Greetings and Introductions


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Hi All,

Thought I'd register and introduce myself after this site was recommended by a treatment provider for great support and info. I am a 28 year old male in California, and recently began TRT after disturbingly low numbers and years of symptoms. I'm here to read people's stories and learn more about the body and staying healthy. It would be nice to know why I declined so rapidly and early in life, though I understand the answers aren't always going to be easy. Until I find them, just want to make sure I do things right with TRT and can move ahead in life. Thanks everybody for being here to share and read. Surely, I will post specific questions when I am a bit more educated about TRT, but for those who have the interest or time to read my story, I've included details below. Thanks everyone!

-Symptom History: This past March, 2015, I needed to explore serious help after several years of worsening libido, ED, mood swings, and anxiety. Several psychs and therapists had helped me work through my anxiety, but my ADHD had become a major burden as well and the lack of executive functioning skills on top of the low motivation to engage in life lead me to seek comprehensive blood tests. I had been on Adderall at 60mg per day IR for one year and never used any medication for any psychological dysfunction prior. I was barely outside the diagnostic criteria of typical MDD or Bipolar II, etc, and was struggling to finish graduate school before I failed out despite being highly regarded in my work. Physically, I have always been an athlete and exercise and a clean diet have been paramount to my mental health.
-Lab Results/Treatment:
-In 2012 I recall a blood test that noted my hematocrit was at 51%, but I was in superior shape at the time and Dr. didn't think much of it or test other hormones.
-In March, 2015, my FSH was tested as healthy, my testosterone was around 750 total, and folate, B12, and other metabolic results were excellent despite the above symptoms. Doctor concluded I must be depressed and put my on Lexapro 10mg, then switched me to Wellbutrin 300mg XL for side effect reasons.
-First week of July, 2015: serum testosterone 148, FSH 2.5, Prolactin 9.7, PSA 0.4, hemoglobin 15.1.
-Second week of July, 2015: serum testosterone 360, FSH 6.6, Prolactin 3.2. Note that I had taken ten days of clomid at 50mg in between these two tests because I felt so horrible and my doctor wanted to start TRT but had me waiting on insurance. When second result came back I ceased clomid as it was not prescribed and began TRT under care of my Dr. We have done two injections so far- 1st week was 100mg Test Cypionate and unknown dose of HcG. I felt nothing but understand it takes time. Yesterday I had second treatment and Dr. administered 120mg "blend" of test Cypionate and Propionate with a B12 shot and more hcG. Still feel like garbage but here I am ready to learn and engage. Thanks for reading.
I wonder if your low T in July was caused by SSRIs. Your March values were healthy. How old are you?

Many guys do not feel that great on Clomid even though the drug makes their blood work look awesome.

Are you sleeping well on Wellbutrin?
Agree with Nelson, I've seen SSRI's have a negative effect on gonadotropin production in the pituitary. You've noted your FSH, but also need to know the LH value, which directly signals the leydigs for testosterone production?

Thanks for joining, welcome to EM!
Thanks for the responses - I am sorry to take a few days to respond, I wanted to ask my psychiatrist about the effects of Wellbutrin, Adderall, and the discontinued Lexapro on my endocrine functioning. It seems I can't get a clear answer on it, because there isn't much medical study evidencing a clear connection between SSRIs or N/ERI's and stims and lowered testosterone and hormone balance. But there is so much anecdotal evidence from people all over, and my doctor that prescribes TRT immediately attributed things to adrenal burnout and SSRI affecting pituitary and screwing things up down the chain. My psychiatrist, of course, discounted any of this - though he admit SSRI-class drugs are still poorly understood and everyone reacts differently. It's funny because I just had my genome data mapped and several polymorphism indicate I am particularly likely to receive no benefits from BOTH Wellbutrin and Lexapro. It is really the only variable between now and last March, so I have to be suspicious. Down to lowest dose of WB, disposed of all my Adderall, kinda impulsively and to the surprise of my psychiatrist, and have focused on sticking to the basics - routine sleep, work, and eating cycles. This has been hard because my ADHD severely interferes with particular aspects of my daily functioning, and I am trying to study for the California Bar Exam right now. Still, it is all very scary for me, and ever since I took the Lexapro my body has been off it's rhythm (I didn't sleep for an entire week when I started it, and had surges of brain electricity when I stopped). I still miss about one night of sleep per week and I'm highly stressed out, which likely doesn't help.

As far as I know my LH has not been tested. Should I ask for this test or others? I'll keep everyone updated after I have a washout period from the polypharma prescriptions. I'm due for my third 100mg test cyp and HcG shots on Monday, but haven't noticed much difference, though I am notoriously poor at recalling my own feelings and habits with exactitude.

Thanks guys.
Welcome aboard and this is a great forum full of great Mods and factual info + Polite members ! Can't say enough about you wise choice to join !

I was scripted Lexapro and it was like acid to me ! I could not sleep and I was seeing things and could not even drive ! Even after I stopped taking took about 3 days to return to semi normal and I only ingested prescribed amount for 3 days ?

Now I am having Benzo issues due to sever Trauma and scripted Xanax in 02 and the Dr's just kept increasing and next to impossible to stop after 13 years and no on Clonapen and stiil require some xanax ! Benzos reduce Serotonin and BBCA levels in the Brain and that is why so hard to kick after so long the brain requires these compounds and no longer produces ! Can not stop cold turkey like opiates ! I tried and had a Blood Pressure reading or 278 over 60 and heart rate of 190 when relaxed ! I had not researched this level of blood pressure or heart rate and I am fortunate to be alive !

But mind over matter and make myself go to the gym ! 99% of gym time is showing up !
Welcome aboard and this is a great forum full of great Mods and factual info + Polite members ! Can't say enough about you wise choice to join !

I was scripted Lexapro and it was like acid to me ! I could not sleep and I was seeing things and could not even drive ! Even after I stopped taking took about 3 days to return to semi normal and I only ingested prescribed amount for 3 days ?

Now I am having Benzo issues due to sever Trauma and scripted Xanax in 02 and the Dr's just kept increasing and next to impossible to stop after 13 years and no on Clonapen and stiil require some xanax ! Benzos reduce Serotonin and BBCA levels in the Brain and that is why so hard to kick after so long the brain requires these compounds and no longer produces ! Can not stop cold turkey like opiates ! I tried and had a Blood Pressure reading or 278 over 60 and heart rate of 190 when relaxed ! I had not researched this level of blood pressure or heart rate and I am fortunate to be alive !

But mind over matter and make myself go to the gym ! 99% of gym time is showing up !

Thanks for sharing, it definitely sounds like you have a positive attitude despite the road ahead for you. Nothing wrong with maintaining your benzo dose and working with your doctor to make slow reductions over months or even years. Benzo withdrawal is no joke, and physical dependency is a serious cage to break out of. Just a quick thought, have you talked to your doctor about trying out Etizolam? It is still legal in all but a few states, so you could potentially buy it on the internet if your doctor cannot find it. My thought is that it shows less likelihood of dependency, some evidence of reverse tolerance, and adequately substitutes (in many cases to prevent WDs) with other, similar duration benzodiazepine class drugs. Bottom line is that you know your body best, your doing what's right to seek care and advice of professionals, and you have the motivation and will to find the choice you can live with that is most healthy. Whatever you choose, best of luck in the journey and I'm encouraged that you will keep improving.

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