Hcg daily

I'm currently taking Hcg m,w,f and have been reading some experts are now recommending do 120 iu daily for lower conversion to estradiol and better sex drive. Was looking for some peoples input on here and if they noticed a difference.
I just started doing HCG daily as well in the hopes that it helps sex drive, so I hope somebody has had positive experiences with this method and can chime in on this.

FWIW, HCG has never done anything for my sex drive in the past at any dosing amount or dosing schedule.
For years I was M, W, and F but switched to daily about 2 years ago because it just made intuitive sense to me.

Now, some of the top TRT Docs are prescribing it as a daily as well.

Dr. Crisler, like myself, both inject daily and really like it.

I have a strong libido but it's insane now.

If you can be compliant and stick with a daily small injection I highly recommend it for all the reasons noted.
HcG has kept my nuts alive, but that's all, never had any sense of nothing using it. 250iu EOD, 400iu EOD, 100iu daily, never a thing....libido, sex drive improvement. After all this I reduced down to 100iu EOD and that's all I'll use it for.
Have you guys found that at least low daily dose Hcg has helped the fluctuations in estradiol? I'm really wondering if Hcg is worth it? Seems results very greatly and it makes managing estradiol way more difficult then straight testosterone injections .
I would swear that the few weeks I used 400iu EOD was when my traps and shoulders broke out with the very ugly, deep, painful acne. I never tested Estradiol while solely manipulating the HCG dosing. As I say, I only use it now to keep my balls alive and otherwise the cosmetic factor of shrunken nuts.
it doesn't seem to affect my estradiol much at all, but some guys are more sensitive to HCG than I am.

I do know that many guys that aren't worrying about having anymore kids don't use HCG at all and they feel fine without.

I have been on TRT for 4 years and used HCG most but not all of the time. I honestly cannot feel any difference between using and not using it.
Is that actually proven true? I had heard it but was unsure.

It can be inferred from some of the published studies, as risky as this might be to do.

There have been several published studies where men who are not on TRT have been given anastrozole at a dose of 1mg/day and yet they did not crash their E2. As you know this is a huge dose for a man, and we know that for the vast majority of men on TRT this dosage would crash their E2 easily. So it has been suggested that the reason the men taking 1mg/day didn't crash is because their testis were still the main source of E2 and the anastrozole just can't get to the aromatase there.
Let me say this one more time; if you shut down a hormone like LH and don't replace it with a analog and think that your body is going to function normally and be healthy without it...guess again.

A man can't shut down a hormone like LH and think all things will be honky dory...doesn't work like that.

All of our hormones have multiple functions...not just one.

If you believe that HCG, as an LH analog, is only there to keep your testicles full...you're really missing how complex each individual hormone is.

LH is responsible for the conversion of Cholesterol to Pregnenolone by activating the P450 Side Chain Cleavage enzyme which supports all three metabolic pathway.

What happens if we turn this off?

What then happens to all three metabolic pathways?

Gene I follow the things you are saying. My thing is from being on trt for many years now I never had trouble controlling e2 prior to added Hcg and yes I am doing the sensitive test. But the last few years since adding Hcg my e2 is never the same. I just feel like if I can do just trt without Hcg and not need an ai isn't that healthier then using and ai and Hcg and having trouble battling fluctuating e2? I was under the assumption that using Hcg and needing an ai is worse for my health long term then using just trt? Experts like yourself are great for advice I'm certainly not trying to argue your points just trying to understand the pros cons since Hcg seems to cause e2 issues for me.
I think any one is only debating if they can "feel" anything with HCG, not its LH replicating benefits. It's obviously beneficial, there are LH receptors throughout the body and not inducing organ failure of the Testes is the way to go. I would agree that none is not the way to go. Many men will have psyche issues of the shrunken nuts, how that looks to females, plus there are many reports of pain from the shrinkage and shut down.
I think if you want to use very little you could certainly try that path. I'm liking 100iu EOD.

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