Have to lower my Testosterone dosage


New Member
As i mentioned in a previous post, i have been using 45 mgs of Test cyp twice per week.
results are very good. I have been on for almost 7 weeks.
my issue is the opposite to what most of you have, my Libido is too high. Unfortunately im married and my wife isnt very receptive..lol not fun !!!! im in very good shape, people say im good looking, and im a good husband so there are no issues there. Anyway, im going to try 35 mgs twice per week. I dont want my libido to totally disappear but i do want it lower . I still want my mood and my energy levels to remain elevated. If i can lower the libido but maintain energy and mood, that would be a home run. I will update this dosage in a few weeks.
If this protocol is working for you honestly I wouldn't mess with it.
It takes many guys a decent amount of time working with their doctors to get dialed in.
I'd urge caution at this point.....
I wouldn't mess with a successful outcome, your libido could very well taper down a little bit in the coming months. Sometimes when guys first start their protocols they report insane libidos, then followed by a reduction somewhere down the road. I've never heard anyone be concerned about an incredible libido before.
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You're injecting a very low amount of testosterone already, I agree with the other members. Don't mess with your protocol, in time you should get used to your libido.
Like others have said here. Don't change anything. It is very possible that in a few months your libido will be lower. I had the same "problem". A lot of times the fist few months of TRT your body is still adjusting to it so you can have these extreme feelings on various things like: energy, libido, erections, etc. Give it so more time before changing anything
As i mentioned in a previous post, i have been using 45 mgs of Test cyp twice per week.
results are very good. I have been on for almost 7 weeks.
my issue is the opposite to what most of you have, my Libido is too high. Unfortunately im married and my wife isnt very receptive..lol not fun !!!! im in very good shape, people say im good looking, and im a good husband so there are no issues there. Anyway, im going to try 35 mgs twice per week. I dont want my libido to totally disappear but i do want it lower . I still want my mood and my energy levels to remain elevated. If i can lower the libido but maintain energy and mood, that would be a home run. I will update this dosage in a few weeks.

70mg/week c'mon man pointless to even shut down what endogenous t you had pre-trt! Give it a good 3 months your libido may very well wane!
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75mg/week c'mon man pointless to even shut down what endogenous t you had pre-trt! Give it a good 3 months your libido may very well wane!

Early on, your libido is awakened from a long slumber and you feel differently. Mentally, you over react a bit and your libido feels insane. Over time, while it remains high, it becomes more manageable. You will adjust on your own. The wife, however, is another story. She needs to realize that she has an opportunity to get her husband of yesteryear back. Have you explained it to her? Does she even seem interested? If she doesn't, then there's something seriously off with her libido or your relationship with her.

i live in New England, and like everyone else here, am a Patriots fan. Bill Belichick often talks about the team's need to be good in "all three phases of the game - offense, defense, and special teams." I have explained it to my wife , and she understands, that a man wants a wife good at all three phases of the game as a wife:

Living Room- she's good with friends, family, and can entertain guests. Friends and family like her, she's attractive, engaging, and never embarrasses you. You're proud to be seen with her.

Kitchen- She is good at the chores that are traditionally female. She can cook, but she doesn't have to be gourmet. She keeps the house clean enough and can care for a family and children if you both agree you want them. She can be counted on to be a solid partner, regardless of how you both define family.

Bedroom- Simply put, she rocks your world, and you her's, as often as you both want and need it. This is as important as the other two. She keeps herself reasonably fit, or at least as fit as she can. She should be fun, exciting, and playful in the bedroom. Sex with her is a great time.

I'm no sexist, I know it is a partnership. You better be good in all phases too, these also apply to a husband. If you are good in the three areas, then you have a right to expect she is as well. If you can honestly say you are good in all three, then have a very honest talk about what you need. Do you stay fit? Is your body attractive to her? Are you kind and loving to her, considerate of her needs? Are you a good partner and father if you have kids? If the answer is yes, then she should not be denying you sex. If she's not interested then she needs to have a discussion with her doctor.

As as many have said, you have the opportunity through TRT and pde5s to enjoy sex as good as you both have ever had. Remember those days? You can get it back. As my wife puts it, " You have the testosterone levels of a 20 year old, why wouldn't I want more sex?"
As i mentioned in a previous post, i have been using 45 mgs of Test cyp twice per week.
results are very good. I have been on for almost 7 weeks.
my issue is the opposite to what most of you have, my Libido is too high. Unfortunately im married and my wife isnt very receptive..lol not fun !!!! im in very good shape, people say im good looking, and im a good husband so there are no issues there. Anyway, im going to try 35 mgs twice per week. I dont want my libido to totally disappear but i do want it lower . I still want my mood and my energy levels to remain elevated. If i can lower the libido but maintain energy and mood, that would be a home run. I will update this dosage in a few weeks.

Does not sound like a problem for you, but with your wife. Maybe she needs to see what's up with her hormones, lack of libido, etc. Me, I had to fire mine as I'm not subjugating my sex drive and enjoyment for anyone. Your mileage may vary.

Good luck.

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