Has anyone experienced or heard of night sweats with low e2?


I recently had my first sensitive estradiol test. It came back as very low (10). Not only that, but since the blood was taken, I had taken two doses of 0.25mg anastrozole, so I can only assume that my e2 has gone a lot lower than 10 (crashed). But I've also been having symptoms which align with high e2. Whilst I realise there are a lot of symptoms that are common to both high and low e2, night sweats is one I've only ever seen mentioned with high e2, never low. I have been waking up very sweaty many times a night for the past week or two.

Has anyone seen this with low e2?

Is there any possibility the results of my sensitive test are wrong and I'm actually high e2? I did have a non-sensitive test done prior to the sensitive one and it said I had high estradiol.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
While I have/had high E2 the symptoms I suffered were bloating/water retention, sore nipples, acne, and oily skin.

“Thankfully” I have high SHBG (70+) so it keeps my free E in check and I never experienced moodiness or PMS type symptoms.

Now....when I took just THREE doses of AI at .125mg over a week and a half....it felt like it was killing me.
Heart palpitations, anxiety, and a panic attack.

So from what I have read, high and low E can have similar symptoms.
But for me, high E2 was WAAAAYYYY better then the AI.

With you super low E2 I would ditch the AI and let your E2 come back up.
Then, and only then, should you treat the E2 if you have symptoms.

And please know, you can sometimes keep E2 in check by adjusting your T dosing amounts and/or frequency.

That is route I am taking. I will stop TRT before ever taking AI again.

It seems people are way to quick to jump on the AI train. A little research will show it has some very bad long term side effects.

Good luck.
Anastrozole is a dangerous chemical especially if your sensitive to it. I have a couple of tells when E2 is low. Get a little flushed & sweaty at night, then shoulders start feeling arthritic & finally my forearm & bicep tendons start to get achy. I've crashed once & come close like you a second time but noticed the signs early had a test & had a month off then more than halved my old dose.
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I recently had my first sensitive estradiol test. It came back as very low (10). Not only that, but since the blood was taken, I had taken two doses of 0.25mg anastrozole, so I can only assume that my e2 has gone a lot lower than 10 (crashed). But I've also been having symptoms which align with high e2. Whilst I realise there are a lot of symptoms that are common to both high and low e2, night sweats is one I've only ever seen mentioned with high e2, never low. I have been waking up very sweaty many times a night for the past week or two.

Has anyone seen this with low e2?

Is there any possibility the results of my sensitive test are wrong and I'm actually high e2? I did have a non-sensitive test done prior to the sensitive one and it said I had high estradiol.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

likewise need to know your SHBG at this time, works hand-in-hand with the LC/MS/MS test which is just a snapshot of a larger piece of determining what is high and low E for the individual guy. If you have an SHBG of 10, an LC/MS/MS number of 10 would not necessarily be indicative of low E, for that particular guy. SHBG binds E just like it does T, and Free T, etc
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Yes definitely. Crashed E2 and serious night sweats go hand in hand. I can testify to this from personal experience confirmed by labs.

I don't know if high E2 can cause night sweats or hot flashes but low E2 definitely can. It's the same in women. PMS and menopause are associated with low E2 and both come with hot flashes and night sweats.
Thanks Leesto, that's very helpful information. When you crashed your E2, what did you do to get it higher again? It was suggested on here I take DHEA. I've ordered some and it should be here in the next couple of days. I'm just not sure how much to take. Suggestions?
Mike9876 when I crashed my E2 I didn't know about DHEA or other E2 remedies and so I just waited till it bounced back. It took 30 days before I noticed a lessening of the symptoms, 60 days till I knew I was recovering, and 90 days to return to my previous level.

A year later I started taking DHEA and it had immediate and dramatic benefits. I posted in another thread about that: https://www.excelmale.com/forum/threads/dhea-interesting-results.15757/ . However my E2 labs didn't change much after starting DHEA. Actually, E2 went down from 36 to 28 over the next 6 months. I started on 50 mg per day but I now take 25 mg per day. The DHEA benefits have continued for me even though the DHEA readings on my labs are little changed. Go figure.

Some guys also mention that HCG can increase E2. I can't confirm or deny that and like most TRT regimens each of us will react differently. I am a very low SHBG guy naturally.

Best regards,
Yes night sweats for me too when low e2.

Usually i wake up with totally drained bed/pillow.

Lower your dose immediately or discontinue the AI alltogether.
I sweat like crazy when my E is high, never have on the lower end but I've never been crashed out either. E is all relative to the SHBG...you have to remember SHBG binds to E just like it does to T. So looking at what amounts to bound up E such as with the LC/MS/MS testing only gives a small snapshot of what matters. Just like Free T, Free E is ultimately what matters when discussing E levels
Thanks for the info guys. So Vince, given I have an SHBG around 21, what do you think that means for me. My sensitive Estradiol test returned a result of 10. HOWEVER, this test was done and THEN I took two lots of 0.25mg anastrozole on two consecutive days as I believed at the time I had high E2.
Sorry, what I was asking is, how does my low SHBG affect how I interpret my E2 number? For instance, 10 is a very low number in general, but is it low for me given my SHBG? I'm just trying to understand how SHBG affects how you look at E2 numbers.

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