Feeling nothing on TRT


New Member
Hello people,

I've been on my own TRT protocol for two months now. I use 200mg testosterone cypionate a week and 500 iu HCG. I also use an AI (Aromasin) 6,25 mg EOD. I got my labs back and my testosterone went from only about 460 ng/dl to 900 ng/dl. I'm 21 years old by the way. My estrogen came back at <110 pmol/l wich is good. And my free testosterone was 1000 on a scale of 200-800 (pmol/l I think). I've started working out again in hopes of adding muscle and strenght. I also hoped that thedifference in testosterone levels would boost my energy, libido and depressive tendencies. I've been gaining weight (went from 80kg to 90kg), but a lot of what I gained is fat. I also don't understand why, but I don't feel any different. Not in my erections, the way I feel or how fast I build muscles. I've allways been a hard gainer and I kinda have a skinny-fat body. Wide hips, small frame, etc. etc. I really hoped that the shots would make a difference especially since 200mg a week is a lot and puts me a little over the normal range especially free testosterone is high. Am I just the odd one out or what could it be? I'm confused about this. I don't feel stronger, I still feel the same, look as unathletic and generally just don't feel like there is two times the amount of my baseline testosterone flowing through my body. Is testosterone overrated and only effective at supraphysiological levels? Am I just impatient or is there something else going on? Please help me out here.
KNL, glad you joined, and thanks for posting. There's probably a litany of things to cover, but I'll just post a few talking points to start with ...

Testosterone therapy (in most cases) isn't a quick-fix, miracle treatment that resolves all issues. I would hope that at couple of months you would feel some effect, but in many cases it can take longer.

As noted above, there's other "issues" that could contribute. What we really, really need is labs? I'm not a fan at all with anyone being 21yo and jumping on TRT, unless it's absolutely necessary. Your baseline was 460ng/dl .. Not great by any means, but this tells me that there's still some spark with the HPTA, and endogenous production is evident. Did your physician(s) do something to see if they could increase your natural production? Again, back to labs?? What were your LH & FSH values? That and all others from CBC, lipids, thyroid, metabolic, the gamut!!

On the estrogen, you said it came back < 110pmol ..? All that tells us is that on that particular assay, your estrogen is anywhere from 0 to 110pmol. That lab is designed for females, and unfortunately offers no real value for your HRT program. You need the Estradiol Sensitive assay to give you an accurate real reading. This could be one key contributor to your situation, and you will never know it based on that previous lab.

Can you tell us more about what diagnosis was made, and any history of your condition that could be relevant for this discussion?
Yes, we need much more blood work, including SHBG levels. Many of us with low SHBG don't feel much of anything on TRT, either. I know that I don't.
Welcome to the Forum. In addition to responding to the points Chris and ERO made, can you let us know what you were told about TRT? It seems you were started on a protocol without reasonable counselling.
Either high E2 or low SHBG. I have low SHBG and I honestly don't feel much of anything on TRT, which is common for guys with this issue. Without blood tests its all speculation.
You wrote that you were 21 years old - that's young to be on TRT. I raise the point because, as I noted earlier in this thread, there are a lot of questions your initial post raised. Specifically, what discussions did you have with your doctor prior to beginning TRT? When do you plan on following up with lab work?
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I'm going to have to change his handle to "KnowNoSecondPost" if he doesn't come back soon LOL!

Just kidding of course, but hoping we can get some more information to help get things on a better course?!?!

BTW, I have very low SHBG (8's, 9's ..), and TRT is the real deal for me. Not saying it's the miracle to fix-all, be-all, but combined with other variables, it's been a life changer for me. Without it, life is a pretty dark, depressing place. I know everyone is different, but at least on my end the Low SHBG subject hasn't been a factor at all with how well TRT works. On that note, I do believe that it is imperative to understand the relation this has with Free Testosterone, and not get caught up in the 95%+ crowd that talks about what the best Total Serum number is(?)...

... One guy says the sweet spot is in the 900 to 1,000ng range, yet what he doesn't tell you is that maybe his Free Test is 2.1%. You have Low SHBG, and think you need to get that 1,000ng/dl level to achieve optimal wellness, but you find out your Free Test is 3.4% due to SHBG and albumin. This would create a whole different set of circumstances with E2, CBC's, and good ole homeostasis in general.

Sorry for getting a little off topic here, but maybe it will also be beneficial information for OP to consider with his quest for knowledge ...

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