I'm currently experiencing the symptoms of excessive iron with a ferritin of 123, this was measured a week ago. It seems my iron deficiency was caused by a lack of vitamin C, now only supplementing vitamin C ferritin in 2 months went from 63-->123.
In June I stopped iron because ferritin was 101 (101-->63--> now 123) supplementing iron mixed with vitamin C which I stopped do to these same symptoms and ferritin drop to 63 within 5 weeks, but had symptoms that was later the result of vitamin C deficiency.
I started supplementing 250mg vitamin C and now 2 months later ferritin is 123. Symptoms included, above range AST levels, climbing glucose, abdominal pain, arthritis like burning pain in joints, headaches and abnormal heart rhythm at certain times.
Seeing hematologist tomorrow, I hope he isn't stuck on reference ranges, but also symptoms. When I decrease the vitamin C by a tiny amount I get horrible rashes on stomach and center of chest and deadly sick.
I got to get this iron out of me, I did better with ferritin 63 or less, these last several weeks I am slowly feel worse which I thought was low iron, surprised to say the least.
In the history of lab testing, I have never recorded such a high AST level in my life, nor have I ever had ferritin this high either. I always thought recovering from full blown iron deficiency in 4 weeks was a little too quick.
I was absorbing iron from food since I was on vitamin C and I was supplementing iron.
I wonder if reducing the vitamin C is somehow effecting iron absorption is such a way that causes rashes to appear on my body... Kind of like a reversal of what's happening now.