Help on Interpreting Bloodwork...looking for possible trends my endocrinologist might be missing


New Member
Anything stand out to you guys in this bloodwork? The one from August 2013 was ordered by my primary physician. The rest were done by my endocrinologist. I'm going to my urologist next week to see where to go from here.

Date;Test;Result;Reference Interval

06/03/14;Testosterone, Serum;450 ng/dL;348 - 1197
06/03/14;Luteinizing Hormone(LH);4.0 mIU/mL;1.7 - 8.6
06/03/14;ACTH, Plasma;53.0 pg/mL;7.2 - 63.3
06/03/14;Prolactin;11.1 ng/mL;4.0 - 15.2
06/03/14;Free Testosterone(Direct);5.0 pg/mL;8.7 - 25.1
06/03/14;Cortisol - AM;18.6 ug/dL;6.2 - 19.4

12/20/13;Testosterone, Serum; 349 ng/dL;348 - 1197
12/20/13;Luteinizing Hormone(LH);3.6 mIU/mL;1.7 - 8.6
12/20/13;Estradiol; 24.9 pg/mL;7.6 - 42.6
12/20/13;Free Testosterone(Direct);7.0 pg/mL;8.7 - 25.1
12/20/13;Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum;34.2 nmol/L;16.5 - 55.9

09/06/13;Testosterone, Serum;282 ng/dL;348 - 1197
09/06/13;Thyroxine (T4);1.38 ng/dL;0.82 - 1.77
09/06/13;TSH;3.040 uIU/mL;0.450 - 4.500
09/06/13;Luteinizing Hormone(LH);3.3 mIU/mL;1.7 - 8.6
09/06/13;Prolactin;12.4 ng/mL;4.0 - 15.2
09/06/13;Estradiol;26.4 pg/mL;7.6 - 42.6
09/06/13;Insulin-Like Growth Factor I;191 ng/mL;69 - 226
09/06/13;Free Testosterone(Direct);6.7 pg/mL;8.7 - 25.1
09/06/13;Growth Hormone, Serum;<0.1 ng/mL;0.0 - 2.9
09/06/13;Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum;28.6 nmol/L;16.5 - 55.9

08/08/13;Testosterone, Serum;264 ng/dL;348 - 1197
08/08/13;TSH;1.760 uIU/mL;0.450 - 4.500
08/08/13;Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy;30.5 ng/mL;30.0 - 100.0
08/08/13;Free Testosterone(Direct);5.5 pg/mL;8.7 - 25.1
yea lots of things are not right, you are practically running on fumes! what are your stats? age, weight, height, BF%. and why are you doing so many BW's with short time in between?!
I'll be 39 in a couple of months. I'm 6'2" and about 258 lbs and fairly lean (can see my abs). I've been working out for 27 years, and the last few years have been torture. I barely have the energy to get through my activities of daily living yet alone my workouts. Even after a full night's sleep, I don't feel rested. My body hurts. Sex isn't the same. My endocrinologist can't seem to understand why my levels have tanked. With nothing better to say, he advised me to lose weight.
You definitely look deficient on testosterone. Need more thyroid information, including the Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3 and antibodies. Would also be interested in your general labs of CBC's, lipids, metabolic, etc.
agree with Chris, need more labs. have you considered TRT? you might want to call (green banner on right), consultation is free.
Blood history would warrant a complete Thyroid work-up to include:

Free T4
Free T3
Reverse T3
Thyroid Antibodies

Need to see updated SHBG and Albumin as well as PSA.

Free Testosterone is very low and would suggest elevated SHBG.

Honestly, it just looks like age related androgen deficiency.

Are you taking any meds or supplements? Any AAS history? Any head or groin injuries in the past?

What is your work and lifestyle like; under a lot of stress?

Baring anything else you look like a good candidate for TRT; just make sure your Physician is fully trained in TRT for men and know how to ask the right questions.

This can be corrected with a nice TRT protocol which will have a huge impact on the quality of your life:)

Here's a list of the blood work you really need when you see our Doctor next week:

• Total Testosterone
• Bioavailable Testosterone (AKA “Free and Loosely Bound”)
• Free Testosterone (if Bioavailable T is unavailable)
• Estradiol (IMPORTANT: specify “sensitive” assay for males)
• LH
• Prolactin
• Cortisol
• Thyroid Panel (Complete)
• Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
• Lipid Profile
• IGF-1
This is part 1 of the bloodwork my endocrinologist ordered back in September of last year.

Looks like age related androgen deficiency and you are an excellent candidate for both TRT and HGH therapy.

Other than suppressed Testosterone and Growth Hormone everything else looks fine.

Prolactin is higher than I'd want as it may suppress libido and orgasm intensity for some men where it's a problem.

I don't see PSA on any of these labs?

Make sure the Doctor that puts you on both TRT and HGH is totally trained in hormone modulation and management for men. Don't be afraid to ask that question directly. Learn as much as you can here in the forums on TRT and HGH for men so you are educated.

Once you start therapy your life is going to change in a way you won't believe:)
Wow...I didn't think I was low on the GH side. I guess it boils down to my endocrinologist putting too much credence in the reference ranges. In his mind, as long as you are in the range you're good. I knew he wasn't going to be of much help when he said that he wouldn't put me on TRT unless my levels went under 200. This group is awesome. It is giving me some good discussion points to take up with my urologist next week. Thank you everyone.
We don't put much credence in blood reference ranges as we care about optimal and healthy ranges.

If you were 40 points over 200 for Total Test does anyone think that's healthy???

It's not.

He's not trained in hormone replacement for men so don't hope for much help.

Now my Doc would take care you and right quick for that matter.

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