my natural levels prior to TRT were in the high 400's, low 500's. Not optimal, but not terrible, so I wanted to give TRT a ride and see how I did (I am a 33 year old healthy male.) Worse case scenario I get off and reboot back to my baseline. I started with compounded T-gel at 50mg per day and 500 IU of hcg in divided dosages. This regiment got me about 480 TT, so pretty much what I was naturally. I switched to 100mg per day with the T-gel and this got me about 580 TT, a little better but I felt like I could get that high naturally. My compounding pharmacy filled my next RX with T-cream instead of gel, I said what the hell lets try it out. My TT came back in the high 400's, but DHT was a little above max range (All topical labs were taken 2-3 hours after application on delts or upper back). Felt decent, not spectacular, TT was still not optimal. My doctor and I discussed of upping my topical to 200mg/day or going back to injections. I have a bottle of Cypionate at home so I opted to try injection and I have been doing SUB Q 60mg Tue/Fri witch 250 IU HCG M/W/F for about 3 weeks. Cypionate is injected with a 30g 1/2 into my upper glutes on the fat pad. Don't notice anything quite yet as far as subjective experiences. I have labs and appointment with my TRT doc in about a month but I am going to see my PCP next week for labs and I told him to throw in a TT so I will see where this regiment is taking me as far as TT. To be honest, I almost felt better on topical but I will ride out sub Q injections at least until my next appointment with my TRT doc. If I don't feel any better, I might actually go back to a high dose T-gel (200mg per day) and see if that can raise me higher than a TT of 580 on 100mg/day.