New Blood Tests


New Member
Hey everyone...first thing I want to say is it's a comfort to know that there is a community out there like this one that I can rely on to get good, non pharmaceutical driven advice from. Really thankful for you guys.

I've been on TRT for a little over a month now and just got my 1-month bloods back.
I still don't feel great, maybe a little better. My libido seemed to increase for a bit in the beginning but fell back off. It's not terrible but It's not awesome either. I'm not quite as tired and unmotivated but I'm also not full of energy and driven either. It does seem like my muscles have filled out a bit which has been cool though I've always had pretty good musculature and fairly low body fat. My body fat has dropped off just a bit as well though it wasn't really needed.

One of the things I was worried about was my SHBG so I've been injecting EoD ~24mg (.12ml) Testosterone Cyp and EoD ~200iu (.2ml) HCG. Both IM in the outer quads.

I slowly ramped up the dose when I first started injecting so as not to shock my system. The testosterone I started with .04>.06>.08>.12 then the day after the .08 injection of the test I started the HCG at .12>.14>.16>.18>.2

I got my first round of blood tests at about the 1 month mark after the first injection of testosterone...though I think I should have waited another week to be sure I was at the peak but I'm sure it's fine.

I had fairly low SHBG to start with at 23 nmol/L Range:16.5 - 55.9 and I'm happy to see that it hasn't dropped too far and is still in range at 20.8.

My DHT was at the low end of the range at 32 ng/dL Range:30 - 85, it is up to 43 now.

My E2 seems to be out of range a bit in accordance with the TT:E2 ratio of 14 to 20. Currently I'm at 929 ng/dL:36.9 pg/mL which equals out to ~25 (something I'm not quite sure about is that these are different units: ng/dL vs pg/mL so the actual ratio would be different if I converted into like units but I'm assuming the math on that was already done). I don't have noticeable high E2 symptoms, but I'm wondering if I should try and drop it a bit. I have some .125mg anastrozole that I haven't been taking. Do you guys think I should start on that and if so how much for how long?

Here are all my bloods to date: (Note: I got the LH test out of curiosity just to know that my natural production had actually shut down and wasn't affecting my testosterone numbers)

Date, Time, Test, Level, Reference Range

1/25/18, 8:00 AM, Total Testosterone, 265, 240 - 871, ng/dL

2/1/18, 7:50 AM, Total Testosterone, 474, 240 - 871, ng/dL

7/5/18, 11:53 AM, Total Testosterone, 551, 264 - 916, ng/dL

7/5/18, 11:53 AM, Free Testosterone, 8.4, 8.7 - 25.1, pg/mL

7/24/18, 9:50 AM, Total Testosterone, 321, 265 - 916, ng/dL

7/24/18, 9:50 AM, Free Testosterone, 4.3, 8.7 - 25.1, pg/mL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ALBUMIN, 4.5, 3.6-5.1, g/dL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, GLOBULIN, 2.8, 1.9-3.7, g/dL (calc)

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ALBUMIN/GLOBULIN RATIO, 1.6, 1.0-2.5, (calc)

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, HEMATOCRIT, 45.4, 38.5-50.0, %

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, DHEA SULFATE, 234, 106-464, mcg/dL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, PROLACTIN, 9, 2.0-18.0, ng/mL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, "PSA, TOTAL", 0.5, < OR = 4, ng/mL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, SHBG, 20, 10-50, nmol/L

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, TSH, 2.13, 0.40-4.50, mIU/L

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, "T4, FREE", 1.4, 0.8-1.8, ng/dL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, "T3, FREE", 3.3, 2.3-4.2, pg/mL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, "T3 REVERSE, LC/MS/MS", 14, 8-25, ng/dL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODIES, <1, < or = 1, IU/mL


08/06/18, 7:43 AM, "VITAMIN D, 25-OH, TOTAL ", 34, 30-100, ng/mL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, "VITAMIN D, 25-OH, D3 ", 34, 30-100, ng/mL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, "VITAMIN D, 25-OH, D2 ", <4, 30-100, ng/mL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, GLUCOSE, 88, 65-99, mg/dL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, UREA NITROGEN (BUN), 28, 7-25, mg/dL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, CREATININE, 1.39, 0.60-1.35, mg/dL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, eGFR NON-AFR. AMERICAN, 64, > OR = 60, mL/min/1.73m2

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, eGFR AFR. AMERICAN, 75, > OR = 60, mL/min/1.73m2

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, BUN/CREATININE RATIO, 20, 6-22, (calc)

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, SODIUM, 138, 135-146, mmol/L

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, POTASSIUM, 4.4, 3.5-5.3, mmol/L

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, CHLORIDE, 99, 98-110, mmol/L

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, CO2, 28, 20-32, mmol/L

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, CALCIUM, 9.5, 8.6-10.3, mg/dL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, "PROTEIN, TOTAL", 7.3, 6.1-8.1, g/dL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, "BILIRUBIN, TOTAL", 1.8, 0.2-1.2, mg/dL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE, 60, 40-115, U/L

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, AST, 33, 10-40, U/L

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ALT, 24, 9-46, U/L

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, MAGNESIUM, 2.3, 1.5-2.5, mg/dL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT, 5.1, 3.8-10.8, Thousand/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, RED BLOOD CELL COUNT, 5.16, 4.20-5.80, Million/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, HEMOGLOBIN, 15.8, 13.2-17.1, g/dL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, MCV, 88, 80.0-100.0, fL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, MCH, 30.6, 27.0-33.0, pg

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, MCHC, 34.8, 32.0-36.0, g/dL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, RDW, 12.6, 11.0-15.0, %

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, PLATELET COUNT, 107, 140-400, Thousand/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, MPV, 14.4, 7.5-12.5, fL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHILS, 2968, 1500-7800, cells/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ABSOLUTE BAND NEUTROPHILS, DNR, 0-750, cells/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ABSOLUTE METAMYELOCYTES, DNR, 0, cells/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ABSOLUTE MYELOCYTES, DNR, 0, cells/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ABSOLUTE PROMYELOCYTES, DNR, 0, cells/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES, 1413, 850-3900, cells/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ABSOLUTE MONOCYTES, 490, 200-950, cells/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHILS, 189, 15-500, cells/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ABSOLUTE BASOPHILS, 41, 0-200, cells/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ABSOLUTE BLASTS, DNR, 0, cells/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, ABSOLUTE NUCLEATED RBC, DNR, 0, cells/uL

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, NEUTROPHILS, 58.2, %,

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, BAND NEUTROPHILS, DNR, %,

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, METAMYELOCYTES, DNR, %,

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, MYELOCYTES, DNR, %,

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, PROMYELOCYTES, DNR, %,

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, LYMPHOCYTES, 27.7, %,

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, REACTIVE LYMPHOCYTES, DNR, 0-10 %,

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, MONOCYTES, 9.6, %,

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, EOSINOPHILS, 3.7, %,

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, BASOPHILS, 0.8, %,

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, BLASTS, DNR, %,

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, NUCLEATED RBC, DNR, 0/100, WBC

08/06/18, 7:43 AM, "FOLATE, RBC", 479, >280, ng/mL

08/15/18, 9:33 AM, LH, 4.3, 1.7 - 8.6, mIU/mL

08/15/18, 9:33 AM, FSH, 1.7, 1.5 - 12.4, mIU/mL

08/15/18, 9:33 AM, "Estradiol, Sensitive", 20.4, 8.0 - 35.0, pg/mL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, "Testosterone, Total", 388, 264 - 916, ng/dL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, Free Testosterone(Direct), 10.9, 8.7 - 25.1, pg/mL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, "Cholesterol, Total", 112, 11-199, mg/dL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, Triglycerides, 43, 0-149, mg/dL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, HDL Cholesterol, 45, >39, mg/dL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, VLDL Cholesterol Cal, 9, 5-40, mg/dL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, LDL Cholesterol Calc, 58, 0 - 99, mg/dL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, T. Chol/HDL Ratio, 2.5, 0.0 - 5.0, Ratio

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, Dihydrotestosterone, 32, 30 - 85, ng/dL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, DHEA-Sulfate, 233.3, 102.6 - 416.3, ug/dL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, LH, 4.4, 1.7 - 8.6, mIU/mL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, "Prostate Specific Ag, Serum", 0.5, 0.0 - 4.0, ng/mL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, Insulin-Like Growth Factor I, 167, 83 - 233, ng/mL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, "Estradiol, Sensitive", 21.6, 8.0 - 35.0, pg/mL

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, "Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum", 23, 16.5 - 55.9, nmol/L

9/14/18, 10:12 AM, "Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy", 41.9, 30.0 - 100.0, ng/mL

10/30/18, 10:37 AM, Total Testosterone, 929, 264 - 916, ng/dL

10/30/18, 10:37 AM, Free Testosterone, 20.4, 8.7 - 25.1, pg/mL

10/30/18, 10:37 AM, Dihydrotestosterone, 43, 30 - 85, ng/dL

10/30/18, 10:37 AM, LH, 0.1, 1.7 - 8.6, mIU/mL

10/30/18, 10:37 AM, "Estradiol, Sensitive", 36.9, 8 - 35, pg/mL

10/30/18, 10:37 AM, "Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum", 20.8, 16.5 - 55.9, nmol/L

Sorry if it's a bit too much info but I like to be thorough and hope that all the detail can maybe help someone searching for answers down the road.

Thanks for any input you can give me!
The ratio is garbage. AS you said, no negative E symptoms so no, you should not knock it down more with an AI.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, no more than I was facing originally. ED isn't terrible but present, lack of energy, drive and libido aren't terrible but present. I'm thinking it could be just slightly out and it's making me feel just slightly out.

But of course, I've only been at it a month and the full benefits can take much longer to really manifest.
Usually labs are drawn after your testosterone reaches a stable state, 6 weeks to be precise which is how long it takes to reach a stable state, as it stands now your levels are still fluctuating and so your labs will be quite different in 2 more weeks.

My SHBG is 22 and I feel more consistent on daily dosing.
Usually labs are drawn after your testosterone reaches a stable state, 6 weeks to be precise which is how long it takes to reach a stable state, as it stands now your levels are still fluctuating and so your labs will be quite different in 2 more weeks.

My SHBG is 22 and I feel more consistent on daily dosing.

Interesting, I was using steroid calc to plot the half life and it shows everything leveling out around day 20ish. Can you point me to any studies regarding the 6 week timeline as I may retest if that is the case.

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