Future FDA restrictions on trt use?

And stop getting your info from the media.
They’ve lied about so many things at this point I’m not sure how anyone could believe mainstream sources. The FDA and companies like Pfizer are also a revolving door between one another with employment it seems. It’ll be interesting to see if they try to make monkey pox another Covid cash cow. They’re even rebranding it because it doesn’t sound scary enough. They say it’s because monkeys make people think of black people, but I don’t think anybody heard ‘monkey pox’ and thought of black people. Not one person. Not one black person probably complained, either.

In general the FDA seems to be on a big push to ban anything generic and cheap that helps people stay healthy, like NAC and test. Considering the people least likely to be taken out by Covid seem to mostly be those that are younger and in good health, I would imagine someone that’s hormonally in their 20’s would objectively do better if they got Covid. Be interesting to see a study on that. Everything the FDA banned during the Covid years ended up being things that helped people deal with Covid. Even getting a guy on test and having him eat better and lift would seemingly be better for dealing with Type 2 diabetes in many people than having them on insulin forever.
A great example in recent history (outside of Covid) can be seen in the documentary The Crime of the Century: https://www.hbo.com/documentaries/the-crime-of-the-century

And, the book and series on Hulu, Dopesick: Dopesick

Well worth the watch for both. There is a reason we don't teach how the Fed, CDC, FDA, CIA, etc. really work in high school. So it's incumbent on us/you to see where you tax dollars go to waste and fight to do something about it.

Sorry, I don't want to derail this thread, so this is my last post on the 'politics' of the FDA, but it is my duty to help my fellow humans be knowledgable so we can take control back on our health and our future.
They’ve lied about so many things at this point I’m not sure how anyone could believe mainstream sources. The FDA and companies like Pfizer are also a revolving door between one another with employment it seems. It’ll be interesting to see if they try to make monkey pox another Covid cash cow. They’re even rebranding it because it doesn’t sound scary enough. They say it’s because monkeys make people think of black people, but I don’t think anybody heard ‘monkey pox’ and thought of black people. Not one person. Not one black person probably complained, either.

In general the FDA seems to be on a big push to ban anything generic and cheap that helps people stay healthy, like NAC and test. Considering the people least likely to be taken out by Covid seem to mostly be those that are younger and in good health, I would imagine someone that’s hormonally in their 20’s would objectively do better if they got Covid. Be interesting to see a study on that. Everything the FDA banned during the Covid years ended up being things that helped people deal with Covid. Even getting a guy on test and having him eat better and lift would seemingly be better for dealing with Type 2 diabetes in many people than having them on insulin forever.
The FDA backed away from banning NAC.
I think companies like Pfizer is in bed with the gov, esp the Democrats who then control the FBI, DOJ etc etc. Pfizer wants compounded testosterone gone so they then dominate the market with testosterone depot
Whether under Dems or Republicans, the FDA, for decades, has been, IMO, in the pocket of Big Pharma. It took them 20 years to approve Glucophage(metformin). Lithium, 10 years, I believe. Nebido has been used throughout Europe for a couple of decades? Though the FDA greenlighted it, doctors have to keep records if they're prescribing. AIDS patients had to fight the FDA to get EUA to use drugs that weren't yet approved. Yet, for whatever reasons, the FDA is slowly advancing authorization for the the use of psychedelics in the treatment of PTSD and perhaps other mental illnesses. I have treatment resistant bipolar. I hope it comes sooner and faster.

But the bottom line is that the FDA isn't on our side. Objective science seems to take a back seat to pharma lobbyists who make big contributions to both parties to influence they're votes.
This post is full of my own opinions and anecdotal observations, your own may differ.

The magical picture show is just... this reality TV show that we're stuck in. Red vs. Blue is full of sound and fury signifying much and meaning nothing, because all 3 branches of government grow out of the same tree: the CIA, which, in conjunction with a private co called the Federal Reserve prints all the Monopoly money which keeps the Ponzi scheme chugging along.

I mean, who's writing the content of the teleprompter for our Weekend at Bernie's presidency?

What is the highest level of organized crime? Government. What is the USA? We've drifted a bit from the original republic, currently we're the largest terrorist nation on Earth, our main export is violence and war, which is extremely profitable.

I’m not sure many big government organizations are left that aren’t anti whatever they were originally funded to do.

If they want a civil war, try taking away testosterone and guns from guys addicted to both. See how that ends.

The interesting part of this puzzle is, yes, of course the government prefers low testosterone sheeple... but having said that, if you're a 20 year old male, your 300 testosterone level is the new "normal" and best of luck finding a regular clinician to write you a script for test.

But... rearrange the optics a bit. "Hi! I'm a 14 year old girl who was feeling a little confused and depressed today, so I saw my counselor at school, and I realize that I'm trans! Write me a script for a bunch of test!" Okay... no problem.

The whole 27 genders and infinite personal pronouns collective is currently firmly wedged into the heart of the zeitgeist/current narrative, which makes it a bit difficult to ban hormones, because you can't have the 27 different genders without a lot of molecular and surgical assistance.

I think companies like Pfizer is in bed with the gov, esp the Democrats who then control the FBI, DOJ etc etc. Pfizer wants compounded testosterone gone so they then dominate the market with testosterone depot

Well, Pfizer seems to have become the state. I mean, who needs clinical trials, let's dose the planet with whatever s--t we drop kick out there!

A great example in recent history (outside of Covid) can be seen in the documentary The Crime of the Century: https://www.hbo.com/documentaries/the-crime-of-the-century

And, the book and series on Hulu, Dopesick: Dopesick

About that "war on drugs" ... Approx cost to provide pain relief medication morphine to everyone in the world who needs it for palliative care, addiction, or recreational use: $145 million per annum.

Approx cost of enforcing global prohibition: $100 billion per annum (UN estimate).


Whether under Dems or Republicans, the FDA, for decades, has been, IMO, in the pocket of Big Pharma. It took them 20 years to approve Glucophage(metformin). Lithium, 10 years, I believe. Nebido has been used throughout Europe for a couple of decades? Though the FDA greenlighted it, doctors have to keep records if they're prescribing. AIDS patients had to fight the FDA to get EUA to use drugs that weren't yet approved. Yet, for whatever reasons, the FDA is slowly advancing authorization for the the use of psychedelics in the treatment of PTSD and perhaps other mental illnesses. I have treatment resistant bipolar. I hope it comes sooner and faster.

But the bottom line is that the FDA isn't on our side. Objective science seems to take a back seat to pharma lobbyists who make big contributions to both parties to influence they're votes.

Just... being objective. It's not possible to make a blanket statement, such as "the FDA is good" or "the FDA is bad." The FDA is a gargantuan dinosaur sinking in a tarpit which is made up of so many different sub-divisions and agencies within itself, that its a bit mind-boggling. It has regulatory power over roughly .27 cents out of every dollar spent in the US.

For instance, the Pilot Drug Evaluation Unit, used to have its lips super-glued to the DEA's ass, which is how everything got lumped into schedule 1, including molecules that absolutely do not belong there. The entire unit was rebooted, everybody was let go, and they had a reset in the 1990s, which is how we've arrived at clinical trials with psychedelic drugs.

Does the FDA care about human beings? Not that I can tell.

Is the FDA corrupt? Absolutely, take a look at what's happened to vaping. In the UK the Royal College of Physicians release a position paper that at worst vaping represents a 95% reduction of harm over combustible tobacco. Meanwhile, the US and FDA are busy pumping out junk science saying the exact opposite. Why? Because an entire generation of kids grew up, saw the sexy Juul ads, realized vaping was cool, cigarettes was that thing your parents or grandparents did, and this caused a huge problem with... tobacco bonds and their value going down the toilet. For the first time in history smoking rates were way down. So, the FDA has fixed that problem, and individual states have added even higher levels of extortion money -- I meant to say sin taxes -- on top of what was a relatively inexpensive, harm reduction alternative to smoking.

Somewhere, within the FDA, are there human being who actually care about what they're supposed to be doing in theory? I absolutely believe that YES, at least I certainly hope so. But, I'm not too optimistic.

At the end of the day, every molecule you want, will remain available. GMP quality will suffer, patients will suffer due to quality control issues and prices increasing, but life goes on.

As Nelson mentioned, deca, anavar, etc, aren't on that "Difficult to Compound" list.

In closing... why is HGH schedule 3 and on the AAS list? It's not even an anabolic steroid. Answer: because Big Pharma lobbied to get it there and price fix it. Total cost of 72IU of Humatrope in Turkey? $165 USD. Now go look that up in the US, you're looking at over $5K for the same thing.

Excuse me, I was just clearing my throat and all that came out. I'll shut up now and wish everybody a happy weekend.
The FDA is currently considering to include estradiol, estrone, estradiol cypionate, estriol, pregnenolone, progesterone, testosterone, testosterone cypionate, and testosterone propionate and all pellet cBHT therapies as candidates for the “Difficult to Compound List.” This will mean that production of all compounded hormone injections, gels, creams, nasal, oral, and pellet formulations will be banned, blocking affordable access to millions of people in the United States.

Oxandrolone, stanozolol and nandrolone are not included.

Read and take action!

Also read:

They have already banned compounded hCG and FSH. They just banned enclomiphene. They sent notices to all compounders that make peptides to stop doing so (except for sermorelin)

Guys, please take action on my site above!

We are at war with the FDA and very few of you have helped me with this petition. Just wait until you all panic when your supply dries out!
They havent banned compounded HCG.
Folks commenting or reading this thread, please take a few moments to sign the petition Nelson linked in the previous thread. This is really important stuff.

I think we need to find a way to include more people in the trans community in this. Many trans people depend on compounded hormones. For instance, you can't get non-compounded progesterone cream - it doesn't exist (you can buy random OTC stuff but it's of dubious quality).

Unfortunately, the more I learn about the modern FDA the more I dislike them. They banned NAC for crying out loud. It is completely possible that they ban compounded hormones.
NAC is not banned. You can get some today at Walmart.
I was kind of shocked to find out how many previous heads of the FDA went on to be on boards of Pfizer, etc. So the FDA approves drugs and people in control get nice cushy jobs in big pharma. Exactly JYD21, we must learn to think critically.

NAC is not banned. You can get some today at Walmart.
From naturalproductsinsider.com

Why has NAC been banned from Amazon?

Amazon confirmed this week it's in the process of removing from its website dietary supplements containing NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine). FDA last year asserted in warning letters that NAC couldn't be lawfully marketed in dietary supplements because it was first studied as a drug in 1963.

That actually makes no sense to me. The late Dr. Frederick Klenner of North Carolina used ascorbic acid injections and in IV form to treat severe viral infections. He was using ascorbic acid as a drug. He had articles published in medical journals. The late Dr. Robert Cathcart in California used massive doses of vitamin C to treat various types of infections. Taurine has been studied for use in bipolar illness. Injectable B12 is only available by prescription in the US, yet it is extraordinarily safe and sold OTC in Canada and France. From what I've read and heard, Mexico trusts adults to manage their own health.
Compounded hCG is not banned, but now requires BLA, biologics license, which is expensive to obtain. To my understanding no compounding pharmacy is currently selling hCG, but some larger pharmacies intend to obtain required license. They've added red-tape/increased complexity/cost, but hCG continues being available.
From naturalproductsinsider.com

Why has NAC been banned from Amazon?

Amazon confirmed this week it's in the process of removing from its website dietary supplements containing NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine). FDA last year asserted in warning letters that NAC couldn't be lawfully marketed in dietary supplements because it was first studied as a drug in 1963.

That actually makes no sense to me. The late Dr. Frederick Klenner of North Carolina used ascorbic acid injections and in IV form to treat severe viral infections. He was using ascorbic acid as a drug. He had articles published in medical journals. The late Dr. Robert Cathcart in California used massive doses of vitamin C to treat various types of infections. Taurine has been studied for use in bipolar illness. Injectable B12 is only available by prescription in the US, yet it is extraordinarily safe and sold OTC in Canada and France. From what I've read and heard, Mexico trusts adults to manage their own health.
From my understanding they banned the manufacture of compounded hcg. I could not find it anywhere, had to buy pregnyl
Some compounding pharmacies are still making it. Certain providers such as "Matrix" and "Elevate" have access to these compounders' HCG. Providers who cant get HCG are lying to their clients and are trying to sell kisspenptin and some other stuff.

The FDA is cracking down on compounded HCG for sure. But they haven't banned it...yet.
I just found this interesting article. Kind of shows how our FDA really operates.

"In fact, 9 out of the last 10 FDA commissioners—representing nearly four decades of agency leadership—have gone on to work for pharmaceutical companies. "

As of March 2020, per decree by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), pharmacies can no longer legally compound human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).

No doubt compounding takes money out of the pockets of the pharma industry
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The FDA is currently considering to include estradiol, estrone, estradiol cypionate, estriol, pregnenolone, progesterone, testosterone, testosterone cypionate, and testosterone propionate and all pellet cBHT therapies as candidates for the “Difficult to Compound List.” This will mean that production of all compounded hormone injections, gels, creams, nasal, oral, and pellet formulations will be banned, blocking affordable access to millions of people in the United States.

Oxandrolone, stanozolol and nandrolone are not included.

Read and take action!

Also read:

They have already banned compounded hCG and FSH. They just banned enclomiphene. They sent notices to all compounders that make peptides to stop doing so (except for sermorelin)

Guys, please take action on my site above!

We are at war with the FDA and very few of you have helped me with this petition. Just wait until you all panic when your supply dries out!
Sent to my Tennessee Representatives!

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