Has anyone had erections lasting more than 3 hours with Trimix?

First experience with this product. When prescribed I was instructed to use only 25. I chose to go lighter in caution and took 20. As for the results...within minutes "rock hard". So hard though that some sensation was extremely diminished. The problem was it wouldn't go away. Starting about seven hours in I began google searching in panic and found this site. I did almost everything posters suggested. Warm bath soaks felt the best, especially sitting up in tub rather then laying back. I did the ten minute walk, then twenty, then went another ten for a total of thirty minutes. Was actually harder as the walk progressed. Where I am from the old school sudafed has been banned 100%
i iced and iced keeping the area cooled as much as possible between warm water soaks.
at the 18 hr point I surrenderd and went to emergency. When there I bypassed the waiting list immediately. Four hours later they froze the area, removed several syringes of fluid and ended up over a period of time giving me six shots of the required medicine in the sudafed. After a hour very little results. Dr informed me he was getting a specialist from another hospital in city but it would be about three hours as he was in another operation.
Fell asleep and was woken hours later by dr. When sheets removed to monitor what he had to do swelling had gone way down and crisis averted.
Only advice I can give is go to the Dr sooner then I did.
I have a very low pain tolerance, and this all sounds painful but other then the two freezing needles which were mosquito bites at worse after that it was 100% painless. Even healing pain after is very minor discomfort.
Thanks to the guys who posted here on this. It gave me the courage to get into emergency, I was very scared and freaking out and the postings on here gave me courage.
probably never doing trimix again but wouldn't advise other either way. If you do, start with less. You can always do more the next time.
First experience with this product. When prescribed I was instructed to use only 25. I chose to go lighter in caution and took 20.

Thanks for posting your experience. I use 7 units and the erection lasts between 2 and 3 hours. I can't imagine doing 25 units! I'm surprised you weren't started on a lower dosage.
Really. Omg, as I sit in my lazy boy with cold packs ( licking my wounds "not literally" and feeling stupid, embarrassed and sorry for myself) that news is a bit disheartening. It goes to show I should have researched this better. I thought I was being cleverly cautious taking it down to 20. I am just an average guy, 5.10, 175, athletic and the dr who did the initial set up used those figures to help determine the right dosage for me. I'm not one to blame anyone but myself. No one forced me to go this route and I was the one who inserted the needle. I'm sure somehow in a bit of time I will look back at this and laugh?? Too soon though...grrrrr.
Also as I mentioned before... one big piece of advice to anyone... at four hours try the warm water soak, the walk for ten/20 minutes and if you can get it the sudafed (old school) if there are no results Go to the Doctor or emergency right away. Don't keep trying to self fix for hours and hours like I did. This is one mistake I won't make twice.
thanks for the warm words and thoughts, muchly appreciated 🙂
my health expert said trimix is not safe to use. so i prefer kamagra or generic viagra in its place. Although it takes time to dissolve in the bloodstream, but considered to be safe and pocket friendly.
Viagra is great as long as it works adequately for you. No reason to use trimix if viagra works well. But if (or when) viagra is not longer adequate, then trimix is great and in my 10-years experience using trimix, I think it is safe once you figure out the correct dosage.
Sorry to hear it, I was in the same exact position. I used the Docs recommend dose and had a 6 hour erection I tried to get rid of with the methods you described. I ended up in ER and had them drain it. Not a fun experience for my first time Trimix use. It does get better when you find the right dose. Have Sudafed on hand. I ended up getting a Rx for Injectable Phelylephrine and it has saved me a couple time. I'll use it at the 2 hour mark if I need to and problem resolves in 5 minutes or less..
Really. Omg, as I sit in my lazy boy with cold packs ( licking my wounds "not literally" and feeling stupid, embarrassed and sorry for myself) that news is a bit disheartening. It goes to show I should have researched this better. I thought I was being cleverly cautious taking it down to 20. I am just an average guy, 5.10, 175, athletic and the dr who did the initial set up used those figures to help determine the right dosage for me. I'm not one to blame anyone but myself. No one forced me to go this route and I was the one who inserted the needle. I'm sure somehow in a bit of time I will look back at this and laugh?? Too soon though...grrrrr.
Also as I mentioned before... one big piece of advice to anyone... at four hours try the warm water soak, the walk for ten/20 minutes and if you can get it the sudafed (old school) if there are no results Go to the Doctor or emergency right away. Don't keep trying to self fix for hours and hours like I did. This is one mistake I won't make twice.
thanks for the warm words and thoughts, muchly appreciated 
I'm certain that the formulations/strengths have changed over the years since this thread started, but I'm surprised at the starting dosages still being mentioned. There are many different strengths of Tri-Mix, and it's best to start very, very conservatively to see what happens.

A local urologist that I'm friends with uses SBH, a compounding pharmacy in Columbus, OH and their starting dosage is 0.4cc. That's not a typo. It's expensive and a weak formulation. On the other hand, I get Tri-Mix from Empower and the starting dosage is 0.04cc - 1/10th of SBH's formulation because Empower's is much more powerful.

I would honestly not try more than 4 or 5 units (0.04-0.05cc) the first time no matter what your doctor tells you just to be on the safe side. You might need more try increasing just 2-3 units at a time for desired results, or you might be an over-responder.

And when you get Sudafed (Pseudoephedrine), make sure to get the 4-6 hour version. The 12 hour version releases a lot slower.
Finding the correct dose is very tricky. I have used 0.08 and had almost no reaction, then used 0.10 and had a 35 minute erection. Then used 0.11 and experienced priapism with an EXTREMELY hard erection. More than anyone would really want. Felt like my unit was about to explode. I thought I was headed for trouble so after one and a half hours took 6 pills sudafed (180mg) crushed which did zero. Half hour later another 60 mg. Zip. Then another 30 mg for a total of 270 mg sudafed. And yes it was the right kind of sudafed. My penis just laughed at it. But I wasn't laughing. At 4 hours started the ice packs and doing jumping jacks as my doc had recommended. No effect. After 5 hours was barely diminished enough to point downward in my underwear but still pretty hard. Finally mostly down at 6.5 hours. I started wondering why so sensitive. I know that we aren't supposed to take Viagra or other ED oral meds with TriMix which I don't so I started looking at my meds I use for blood pressure. I take Losartan for BP which has been shown to have a side effect of increased sexual performance in men. I wonder if that's the culprit but if so, then why not a solid erection at a lower dose. I am thoroughly confused.
The urologists don't have any idea. They start you with way too much because they are ignorant. I do 1.0 and get hard for 3 hours. Don't trust your stupid doctor. Do your own research.

You do mean .10 (or .1), right? Not 1.0, as that equates to 100 units in an insulin syringe! You meant to say 10 units, right? 10 units is .10 ml or cc's (they are the same) -- so .10 is 1/10th of a full 1.0 cc/ml. -- 1.0 will say 10 on an insulin syringe (like a 30 gauge, 3cc, 1-inch needle syringe). On such a syringe, the full-up mark is 30 units, or 3 cc/ml. Shooting a full 100 units (what you said as 1.0) into your penis would blow the head off & into orbit! Hope that was a typo....

Many of you are talking about OLD SCOOL sudafed. Please tell me what is the molecule in it. In France it is Pseudoephedrine, therefore I do not know if it is the good product.

Thank you for your advices.

Many of you are talking about OLD SCOOL sudafed. Please tell me what is the molecule in it. In France it is Pseudoephedrine, therefore I do not know if it is the good product.

Thank you for your advices.
When we reference "Sudafed" for priapism, we are referring to Pseudoephedrine, yes. Products containing Pseudoephedrine are restricted in the US because the chemical can be used to manufacture amphetamines. So there is a newer, Sudafed formulation that uses Phenylephrine as the active ingredient. Phenylephrine is less effective for some people when it comes to treating nasal congestion and it does absolutely nothing for priapism. You must get the version that contains Pseudoephedrine.

Also note that you need to get the 4-hour version. The 12-hour extended release acts too slowly and is ineffective. The 4-hour usually comes in 30mg tablets.

Bottom line: Pseudoephedrine in 30mg tablets.
If bumping up my PT-141 doesn't help me, then I may try Trimix again. Tried it years ago and didnt do much for me, but maybe I need to go up in dose a bit. I have NEVER found anything that has helped me for 25 years.
Dear Jason, Thank you very much for the advices. I have bought (in France)some free prescription medication with 30mg pseudoephedrine and 200mg ibuprofen. Then I can take 2-4 tablets when necessary. There is no information about slow or quick release. But anyway I beleive if I crush it it should be quick anyway. Right ?

I have experienced trimix fo 3 weeks now. About 8 injections. I see when I use 0.09ml I get only soft erection and 0.10, I get hard for 3-4+ hours. And even same 0.10 dosage can give different results from acceptable erection to 4 hours full erection. Kind of tricky ! When hard, It seems I am always flirting with the max 3-4h max time.

My question is WHEN do we consider the erection have subsided? Because we never get from rock hard and suddenly it is soft. Example, last time, from h+0:00 to h+3:00, I could bend my penis at maybe 20° (which is rock hard for me). From h+3:00 to h+6:00 I could bent it at 90° , still quite hard for penetration. From h+6:00 to h+8:00, I could bend it 120°. Which is not a hard rock erection for sure but still a ok erection for penetration. After h+8:00 it was soft enought to bend it completely (180°) but still quite engorged. Therefore, from h+4:00 to h+8:00 I was wondering if I should panick or not . I should precise there was no really pain, just unconfortable sensation after h+4:00, like I felt it was engorged and the tissues where stretched for a long time.

As a resume, my question is : when we say it is dangerous we have an erection more than 4 hours, what hardness of erection exactly should we consider dangerous?
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Probably I was too long with my previous message.

To put it clear and simple: when we say an erection of more than 4 hours is dangerous. What kind of hardness is dangerous? Example, If I can bend it max 90° with my hands after 4 hours, is it still dangerous ? I am sure one of you have an idea... no ?
Probably I was too long with my previous message.

To put it clear and simple: when we say an erection of more than 4 hours is dangerous. What kind of hardness is dangerous? Example, If I can bend it max 90° with my hands after 4 hours, is it still dangerous ? I am sure one of you have an idea... no ?

Blood sitting in your penis for that long can coagulate and lead to gangrene and vascular damage
Then you say that if at h+4, I can bend the penis 90°, it is still not good ? Then what is an acceptable erection after h+4 ? Do not you beleive there is little blood circulation if I can bend it 90° ? I beleive I have read on this forum that if after 4 hours it continue to subside even slowly, it is fine. But I do not find the post again, therefore I am not sure.
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I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much. Again, I think I have asked to much questions at the same time. Therefore most important is : what is an acceptable erection hardness after h+4 ?

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