High blood pressure after half a year

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tacc est

Hey searched for some answers in the forum, but couldnt really find a specific one.

The thing is that my blood pressure was fine around half a year after I started TRT but the last 1-2 months my blood pressure is often around 130-145 systol and 80 dia, pulse 65. That is quite scary.

When I exercise my pulse goes up but my blood pressure goes down.

Besides other things I got checked my hemoglobin and iron, will find out tomorrow.

I am on 250mg cyp every 2 weeks, the throught was 450ng/dl.

I am just 19 so I dont want to take extra stuff actually.

I expanded my appointment 4 days now to see if the testosterone is causing the high pressure. I don't know how long it takes tho till hematocrit and globin are down again. But the point is still there: why wasnt there a problem for half a year and now there is? I don't find any satisfying answers.

I would appreciate help a lot, thank you in advance!
I would think your hemoglobin and hematocrit are higher, have you every had to donate blood to lower them.
We've pointed out in the past that your protocol is never going to bring you success. That said, if you post your most recent lab results - particularly your CBC - we can develop the conversation.
Ok got it:

ERY (red blood cells) 4.50-5.90 5.15 T/l
hemoglobin 14.0-17.8 15.5 g/dl
RDW 0-14.5 13%
MCH 28-33.5 30.1pg
MCV 80-98 83.3 fl
HKT 40.0-52.0 42.9%
MCHC 30.0-38.0 36.1 g/dl
FE 60-160 151 ug/dl

LH 1.5-9.3 0.0 mU/ml
FSH 1.5-20.4 0.2 mU/ml
E2 11.9-39.8 30.7pg/ml
free test 9.0-27.0 39.7pg/ml

Was taken at the end of the 2 weeks.
It seems that my blood cells are ok so far, could the free test cause the problems?
How long does it for LH and FSH to recover if I would go off cold turkey? He told me that he doesnt want my LH and FSH go to 0.
blood test of 20th April

ery 5.39
hb 15.7
rdw 12.3
mch 29.1
mcv 82.2
hkt 44.3
mchc 35.5
GGT 0-60 9 U/l
KREA 0.60-1.30 0.85mg/dl

LH 2.5
FSH 4.2
These two were actually the same or even a bit higher than the blood test before TRT

E2 16.9
testosterone 1.18-9.48 4.26 ng/ml

Also taken at the end of 2 weeks
Ok I will post a blood test before TRT as well as a better overview:

LH 2.4 mU/ml
FSH 4.0mu/ml
E2 22.5pg/ml
test 3.11 ng/ml (was 3.00 - 8.27 back then)
prolaktin 8.8ng/ml (2.5-17.0)
free t4 1.24ng/dl (0.89-1.76)
t3 97ng/dl (60-181)
tsh 1.47 (0.40-4.00)
As I see it...you're being treated horribly...250mg every two weeks is just plain nuts and irrespoonsible, "DR"(???) says he doesn't want your LH/FSH to go to zero, well that's exactly what happens when you start injecting T...who is this guy that's treating you like this?
As I see it...you're being treated horribly...250mg every two weeks is just plain nuts and irrespoonsible, "DR"(???) says he doesn't want your LH/FSH to go to zero, well that's exactly what happens when you start injecting T...who is this guy that's treating you like this?
In earlier threads all of the concerns Vince Carter raised in this post were brought to your attention. You are a young man, you have some significant health challenges, and you aren't getting the care you deserve. It's a serious issue.
Sry dude, I dont understand CMP and egfr.
I have no idea how my kidneys are, do they get affected so hard by high blood pressure?

He told me it only goes to 0 when he injects too much test, I trusted him on that one...

edit: also my lh and fsh were ok a long time, still irresponsible of me i know

Do you have an idea why my blood pressure is high, tho? My blood cells seem ok, actually, rly weird.
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You need to get better blood work and you are running too much gear at an odd injection time.
Lower the dosage 70mg x2 a week and go from there

250mg every two weeks is an odd protocol to follow, some docs even tell people to inject once a month at 300mg

That is ridiclous. If you are running just test cyp or e you can drop the dosage lower and 2 injections a week to get more stable blood work

70mg 2x a week = 140mg If you follow something like this you wouldn't have such a high spike in your levels. I didn't see all your blood work btw... Just throwing this out there

you can go even lower, a proper TRT dosage is usually 100-150mg a week
You want stability and not an odd spike every once in a while
Honestly I am surprised a Doctor would even treat you at 19........More of a root cause should be looked in to. I f I were you I would stop the T and find a different Doctor.
We made several blood tests before going on test, my LH and FSH were always in the range of the blood work I posted before (blood work before TRT).

We also made 2 sperm works. I was infertile before going on TRT, he told me something must be wrong with my testicles because the sperm count was RLY low (I could watch my sperm actually). Still dont know if I can rly trust him on that one because my LH and FSH should be significantly higher for my age right?

I get your idea but splitted dosage won't help my blood pressure.

If you have knowledge on that please tell me, I rly dont know what to do about it besides getting medication.
Can high free test alone cause high bp, my HKT is actually perfectly fine (42%)
I have an diagnosis of "essential hypertension", which means "nobody knows why". My BP was always 120/72 until suddenly it wasn't anymore. BP meds are just a fact of life for some of us. Your's isn't really high yet, but it's pre-hypertension so you need to keep an eye on it. Don't put off treating with meds if you need them. Do you have a BP monitor you can use at home? Maybe you just have some white coat syndrome (that's a real thing you know) and your BP is normally lower.

I'll pile on though...your protocol is not good. Plot that out steroidcalc.com and you will see why.
Watched it up, my kidneys should be actually fine. creatin is a good factor for it.

Nope, I have measured with my BP monitor several times at home (at least 15 times today) and most of the time it was around 130/80-145/90. My pulse is very low tho most of the time (55-65). The highest systolic I measured so far was 151 which is concerning.
Do you have a CMP lab? That will show your kidney function and electrolytes like sodium and potassium. Your kidneys regulate your BP so if anyone is ever going to try and nail down why you might have hypertension they will start there. However, if your CMP numbers look normal doctors are not going to spend a lot of time trying to figure out your BP because often there isn't any real reason. So you take BP meds and keep an eye on it. Also watch your sodium intake, drink a lot of water, and watch the waist size.
Ok thank you.
My BP is always lower when I get up, I think that should be normal cuz your body was resting.
Just measured 113 75 70

Then it rises is the biggest actually in the evening where it should go down

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