Joseph JW
New Member
Sounds like your on the right track to get a proper protocol figured out. I have had similar circumstances with my t protocol. Trying to figure out the proper dosage and proper administration frequency. I've tried every day, every other day, Monday Wednesday and Friday and twice weekly. The only admin method I havn't tried so far is one big shot a week. Then you have to figure out what the dosage should be with that administration frequency. On top of that your supposed to do each protocol change for around 8 weeks to give your body time to adjust otherwise you'll be going around and around because the first couple weeks after changing will be different then what it would be after you body has had time to adjust. So it could be good the first couple weeks after changing it up then not so much. So it can take quite awhile to figure out what works best for you. I'm still trying to figure out the best way after roughly 2.5 years to give you an idea on how long this could take. Some people do better on one big shot a week were others do better with micro doses every day and everything in between. From what I can tell it's all about the sbgh and how much of it is produced with those particular administration methods. More sbgh the less free t which typically results in less then optimal results. Some people don't have a problem with sbgh and some do not and that will give you some direction on were to go with your protocol. So there saying you should shoot for a free t of 25 at minimum. In general your estrogen and total aren't a concern unless you have some crazy numbers but just you free t. This usually means your total needs to go up because your free usually follows. Unfortunately this sometimes takes you in the higher levels of total which may scare your doctor. I mean some people can't get there free up to 25 without having a total of 1500 and up. I won't get into how stress, sleep, exercise, diet and thyroid also come into play. That's another story all together.