Fatigue on shot day


New Member
So I recently upped my dosage, about 2 -2.5 weeks ago. I've posted before, but was on this protocol for 2 months, plan was to take everything back to a starting point and slowly work our way up with dose increase like I should have done in the beginning. I felt shitty on the 50mg. Not as bad as before TRT, but just meh overall.

Old protocol
50mg test cyp e3.5
120iu hcg e3.5
Arimidex .25 24 hr after pin

Total t- 419
Free t 51(35-155)
Sensitive e2- 12 (8-35)

New protocol
66mg test cyp e3.5 days
120iu hcg e3.5 days
Arimidex .25 24hr after pin

Like I said it hasn't been long enough to get bloodwork done. I've just noticed some serious fatigue lately 4-5 hrs after my injection. Like struggling to stay awake, heavy eye lids, overall shitty feeling. Other than that my mood is actually better, and libido is starting to slowly pick up as well. I know I have to wait at least 4 weeks to look at test levels, but am I able to look at estrogen any earlier to make sure it isn't too low or too high? If not that's fine, just wanted to ask. I've got some time off coming up so there is no rush, and I purposefully only took one class over summer so I can deal with sides. I sleep 7-10 hrs a night, train 5-6 days a week, eat extremely clean(lean protein, good amount of carbs like sweet pot and rice, plenty of veggies, and healthy fats as well). Just looking for some suggestions.

Also I do know not many people need an AI with that low of a dose. Anecdotally I have dealt with high e2 sides since starting treatment hence the AI.
Extremely weepy was probably the one that stood out the most. I could cry at the drop of a hat, it was comical at times lol also a super intense craving for sweets at night, holding about 5 lbs of extra water. Those were the most notable. I don't have any of those at the moment.

To be honest the fatigue resembles what I felt now like back in the days before trt, when I had naturally low estrogen.
Unfortunately we lowered testosterone dose and doctor wanted to add arimidex at same time. She was adamant so I talked her into only doing .25mg twice a week. If my next set of bloods show low e2 she will let me discontinue it.

But to answer your question yes the sides did go away.
Yea I do believe that's the best thing to do. It's not too much longer until I take bloods anyways. I just unfortunately seem to be one of the guys who get really effected by estrogen levels, both when they are high and low.
Yes my levels were low, that's why she raised my dose from 100mg a week to 132mg a week...

your E2 was rather low as well, Sensitive e2- 12 (8-35). this can cause the fatigue you described. do you have dry skin, any joint pains, or maybe seem to be urinating more often?

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