I've seen Gene repeatedly post (and he did here again) that any fat pad, particularly the love handles, will work. And I've had Nelson assure me that the area he does his Cyp/HCG combo in the delts is subQ (edit - I was wrong about this being subq, it's shallow IM)...like Vince says he does above.
Just wanted to add my personal method (in which I keep track in a calendar of time, dosage, injection site). So I go in this order: lower-left of belly, lower-right of belly, side-left of belly, side-right of belly, upper-left of belly, upper-right of belly.
Since I do two shots a week, I don't go near the same spot until the 4th week comes around.
At 12.5% bodyfat, I haven't felt the need to change from belly injections yet...but I'll re-evaluate and probably switch to delts if I'm able to lean out more and it becomes an issue.