Thanks for the quick reply!
I supplement with Vitamin D every morning. I have had levels checked numerous times and they are near the top of the range.
If you happen to have the test results it would be helpful but not necessary. I trust that it is top of range, correlating to 200nmol/l or 100ng/ml?
In terms of the AI, from what I understand, the AI does nothing for the intratesticular E2? If I am suffering with that level of E2 at this dose I am concerned that it will only make things worse raising the dose! I am disappointed that I seem to aromatase so much on HCG.
AI is less effective, yes, but 2 questions come to mind, 1 are you experiencing high E2 symptoms? Sometimes there are symptoms that are transient and appear high E2 like, but in fact go away, usually because of suddenly higher levels somewhat "shocking" the body. I hate that phrase lol.
2. I can't seem to find consistent testosterone and E2 tests of yours PRE hCG. You mentioned mostly being low E2, so I'm going to go with that, although I do seem to recall looking at one(not the recent one) that was high.
I am glad you mentioned about the blood count. I've wondered what those levels meant in relation to testosterone levels! They have been about the same for the last two years, every time I am checked its all low/ borderline low.
Yeah that's fairly common and not much to worry about IMO, unless you're having anemia like symptoms, it could be mild IDA.
I am flying to Sweden. I rang the airline regarding everything and they said I needed a Drs note explaining the exact amount of needles, syringes, medication etc I am carrying. I would hate to get to the airport and be denied the flight. It would ruin christmas for my family. Better safe than sorry!
IIRC Sweden is one of the most anti testosterone countries in the world, so it is imperative to have your ducks in a row!
I am wondering whether I should just lower my HCG dose and start Testosterone with it?
Personally, I never saw the point of hCG mono, as it's still suppressive but not usually as effective as TRT. Not really sure of what the goal is with hCG monotherapy, it's not going to "restart" you like clomid is, and isn't successful for many.