Jackie, let me repeat, this bafoon, "A.P.", masquerading as a medical specialist is NOT my endo! I was in consult re thyroid and DHEA at the desire of one of my docs for whom I have great trust and respect.
Thanks to the education offered on these pages the "nightmare" of becoming one of his ghoulish pt's seen in reception was never a possibility. Been there, done that so the experience is unsettling even four days out.
Although endocrine health is a rapidly developing art still in its infancy there is no excuse for either the pompous attitude or the gross misinformation. Furthermore, absolutely everyone is jeopardized when health insurance $$$ are skimmed off in to the pockets of charlatans whether or not we are personally under their "care".
As the U.S. careens off the cliff of health care insolvency the imperative for reform looms like a deadly iceberg. We hope the solution does not curtail drug development or hamstringing legitimate practitioners with over-regulation.
Divergent standards of care driven by sexism, racism or convictions of faith deserve closer attention. A woman just died after being dragged from an ER by police for trespassing. Never rule out social engineering when offered otherwise incomprehensible and unconventional care especially when they lead to sterilization.