clinic" on this board thinking I would get better. lmao that's funny
Before anyone ask, I've done injections and cream. Currently testosterone (40mg every other day) and hcg (supposed to be 500iu twice a week, I decided to do 200iu every other day along with my testosterone, feel little better always felt 500iu knocked me down, figured why not try it).
Before anyone ask, I've done injections and cream. Currently testosterone (40mg every other day) and hcg (supposed to be 500iu twice a week, I decided to do 200iu every other day along with my testosterone, feel little better always felt 500iu knocked me down, figured why not try it).
I've donated blood 5 times now because of hemocrits/hemoglobin. Last time was almost 3 weeks ago, did follow up cbc and now they think I need to donate AGAIN who cares about my iron... I'm sick of this. Know these post will be deleted but people need to see the negative of trt

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