I like this answer. You should become an expert on yourself, certainly depending on other qualified people for testing and advice. But when it comes to your own body, YOU are the only one that's truly going to be concerned and paying close attention.
I've been playing the "up and down" game with my health for a number of years. I'm 71, been on TRT for just over 10 years. Some days I feel like I'm 30, but many days I feel my age. It's a constant battle trying to figure out which foods are upsetting the stomach, or did this last round of antibiotics affect me, or am I just stressed out??? Finding the root causes of my issues has been most frustrating, and I'm still not quite there.
Perfect health (which we all want) is an incredibly complex thing, bordering on the surreal. There are so many things that can go wrong, it's a wonder we live as long as we do. Just get in there and start testing and learning. Pay attention to what you are eating and how you feel afterwards. Some exercise may help. Getting enough sleep? Stress levels under control?? etc, etc, etc..... Good luck!