Hello my free T (using same lab/assay as before) is down 30% from 2 day trial of tongkat ali 2 months ago. Madman said retest after 1-2 months and everything should recover. But my free T still hasn't fully recovered - only partial recovery. Will it just take longer? Am i stuck with a lower free T range? At range of 50-155 Quest Equilibrium Dialysis it was at 144 but now at 115. Right after taking tongkat it plumpeted to 95 from 144.
Highly doubtful that a 2 days trial would have any significant impact on driving down your T let alone long-term.
Most of those herbal T-boosters are not effective and if anything the temporary boost in T would be transient at best!
As I stated previously
Forget worrying about it.
Stay off the so-called test boosters!
The reason I said to wait for a month or two is that you already tested it within days of stopping and I wanted to make sure you covered all bases as other things can have an impact on skewing your results.
Not only did I stress to always have your blood work done using the most accurate assays TT (LC/MS-MS) and FT (Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration) but to also make sure to stick with the same lab/same assay (most accurate) and it is critical that you have your blood work done in the early AM (7-10) in a fasted state.
Also if you are into training with weights then take a week off from the gym to make sure you are well-rested.
Fasting before testing TT/FT/BAT is critical as glucose or a meal can lower T temporarily and this would skew your blood test results.
Let alone the same can be said for working out as a poor diet/over-training can also drive down endogenous T levels.
Lack of quality sleep can drive down T.
If you have done this and your results are still coming back lower 2 months later then I would not blame it on the supplement.
Natural endogenous testosterone secretion is pulsatile and diurnal (24 hr circadian rhythm).
Testing should be done in a fasted state between 7-10 am as we want to test at peak.
Blood work should never be done in the late afternoon/early evening when levels will be lower as nadir (lowest point) would be around 6-8 pm.
Fluctuations from peak--->trough would be around 20-25%.