So I agree with Systemlord. Your doctor is just a little behind on how to properly dose Clomid. 50mg/ day is an old school dose. Most doctors, that know what they’re doing, dose it at 12.5mg/ day, or 12.5mg EOD, to start. The most I would ever use of clomid per day would be 25mg. I personally tried 50mg/ day, due to having a doctor that wasn’t the best, it was the worst I have ever felt in my life. Zero libido, penis stopped working, extremely depressed, had suicidal thoughts often, low energy, just overall felt horrible. And I am not prone to depression. I was never depressed before that really, and haven’t been depressed since. The thoughts I had on clomid were very scary. Never knew hormone fluctuations could cause such drastically different thinking. Was definitely a big learning experience for sure. Here were my labs on 50mg of clomid per day, and 0.25mg of anastrozole twice per week. So 0.5mg of anastrozole total per week. My SHBG usually runs around the high 40’s/ low 50’s for the record.
Total T - 1535 (250-1100 ng/dL)
Free T - 98.5 (46.0-224.0)
Bio T - 198.4 (110.0-575.0 ng/dL)
SHBG - 91 (10-50)
E2 Sensitive - 51
DHT - 78 (16-79)
Prolactin - 3.9 (2.0-18.0)
Those were my labs after 2 months on clomid. So it doesn’t take too long for it to raise endogenous testosterone levels. My levels probably were that high after 1-3 weeks of 50mg/ day. But just don’t expect your levels to stay elevated once you stop clomid. That’s not how it works. There’s no such thing as a “restart”. Your levels will always go back to baseline after discontinuing clomid. I had my levels tested 2 months after stopping clomid, and my levels were exactly where they were at baseline. No more, no less. And I’m not just going by my experience, this is the experience you’ll see from anyone that does clomid. Levels will always go back to baseline. So don’t expect clomid to “jumpstart” your testicles or anything. Sorry to be a cloud of negativity lol, but it’s just how it works. “Restarts” are an old wives tale.