Has anyone had erections lasting more than 3 hours with Trimix?

i had used trimix 4-5 times in my life for ''very special occasions''
with 0,15cc or 0,20cc i can have sex for 2,5 hours or almost 3 hours.
if i want to go for 4-5 hours for ''once in a lifetime'' experience , dating with a girl working in porn industry, how many cc i have to use ? between 0,30cc - 0,40cc ?
off course i do not forget the risk of priapismus.
Please excuse my humorous note about a serious topic, priaprism. The VA passed along a patient to me, that lived out in the boon docks for me to check on. He was wheelchair bound, and required a fair amount of assistance. However he was always the first to come up with a joke when we met. One visit I arrived and he had just watched a TV ad about a drug that had priaprism as a side effect, he said, " I don't see why you should go to the Emergency Room after 3 hours, shouldn't you just get another woman or two?"
Got my first dose from the doctor on Friday .25 in the shaft 10 minutes latter hard as a rock. Went home had a good round with the wife. Dam penis would not go down took sudifid like doc said. That didn't work so went to the store got the stuff behind the counter that did not work. Drove my self to the ER. Spent 2 hrs in the ER . First they give you shots to numb your penis then they suck blood out of your penis then they give you three shots to make it go down. Never again IMG_1619.webp
I am so sorry to hear!
I tell people NEVER to use more than .12 cc to start with. Some doctors know shit!

If you ever decide to use Trimix again, get this prescription:


"[FONT=&quot]Inject 1mg (1mL) of Phenylephrine HCl 0.1% into the penis every 3-5 minutes until detumescence occurs for up to one hour. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]After injection, the puncture site should be compressed and the corpora cavernosa massaged to facilitate drug distribution. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Smaller volumes should be used in children and patient with severe cardiovascular disease"[/FONT]
im 26 years old . i use trimix just for fun with some girls. i use rarely maybe 1 time per month.
i usually try .20 cc for 2-3 hours.
but one day i used .40 cc and i had a very firm erection for 5 hours. but then i was fine . flaccid after 5 hours no need visit to ER .
my original doctor for TRT and ED prescribed trimix to me for my ED. He tested me on another injectible medication but I had little response to it so He just prescribed me trimix. It works. I will give you that. But it doesn't stop working . I ended up at the hospital. In surgery for Priapism ( overnight stay ) Emergency Doc said it was a bad one. Then 1 month later I had to have an implant put in because the mussel in my Penis was so damaged and it didn't work at all. Now I have an inflatable penis but I lost the feeling in the glands.no feeling in the head at all. what an experience to go through after the fact that I got brave enough to inject my penis myself. Side note .. I quit that doctor as soon as I got out of the hospital the first time and the Surgeon the hospital called in to do the surgery is the same one that did the implant and is now my main TRT / implant doctor. He is great.
I wish I had found him before all this mess happened
my original doctor for TRT and ED prescribed trimix to me for my ED. He tested me on another injectible medication but I had little response to it so He just prescribed me trimix. It works. I will give you that. But it doesn't stop working . I ended up at the hospital. In surgery for Priapism ( overnight stay ) Emergency Doc said it was a bad one. Then 1 month later I had to have an implant put in because the mussel in my Penis was so damaged and it didn't work at all. Now I have an inflatable penis but I lost the feeling in the glands.no feeling in the head at all. what an experience to go through after the fact that I got brave enough to inject my penis myself. Side note .. I quit that doctor as soon as I got out of the hospital the first time and the Surgeon the hospital called in to do the surgery is the same one that did the implant and is now my main TRT / implant doctor. He is great.
I wish I had found him before all this mess happened
my man i have overdosed trimix without any visit to ER . you were so unlucky i think.

Not true. I followed my Uros advice(in fact he did my first injection and I ended up in the hospital with a priapism. 7 hr erection.

While priaprism can happen it is a very rare event. Follow the correct dosing and injection instructions as prescribed by your Doctor.

If you do, you won't end up in the hospital.

Do exactly as instructed and you won't have a problem.

I've probably used Trimix 20 or more times and never had an issue, other then incredible sex.
How long did you take to get to the hospital?

my original doctor for TRT and ED prescribed trimix to me for my ED. He tested me on another injectible medication but I had little response to it so He just prescribed me trimix. It works. I will give you that. But it doesn't stop working . I ended up at the hospital. In surgery for Priapism ( overnight stay ) Emergency Doc said it was a bad one. Then 1 month later I had to have an implant put in because the mussel in my Penis was so damaged and it didn't work at all. Now I have an inflatable penis but I lost the feeling in the glands.no feeling in the head at all. what an experience to go through after the fact that I got brave enough to inject my penis myself. Side note .. I quit that doctor as soon as I got out of the hospital the first time and the Surgeon the hospital called in to do the surgery is the same one that did the implant and is now my main TRT / implant doctor. He is great.
I wish I had found him before all this mess happened
The urologists don't have any idea. They start you with way too much because they are ignorant. I do 1.0 and get hard for 3 hours. Don't trust your stupid doctor. Do your own research.
I had used it once before. I had an erection that lasted for four hours. just as I was panicking it went down. this time like a dumb butt I had waited for hours and it hadn’t gone down. So I Waited. Another Hour And it Still Hasn’t Gone Down. So I Went to The Hospital. Then They Tried Shots. They Did Nothing. Tried Shots again. They Did Nothing. They waited a half an hour between each shot. Then they called the surgeon. It took him an hour and a half to get there. Another hour for prep to get the surgery ready. And then they did the surgery. So yeah took way too long.
I think there is some confusion regarding unit of volume vis a vis Trimix

The urologists don't have any idea. They start you with way too much because they are ignorant. I do 1.0 and get hard for 3 hours. Don't trust your stupid doctor. Do your own research.

I am 66 and a regular user of Trimix, and I am appalled by the lack of precision with regard to dosage
recommended or being used. People throw numbers around that will get some one hurt

if you use a standard insulin syringe, the capacity is 1/2 milliliter or .5 (that's point 5 cc !).

I am pretty sensitive. My first "test" shot at the urologist put me in the ER about 6 hours later.
a dose of .07 cc (not even to the first .1) will generally give a penetration grade erection that does not last more than an hour, and is nice if you have plans later on and don't care to deal with a boner in public.
Raising the dose to .09 to .1 will generally result in a 3+ hours erection, and let's hope your partner's junk is up to the task. I am sure others have significantly different requirements, but for Pete's sake
start slow, when sober and thinking clearly, you only have one (already malfunctioning) **** !

Point is, in my case, the syringe is never more than 20 percent full. I would never let an amateur do the injection, you must avoid the big veins under the skin, and if you don't compress the area for at least a minute, you run the risk of a ugly bleed under the skin.

Just make sure you understand the units involved, please !
Just go slow and steady with dose. Make sure you have Sudafed or Phenlyephrine nasal spray. You can take up to 240mg of Sudafed as long as you aren't on heart meds. If you do end up with a solid erection lasting longer then 2 hours you should seek out a doctor. It just takes a shot to bring it back down. The longer you wait though the worst it gets and you would have to get the blood drained if you wait too long.

i dont udnerstand how someone can have a prolonged erection can't they just ejaculate a bunch of times and eventually it will go down?
i dont udnerstand how someone can have a prolonged erection can't they just ejaculate a bunch of times and eventually it will go down?

It doesn't work like that, while ejaculating multiple time might help, These types of erections are NOTHING like your used to! And your penis will go slightly numb from having this prolonged erection.
they are what I call (for lack of a Better work) violent! I tried ice packs, exercise, cold showers, nothing worked!! Not even a little.
This type of erection is NOT fun at all (if that's what your thinking)?

Yeah they will "eventually" go down!!
After 4 hours your risking permanent damage so how much longer do you want to Wait for it to go down on its own?

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