Well because of my initial hesitancy to start with testosterone to begin with, he suggested sticking with the HCG and adding in a tiny tiny dose of an AI once a week. I do not know the exact amount yet as we spoke over the phone (he lives a couple of hours away) and he is sending me the prescription through the post.
He is a great Dr and very open minded but still areas which he could maybe be more informed on. For example, his dosing for T is every 7 to 10 days where as its common knowledge on these forums that people do better twice weekly. He is however the best Dr I have ever seen in the UK. Its almost impossible to get a prescription for HCG or an estrogen blocker in this country so I dont want to lose him! Just feel like with all of your guidance I can double check his opinions.
I don't want to piss him off so I am sort of following his rule a little bit. I need him on my side! He said to add in this AI and re-test bloods in a month.
From your experience do you think this is a wise choice? Or would opting for lower dose HCG twice weekly and some Testosterone be a safer option?
I don't want to have to take an AI if I don't have to!
Since my E2 has raised I am experiencing fatigue/tiredness again, weaker erections, no spontaneous ones, no drive, dull outlook, weaker. Having said this my sleep is so so much better with higher E2. Low e2 I had terrible insomnia. I still feel ''brighter'' than I did before HCG. Its hard to work all the symptoms out.