For Nelson Vergel, what’s your current protocol?

Thank you for sharing your personal details and for all you do for us!
A few questions if I may:
-Do you still combine HCG and testosterone in the same syringe?
-You are quite familiar with laboratory work I hear ;-) Were your values above obtained at the trough?

  • To confirm, the numbers above are your E3.5D trough on the protocol?
  • How much TT/fT impact do you get from the hCG on your trough?
  • fT measurement is equilibrium dialysis?
  • SHBG?

1- Yes
2- Good question. Never looked at the effect of hCG but I can bet it increased free T like any androgen.
3- Yes. Gold standard. Testosterone, Total, LC/MS and Free (Equilibrium Dialysis)
4- I hardly measure it as long as my FT is over 2% of TT.

You are quite familiar with laboratory work I hear ;-) Were your values above obtained at the trough?
Thank you for sharing your personal details and for all you do for us!
A few questions if I may:
-Do you still combine HCG and testosterone in the same syringe?
-You are quite familiar with laboratory work I hear ;-) Were your values above obtained at the trough?

Good question

I combine both and thought last night it may not be a good idea as maybe the preservative ruins the hcg , not sure
Ketamine Troches
Thanks for sharing all of this, Nelson, and as others have said, you look fantastic. I can't believe you're 63.

This caught my attention. Just curious what you've used them for. I'm battling chronic pain related to some lower spinal cord and SI joint issues and did a few ketamine infusions for that. The infusions helped a lot, but unfortunately only for a week or two after each one, and at $600+/infusion (not covered by insurance for pain management), it just wasn't sustainable.

I've heard that some have had success with a series of infusions close together, then using troches for more long term maintenance so that you only need to do an infusion every 6-12 months after the initial six or whatever. There's a lot more out there on its use for treatment-resistant depression than for chronic pain management, so I haven't decided whether to try this route.

I'm also on low-dose nandrolone (90mg/week) for the pain issues and it does help some.
Thanks for sharing all of this, Nelson, and as others have said, you look fantastic. I can't believe you're 63.

This caught my attention. Just curious what you've used them for. I'm battling chronic pain related to some lower spinal cord and SI joint issues and did a few ketamine infusions for that. The infusions helped a lot, but unfortunately only for a week or two after each one, and at $600+/infusion (not covered by insurance for pain management), it just wasn't sustainable.

I've heard that some have had success with a series of infusions close together, then using troches for more long term maintenance so that you only need to do an infusion every 6-12 months after the initial six or whatever. There's a lot more out there on its use for treatment-resistant depression than for chronic pain management, so I haven't decided whether to try this route.

I'm also on low-dose nandrolone (90mg/week) for the pain issues and it does help some.
Have you tried naltrexone ? Some people swear by it.

Yes, the doses required for ketamine IVs for pain are super expensive even though the raw material is compounded cheaply.

Troches or injections may work but temporarily.

What does your MRI show ? Can it be fixed with therapy or surgery ?
Have you tried naltrexone ? Some people swear by it.

Yes, the doses required for ketamine IVs for pain are super expensive even though the raw material is compounded cheaply.

Troches or injections may work but temporarily.

What does your MRI show ? Can it be fixed with therapy or surgery ?

I have not tried naltrexone. I've read a little about it. It seems to help a fair amount of people, although some of the sides people report are concerning (anxiety/sense of doom, psychosis, etc.). It's worth discussing with my doctor though.

Initially, my issues were a collapsed disc at L5-S1 (I also have lumbosacral transitional anatomy so I'm short a disc as is) that was severely impinging my nerves causing not only back pain, but also excruciating nerve pain in my legs. About 18 months ago I had an anterior lumbar interbody fusion at L5-S1. That surgery pretty much eliminated the leg pain and the fusion appears to be stable, but the lower back pain persists along with hip and groin pain that started about six months post-op.

Doc suspects SI joint disfunction, but that can be difficult to confirm through imaging. I've had a number of corticosteroid injections, physical therapy, and bilateral radio-frequency ablation, and nothing has helped. He ordered a CT scan to try to see what we can see in the SI joint area.
Oh man. Good luck. I have had two lumbar surgeries and I don’t wish this on anyone. I really hope you find relief. Some people have do even go for nerve blocking.
Oh man. Good luck. I have had two lumbar surgeries and I don’t wish this on anyone. I really hope you find relief. Some people have do even go for nerve blocking.
Thanks, Nelson. Definitely not fun, especially at 40 years old, but (for now) I trust my docs so hopefully we'll figure out a plan. Doc said if CT shows issues with the prior anterior fusion, he may want to fuse from the posterior side, maybe L4-S1. If the CT is clear at the surgical level, by process of elimination he thinks SI joint is the most likely cause, and there is a fusion surgery for that, but it sounds pretty brutal. We'll see.

Hope you're doing well from your two surgeries!
I am OK now but I stretch twice per week now and pay a membership to a stretch studio (they are popping up everywhere) to go once per week to get assisted stretching.

Walking is key to improve lumbar health but most of us don’t feel like waking when we have pain.

I am sure you will get this resolved. You are young and will heal quickly if you have that second surgery. Good luck, buddy. Pain paints everything black and it’s hard to stay present in life.
Nelson you look great. I might have missed it but what is your diet like to look like you do? I have learned as my body likes to hold onto fat. Is no matter how hard you workout, or how many drugs you take ( steroids, TRT, Thyroid meds) it all comes down to what you eat to get lean and stay lean.
If you do not mind can you share a little bit of your nutrition plan? Thanks
My protocol is simple:

50 mg twice per week (either cypionate or enanthate, no difference) plus 500 IU hCG twice per week injected on delts at 90 degrees using a 27 gauge 1/2 inch syringe.

I used to bring in nandrolone or oxandrolone on and off to the combo but as I get older I have become more sensitive to increased blood pressure using more androgens. That us why I have the build I have (years of T plus these compounds plus resistance exercise).

No AI ever.


Vitamin D 5,0000 IU
Coenzyme Q10 400 mg
B-50 complex every other night
Zinc/Copper 25 mg/3 mcg
NAC 600 mg twice per day
Melatonin 10 mg per night (Gummies)
A multimineral every other day
Digestive enzymes with every meal (IBS)
Creatine 5 grams with coffee before the gym
Bacillus Coagulans 6 billion organisms twice per day
7-Keto DHEA 50 mg (Bloodwork showed low DHEA)


For blood pressure: Amiloride 5 mg (potassium sparing mild antidiuretic) plus amlodipine 5 mg (calcium channel blocker). Tried telmisartan and others but they made me tired.

Zolpidem as needed (5 mg)

B-12 shots: 1000 mcg twice per week

Tried pregnenolone up to 400 mg per day but it increased my blood pressure.

Off Trintellix (5 mg) three months ago.

I have lost 12 pounds from my normal but I still look OK for 63 and 37 years with HIV.

View attachment 22317
Nelson, you don't look 63 at all!

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