Sleeping better now. I have had a kilo of Gaba on the shelf for a while, just recently I have tried to take about 3 grams of GABA and 3 Grams of glycine before sleeping.
I have never had a problem following asleep, but I often wake up with a racing mind several times a night. And then it is hard to get back to sleep, and if I do I often wake up in a couple of hours. Melatonin used to make me sleepy, now it seems to have little effect, and any effect it does have only lasts a few hours. I stopped taking melatonin, I was concerned that too much would throw off the natural cycle and it never seemed to help me stay asleep.
Taking the GABA/glycine has so far really changed my ability to stay asleep . now I sleep all night long, maybe I wake up once to pee, maybe not.
So far because I have only tried it for about 5 days. It also seems to have a calming effect, but it might just be the better sleep that I am feeling.
Nothing magical about the 3 grams it was only because I took about a 1/2 tablespoon, likely I could take less. It's a bulk supplement, so i have a kilo in a bag.
After about 5 min I do get a skin flush and tingle on my face/hands from the GABA, but it goes away after 15 min. First time I took it during the day I got a drop-in blood pressure for about 15 mins, now the few times I tested BP I don't see that.
I am thinking it's mainly the Gaba supplement that is affecting me. In the past I did experience some vivid dreams after taking glycine, then after a few days it didn't seem to happen.
Sometime in the future I will only take the Gaba, maybe reducing the total, experiment a little with it. Probably drop it to 1500 mg.
Some bodybuilders believe GABA naturally stimulates the synthesis of human growth hormone (HGH). I have no idea it that is true.
Note that HGH is released during the first few times you experience stage 3 sleep. Sleep deprivation has a big impact on your sleep cycles, and consequently impacts how much, if any, of your HGH gets released during your initial cycles of stage 3 sleep.
So maybe sleeping better is what is really improving HGH, hard to know.
Many people have problems with sleep, just passing along my recent experiences.