After getting a low total T(230) at labcorp. I made an appt at the "low t center" here locally. I assume this is a national chain and not sure who actually owns these centers. Anyways. I filled out a small questionnaire before the appointment. And had a meeting with a lady(unsure on credentials). She gave me some basic information of how they work. They take 2 tests for total/free 2 weeks a part. A level under 350 + symptoms is considered low for treatment. They start treatment at the second appointment.
Questions I asked and answers given
1. What type of T do you use? Answer: They use cypionate. and injections every 4 days
2. Do you offer self injections? Answer: yes, every 4 days, or in office injections offered every week.
3. Do you armidex if needed? Answer: yes its available if needed
4. Do you use HCG either as a stand alone option or running along the T? Answer: No, we stopped offering HCG a few weeks ago. She said it really has no benefit when taking test other than keeping testicle size up(this seems wrong based on what I read)
5. This is a life long commitment right? She said, yes. however, if you came off for purposes of having a kid , your T levels will go back to baseline.(based on my research this appears to be incorrect as well) If you are taking T for 5 years, suppressing natural T. It's not expected your T level will go back up to baseline after being shutdown
6. Do you monitor lipid levels? Yes, once a year, but she also said there is no correlation between T and lipid levels.(based on my research, this is also incorrect) as LDL can increase and HDL decrease.
7. Can any lifestyle choices at 42, get me up to a normal T range such as losing weight? She said there is no correlation between obesity or fat tissue decreasing T levels(I see research indicating this is wrong) She said if you have non working or depressed pituarty glands, this potentially could be a reason for low T levels, but not obesity.
8. What range of total/free is the goal? She said, we are trying to get you towards the high end up normal which is about 1000 and about 25 on free testerone.
Questions I asked and answers given
1. What type of T do you use? Answer: They use cypionate. and injections every 4 days
2. Do you offer self injections? Answer: yes, every 4 days, or in office injections offered every week.
3. Do you armidex if needed? Answer: yes its available if needed
4. Do you use HCG either as a stand alone option or running along the T? Answer: No, we stopped offering HCG a few weeks ago. She said it really has no benefit when taking test other than keeping testicle size up(this seems wrong based on what I read)
5. This is a life long commitment right? She said, yes. however, if you came off for purposes of having a kid , your T levels will go back to baseline.(based on my research this appears to be incorrect as well) If you are taking T for 5 years, suppressing natural T. It's not expected your T level will go back up to baseline after being shutdown
6. Do you monitor lipid levels? Yes, once a year, but she also said there is no correlation between T and lipid levels.(based on my research, this is also incorrect) as LDL can increase and HDL decrease.
7. Can any lifestyle choices at 42, get me up to a normal T range such as losing weight? She said there is no correlation between obesity or fat tissue decreasing T levels(I see research indicating this is wrong) She said if you have non working or depressed pituarty glands, this potentially could be a reason for low T levels, but not obesity.
8. What range of total/free is the goal? She said, we are trying to get you towards the high end up normal which is about 1000 and about 25 on free testerone.