Fish Oil and Hematocrit ?

I read the article, but I still do not see where it says that aspirin actually lowers hematocrit? Or does lessening the viscosity lower hematocrit?

Correction: It makes it less viscous, I meant to say on the earlier post. I also have been taking Vitamin C twice daily with food since June.
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I can tell you has dramatically helped my lipids and I have no heartburn or reflux.

I read that you should never buy fish oil that is packaged in clear bottles. Costco fish oil is in clear bottles. It has something to do with light causing oxidation. I have used Costco fish oil and never had a problem with it.
I take the best grade I can afford...a pharmaceutical grade with added tochoperols to prevent deterioration once absorbed otherwise it can add to the toxic load on the body which s not good.
I always try and get the labs on products I take to make sure they are of the purist quality.
Any product in a clear container will speed up deterioration if light is getting to it.
I take the best grade I can afford...a pharmaceutical grade with added tochoperols to prevent deterioration once absorbed otherwise it can add to the toxic load on the body which s not good.
I always try and get the labs on products I take to make sure they are of the purist quality.
Any product in a clear container will speed up deterioration if light is getting to it.

You could avoid all this and have better absorption if you eat fatty fish high in omega 3s DHA/EPA - wild salmon/sardines/mackerel/trout in natures perfectly designed package.

Also going gung ho on the omega 3 is not exactly healthy as being in a too anti-inflammatory state is not healthy let alone oxidization of too many polyunsaturated fats as in omega 3 not just omega 6.
Hematocrit can come down on it's own. I have not had any blood pulled other than for testing. I did start taking a fish oil supplement but can't remember exactly when, after the 2nd result and before the 3rd. This is what I've been taking:

Mike, hematocrit may eventually decrease and stabilize in men on TRT. Looks like your one of them.
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lucky you, for me was the opposite, my first 10 months it was always about 47/48 after that it started going toward 49 now after a year I'm on 51

Hematocrit can come down on it's own. I have not had any blood pulled other than for testing. I did start taking a fish oil supplement but can't remember exactly when, after the 2nd result and before the 3rd. This is what I've been taking:

I use fish oil and have for ten years or more. I buy it at Costco and it is Hg (mercury) free, and not expensive. I still give blood, and my hemoglobin runs in the 16 to 17 range on days I give blood. I give double red to help keep it low.
I started it to lower blood lipids. It seems to have worked on that problem. I take one capsule in the morning, and a 2nd in the evening. My view is it can't hurt, and the only side effect if if you don't eat something after taking it you will taste the fish oil.
You could avoid all this and have better absorption if you eat fatty fish high in omega 3s DHA/EPA - wild salmon/sardines/mackerel/trout in natures perfectly designed package.

Also going gung ho on the omega 3 is not exactly healthy as being in a too anti-inflammatory state is not healthy let alone oxidization of too many polyunsaturated fats as in omega 3 not just omega 6.
+50. Fish oil: A substitute lamp oil for kerosene in the event of EMP or apocalypse zombies. If you must have capsules at least buy purified EPA or DHA. A liter good rye cost about the same and will also thin the blood.
So far, just about every independent analysis of fish oil has failed to validate the extravagant claims made by manufacturers about purity.

Yet more validation was recently provided by another analysis of several dozen fish oil preparations by the wonderful Consumer Lab service (, in which no fish oil preparation contained mercury, PCB's, dioxin, or other pesticide residues. (Mercury was assessed to a tolerance of 100 parts per billion.)
That's great Vince. What did the test for viruses or oxidized compounds reveal? Is there new evidence on claimed therapeutic value? Any charts showing time to maceration and squeezing on the fish waste used by various encapsulators? One simple at home test is to break open capsules in to a cup of spring water. That only proves if deodorization was employed though.
I use dr Sear fish oil, Omega RX expensive but not too much since with $48 a month I get 4gr of fish oil, I wanted to switch with Nordic Naturals but If I wanted to take 4gr it become expensive
The most popular way of arguing that fish oil will prevent heart disease is to show that it lowers blood lipids, continuing the old approach of the American Heart Association's "heart protective diet." Unfortunately for that argument, it's now known that the triglycerides in the blood are decreased because of the fish oil's toxic effects on the liver (Hagve and Christophersen, 1988; Ritskes-Hoitinga, et al., 1998)."
It nowhere says the effects were "toxic". It says omega-3 "probably" has depressing effect on VLDL secretion and triglyceride synthesis. On top of it, it was an experiment conducted on rats.

It is difficult to buy the argument that fish oil is liver-toxic, as mentioned in the article.

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