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I've been on TRT for close to four months and am on 200mg/ wk of test cyp. I am doing ED injections. I am thinking of dropping my dosage by 20%. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!


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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I've been on TRT for close to four months and am on 200mg/ wk of test cyp. I am doing ED injections. I am thinking of dropping my dosage by 20%. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!
Context is crucial. I'm natural at 104 ng/dL, Free T in the 2.89 ng/dL, both well below range in the late afternoon and I feel amazing and look and feel better than when I was at 592 ng/dL when on TRT/Jatenzo.

Imagine I came here as a new member and posted my results without mentioning how I feel. Everyone would be giving me the wrong advice.

Not a complete set of lab work to be able to advise, CBC would be nice as well as knowing how well you're responding to treatment.
I've been on TRT for close to four months and am on 200mg/ wk of test cyp. I am doing ED injections. I am thinking of dropping my dosage by 20%. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!
Your labs look good. How are you feeling? Having any issues? If not, I see no reason to change anything.
I've been on TRT for close to four months and am on 200mg/ wk of test cyp. I am doing ED injections. I am thinking of dropping my dosage by 20%. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!

Shooting in the dark here!

All we know is that you were clearly started on a high dose of T 200 mg split into daily injections and four months in yes you are hitting a high TT but this means nothing without knowing where the most important blood marker which would be free testosterone sits.

Top it off that you are also missing SHBG and critical blood markers RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit which will be driven up when using exogenous T.

We always want to test at the true trough (lowest point) before your next injection which would be 24 hrs post-injection seeing as you are injecting daily.

Even then there will not be a big difference between peak--->trough since you are injecting TC daily.

Although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of T responsible for the positive effects.

Most men on TTh are injecting 100-200 mg T/week whether once weekly or split into more frequent injections as in twice-weekly (every 3.5 days, M/W/F, EOD or daily.

Most men can easily hit a healthy let alone high trough FT injecting 100-150 mg T/week especially when split into more frequent injections

Yes there are outliers who may need the higher-end dose of 200 mg but is far from common as in RARE!

Those dime a dozen run of the mill T-clinics let alone bros/blast n cruisers stinking up those bum ass so called men's health forums littered on the internet are the ones pushing that more T is better mentality bullS**T!

Many men are overmedicated let alone from the get go!

Start low and slow we say!

Patience is key.

Always time to slowly increase the dose if need be!

Much harder coming down then going up, trust me on this one!

Will put it to you like this if you have low let alone normal SHBG with a high TT 1000 ng/dL your FT will be high/absurdly high and even if it turns out that you have higher SHBG then your FT could still be high with a high TT 1000 ng/dL but if you truly feel great overall are not experiencing any sides and blood markers are healthy then I would see no reason to change anything.

Need to let us know where your FT, SHBG, RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit sit!

Are you taking an AI?
Context is crucial. I'm natural at 104 ng/dL, Free T in the 2.89 ng/dL, both well below range in the late afternoon and I feel amazing and look and feel better than when I was at 592 ng/dL when on TRT/Jatenzo.

Imagine I came here as a new member and posted my results without mentioning how I feel. Everyone would be giving me the wrong advice.

Not a complete set of lab work to be able to advise, CBC would be nice as well as knowing how well you're responding to treatment.

You have absurdly low FT plain and simple!

Nothing healthy about this here!
You have absurdly low FT plain and simple!

Nothing healthy about this here!
Fasting glucose 85, budging veins, ever increasing energy and erections improving every day. Even my sleep quality and duration has never been better.

How’s that for healthy?

I had a higher fasting glucose on TRT because I pushed beyond what my genetics can handle.

You of all people should know that it’s more than just about the absolute hormonal value that matters, the type of androgen receptor, androgen receptor sensitivity, receptor density, as well as the abilities for tissues to respond is a bigger factor than any hormonal lab value.

There’s only one possible explanation, I have very short gene CAG repeat numbers. A little testosterone goes a looong way for someone like me.

Also men with shorter gene CAG repeat numbers tend to have higher rates of prostate cancer. None so far in my family.
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Fasting glucose 85, budging veins, ever increasing energy and erections improving every day. Even my sleep quality and duration has never been better.

How’s that for healthy?

I had a higher fasting glucose on TRT because I pushed beyond what my genetics can handle.

You of all people should know that it’s more than just about the absolute hormonal value that matters, the type of androgen receptor, androgen receptor sensitivity, receptor density, as well as the abilities for tissues to respond is a bigger factor than any hormonal lab value.

There’s only one possible explanation, I have very short gene CAG repeat numbers. A little testosterone goes a looong way for someone like me.

Also men with shorter gene CAG repeat numbers tend to have higher rates of prostate cancer. None so far in my family.

Sensitivity of the AR/CAG repeat length, distribution/density would make a shit lick a difference with a TT or better yet FT in the gutter!

Give your head a shake!

No way in hell you were running around with a TT in the low 100s and absurdly low FT in your prime even if you had low SHBG to boot!


You have been a complete mess from the get-go on here!

If you truly feel great so be it but do not go on claiming such levels are healthy long-term!

Your FT is ridiculously low!

Even then when it comes to retaining let alone gaining muscle mass/strength, and recovery you are going to be spinning your wheels here!

Look up where a healthy young male sits at peak!

You are well off the mark here!
@Blkandrust: Good information from @madman as usual. I would add that it's almost certain that your SHBG has been driven very low by the excessive dose of testosterone. As a result, total testosterone is unusually low for the dose, while free testosterone is likely to be well over-range. Healthy natural testosterone production is covered by doses in the range of 40-100 mg TC per week. Going higher is asking for side effects, as many find out the hard way.
What provider is that?
Not sure if the "optimal" column is cut off. It looks like there are no ranges, rather like "more/less than is better".

How was your TRT experience so far?
You suggested lowering your dose. It's quite possible that you feel as well or even better on a lower dose. Question is now how much should one reduce the dose at once. To be honest, you could also be one of the rare cases that do better on a higher dose. Are you taking any additional TRT medications (estradiol, dht 'management')?
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Fasting glucose 85, budging veins, ever increasing energy and erections improving every day. Even my sleep quality and duration has never been better.

How’s that for healthy?

I had a higher fasting glucose on TRT because I pushed beyond what my genetics can handle.

You of all people should know that it’s more than just about the absolute hormonal value that matters, the type of androgen receptor, androgen receptor sensitivity, receptor density, as well as the abilities for tissues to respond is a bigger factor than any hormonal lab value.

There’s only one possible explanation, I have very short gene CAG repeat numbers. A little testosterone goes a looong way for someone like me.

Also men with shorter gene CAG repeat numbers tend to have higher rates of prostate cancer. None so far in my family.
Why did you come off your oral T, that you have said on the forum you were so happy with?
I've been on TRT for close to four months and am on 200mg/ wk of test cyp. I am doing ED injections. I am thinking of dropping my dosage by 20%. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!
How you are feeling is the crucial context we are missing here, without which your lab numbers are meaningless.
Why did you come off your oral T, that you have said on the forum you were so happy with?
After coming off the beta-blocker, which was causing hypotension, things changes and I could no longer tolerate sunlight, foods with vitamin D or vitamin D supplements even though I was deficient.

TRT changes my iron status too much by suppressing hepcidin and this causes problems. Vitamin D makes more iron bioavailable as does TRT by suppressing hepcidin.

I feel better off TRT.
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After coming off the beta-blocker, which was causing hypotension, things changes and I could no longer tolerate sunlight, foods with vitamin D or vitamin D supplements even though I was deficient.
It's well known that beta-blockers allow vampires walk in the daylight by reducing the oxidative stress associated with UV light exposure. Dropping the beta-blocker then would have unmasked your underlying vampirism. Additionally, iron is toxic to vampires unless consumed as fresh blood. We finally have a diagnosis that explains everything you've observed.

On the bright side, you may be immortal.
After coming off the beta-blocker, which was causing hypotension, things changes and I could no longer tolerate sunlight, foods with vitamin D or vitamin D supplements even though I was deficient.

TRT changes my iron status too much by suppressing hepcidin and this causes problems. Vitamin D makes more iron bioavailable as does TRT by suppressing hepcidin.

I feel better on TRT.
Feel better on trt or not on trt?? Kind of confused because above you said you feel better now than you did on trt.

Either way, it’s your life and hope you find something that works and makes you feel good enough to enjoy your time on this planet. I do agree with madman though, that free t level seems chronically low and not what most would consider even close to a healthy level. If you feel better there then hopefully you’re an exception.

Also, if you are such an outlier that makes me reconsider your constant praise of oral testosterone. Not saying it didn’t work for you, but you seem to be a rare specimen so it’s quite possible(likely) that your success with it is not the norm for most subjects. And that’s backed up by lots of other anecdotal stories from people who failed to find success with it.
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