Feeling Good

This won't be a simple thing, but one of the reasons I initially went on TRT was to get some swagger as my kids say. And I don't mean cockiness, I mean confidence, decreased anxiety and depression, that little nudge that tells you you can conquer the world. Well, for me TRT was not that magic bullet and I have a feeling there are many men that went onto TRT in the hopes of same. I know 90% of the answer comes from within and from something other than a magic bullet in pill or injection form, but perhaps there is something that could help.

So, beyond TRT what have you guys found that gives you that extra lead in the pencil or positive outlook? And it can be anything from tweaks to TRT learned the hard way to other hormones to family to supplements to daily anime porn lol.
GettingAnswers: I will tell you that TRT for me was only part of the equation. I was on the Gels for a year and really didn't feel any better and my levels were not really coming up. It was not until I went onto the shots that I really started to feel better. My levels are now at 770! I will tell you that its not like you wake up one day and go WOW I FEEL GREAT!; it's slow, and little things over time. I notice that when i wake up more refreshed, my focus a work is better, I tend to not put things off as much etc... and libido is much better, but was frustrating because I still had ED issues.

As for ED TRT really has not helped in that area and my doc said sometime that its not your T levels are low that causing ED. For getting more lead in the pencil I have found that Gene's stack has really worked wonders in that area. I found a great place for getting Tadalafil generic (Cialis) and with the stack WOW what a difference. I am not a gym person but a more than avg cyclist and have notice performance increases and more lean body mass as I workout more. After being on the stack now for almost a month it really is great. I still need to get estrogen levels tested as some say that can also cause ED issues, if its too high or too low. You are in the right place to get answers. They guys here are great and tell it like it is without all the BS you will find on most forums. I would highly recommend getting Nelsons book if you have not already. You will find out more about yourself then you ever did in any classroom.

Welcome to the group.
What was beneficial for me was getting my weight down (body fat). I guess I'm pretty lucky being 52 y.o and having a natural testosterone level @719(I am not on TRT), but even at that level, at 5'6",155 lbs and 21% body fat; I felt lousy. I am now down to 128 lbs, 14-14.7% body fat. My sex drive increased, blood pressure decreased, energy level increased, even mental attitude improved. Right now I am trying to build more muscle and add some lean weight. So my advice is to get that body fat down.
What was beneficial for me was getting my weight down (body fat). I guess I'm pretty lucky being 52 y.o and having a natural testosterone level @719(I am not on TRT), but even at that level, at 5'6",155 lbs and 21% body fat; I felt lousy. I am now down to 128 lbs, 14-14.7% body fat. My sex drive increased, blood pressure decreased, energy level increased, even mental attitude improved. Right now I am trying to build more muscle and add some lean weight. So my advice is to get that body fat down.

AMEN! I second that. I must say that is part of it. Went from 289 to 255 and feel better, kind of plateaued, right now. Sucks.
Thanks for the posts guys. Keep em coming! I think this could help. So many people get T Tunnel vision when we/me should be looking at everything with open eyes.
OP - We need to know much more about you. Tell us about your life style, stress levels, work outs, type of job, meds, diet...everything.

Than tell us what your blood work was before you started TRT.

Tell us what your TRT protocol is; type of Testosterone, HCG, AI...?

Supplements you take.

Most recent blood work after you started your TRT protocol.

This will give us a better picture as to what's going on.

Finally, Testosterone, in and of itself, is not the panacea that everyone thinks it is; it's how everything works in concert and Testosterone is the foundation from which all other things build upon to get the results we desire.
OP - We need to know much more about you. Tell us about your life style, stress levels, work outs, type of job, meds, diet...everything.

Than tell us what your blood work was before you started TRT.

Tell us what your TRT protocol is; type of Testosterone, HCG, AI...?

Supplements you take.

Most recent blood work after you started your TRT protocol.

This will give us a better picture as to what's going on.

Finally, Testosterone, in and of itself, is not the panacea that everyone thinks it is; it's how everything works in concert and Testosterone is the foundation from which all other things build upon to get the results we desire.

Gene, sorry for the delay but I was out of state for the holidays. This was meant to be a general question to help everyone find those little things, but I will gladly take some input on my personal labs and story.

Me - Anxiety my whole adult life coupled with depression every few years that lasts for like 9 months. Never a strong sex drive and not very competitive. Always been strong and can put on muscle when i have the energy to keep at it. I was on benzos for 5 years and finished a year long taper 4.5 months ago and I am still reeling from that.

My TT prior to TRT was around 419 and my LH was 1.1 (it has always been below normal but no one ever said anything about it). Because of symptoms my doc agreed to try TRT. We later found out that almost every symptom I had was actually from inter-dose withdrawal from the benzos. Needless to say I didn't really experience any great subjective benefits from the TRT, only increased hematocrit and hemoglobin. I tried both cypionate and enanthate shots (100mg), and also compounded creams. I used HCG during as well as low doses of anastrozole (0.5mg/week). Before stopping I held at 60mg cypionate per week for a few months and actually felt better at that dose than on 100mg.

November 1 I took my last T shot and started HCG at 500 iu eod for almost a month. My TT was over 900 on HCG alone, so I know my testes work. At the end of November I dropped the HCG and added Clomid and Nolvadex. After almost 3 weeks my TT was 360, LH was 3.5, so there was some response there. However, It seems that the SERMs are really messing with me mentally, plus I have zero sex drive now or exercise tolerance.

As far as things I take... magnesium, vit D 5000 iu, vitamin c 1,000, cialis as needed, phosphatidylserine, COQ10, Lithium 300mg, arginine, methylfolate, methylB12

Recent Labs from this month while on SERMs

TT 364 (348-1197)
FT 9.9 (6.8-21.5)
DHEA-s 419 (102.6-416) HIGH. Note - it always seems to run high and was even over 2,000 at one point????
Estradiol 17.4 (7.6-42.6) yes regular not ultrasensitive
PSA 1.3 (0-4)
LH 3.5 (1.5-)
FSH 2.4
TSH 4.3 High this just came in and I have always been steady at about 1.9
DHT 19 (16-79) been dropping since came off TRT
Prolactin 17.94 (2-18) getting up there
MTHFR A1298c heterozygous mutation - this can play into many of my symptoms but supplementation doesn't seem to do anything.
Cortisol levels, 4 panel from a few months ago were in range

I may have other labs if you think they are relevant to include just ask. So, in addition to just trying to get some feel good info, in my specific case I am also looking at specific issues. For instance...

1. Although my TT has always been in range and FT has been high, My LH has been below normal for over 15 years. What are the odds that now that I have been on TRT that I am going to be able to get my pituitary to work on it's own at the previous level or ideally even higher?
2. My TSH has shot up. It could be the low dose of Lithium I am on, but could it be the SERMs? I assume that if I am going hypo that could explain a lot of things currently.
3. Anxiety is killing me. Coming off the benzos and going through withdrawal is a big component of that, but perhaps there is something else....
4. Motivation, libido, and exercise tolerance is zero. I think a good bit of that is a fragile CNS from withdrawing from benzos, but perhaps again there is something else...

I don't know. I will fill in anything else that is needed. I appreciate it greatly.

Hope everyone has a great new years
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Anomalies from the recent bout of testing at the hospital listed below. As a note my doctor has recently started me on 16.25 mcg (1/4 grain) Naturethroid.

FT3 3.0 (2.5-4.3)
FT4 1.7 (0.9-1.7) (borderline )
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 6 (0-34)
TSHReflex 4.29H (0.27-4.0)
Alkaline Phosphatase 34L (40-129) I included this because wikipedia says hypothyroidism can cause decreased levels in men.
Lymphocytes 43.9H (17.2-41.6) Not a biopsy but unsure if lymphocytes in general are indicative of an issue
This won't be a simple thing, but one of the reasons I initially went on TRT was to get some swagger as my kids say. And I don't mean ****iness, I mean confidence, decreased anxiety and depression, that little nudge that tells you you can conquer the world.
A couple of things that have done that for me are Krill Oil (I recommend NOW brand) and ALCAR (Acetyl L-Carnitine).

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