Erection & Orgasm Quality

I really can’t address someone else’s experience with libido etc. but I can relate my experience. I’ve been on T cyp injections for about seven years and I’d say the way it has transformed my sex life is incredible. Super hard erections (I also use 5mg Cialis daily) , super sensitive penis and outbof this world orgasms. The best sex of my life and it just keeps getting better. Therefore I’d say that anyone who has poor sex on TRT needs to assess things to find out what’s going on. TRT should definitely give a positive sexual outcome. I think that one problem some men have is a doctor who thinks getting you up to the bottom of the range is sufficient.

Ditto when using Cialis. :)
Without Cialis, not so much :(
Don’t we all wish we could get that back. Fun times!
That could be very frustrating: I wanted to go back to “those days”with TRT and Cialis and Viagra... that was a very unrealistic expectation that only added more anxiety to the equation. That false hope hinders one from seeing the good in TRT which is plenty.
Man, 3-4 months is nothing, really. It could take years to get everything dialed in. Especially, if you are taking other hormones.

I was on multiple hormones when I started out and every tweak resets your counter, time-wise. The more variables you include, the longer it will take to dial things in.
Wow, so 180mg/ week of test, and 1165iu’s/ week of HCG, and no ai huh? Good for you. Gives hope to guys that are trying to avoid ai’s at all costs. What’s your current total T, free T, E2 and SHBG look like on this protocol? That’s the last question. Don’t want to derail the thread too much. But I’m too curious not to ask.

Here’s what my numbers looked like with the testosterone only. I was out of HCG at the time. I’d guess that adding back the HCG may have added another 200-300 in total testosterone. At that time I was using .25 mg arimidex twice a week along with injection but I have since stopped the arimidex with no noticeable difference. Estradiol was 20 at that same time. I don’t know what it is now. I haven’t taken it for a couple of months.
I definitely have experienced a better sexual performance when I add Cialis to my .50 mg of cypionate once a week. I also feel much better knowing that I’m able to have erections (confidence) as needed. Exogenous testosterone helps a lot but for me expecting to have cypionate alone fix my ED was a total disappointment that made me feel very frustrated to the point I couldn’t see the benefits of TRT as I was completely focused on my sexual behavior and not taking anything else. I take 20mg but I’d like to ask my Dr to prescribe dialy Cialis. What side effects if any do you have from .5mg daily? How many ius of HCG do you take? I believe your doctor is giving you a very comprehensive approach to treat TRT related issues.
I’m using 333IU HCG every other day. However I’ll soon be out and I may have to wait to get more as I have in the past. So if I can’t get it I’ll take a break for awhile and bump my testosterone dose a bit.

I have no noticeable side effects from 5mg Cialis Daily. My wife and I have sex every other day and on those days I also take 50mg Viagra. (Doctor approved). My erections are okay with Cialis daily but it is a small dose. I take it for BPH symptoms. I feel that viagra has a bigger kick. While I could get by fine without it, like I said before I enjoy the really hard and easy to get erections it helps provide. I’m usually hard without any direct stimulation well before my erection is needed. Sort of like thirty five years ago. I dyreally notice from the viagra either. Maybe a stuffy nose at most.
That could be very frustrating: I wanted to go back to “those days”with TRT and Cialis and Viagra... that was a very unrealistic expectation that only added more anxiety to the equation. That false hope hinders one from seeing the good in TRT which is plenty.
Yes, those days are gone and I never expected to get them back, it’s just a wish. I can go again in a few hours but usually I have an orgasm about every other day. Sometimes at midnight then again first thing in the morning. The difference though is that back then I usually had two orgasms per session but intercourse would only last a few minutes each time. Now intercourse lasts as long as I want it to an hour or more of time permits and my orgasms are much more powerful than they were back then so I’m enjoying the best sex of my life and it just keeps getting better as I learn ways to improve pleasure.
Yes, those days are gone and I never expected to get them back, it’s just a wish. I can go again in a few hours but usually I have an orgasm about every other day. Sometimes at midnight then again first thing in the morning. The difference though is that back then I usually had two orgasms per session but intercourse would only last a few minutes each time. Now intercourse lasts as long as I want it to an hour or more of time permits and my orgasms are much more powerful than they were back then so I’m enjoying the best sex of my life and it just keeps getting better as I learn ways to improve pleasure.
Thank you for the good information. Definitely, I last much longer with viagra or Cialis before ejaculating. I’ve been on TRT for 9 weeks so far but I heard excellent things about daily Cialis combined with .50mg Viagra with TRT before. Indeed, they make this combo in Canada I believe. It’s proven to be very effective to enhance sex.
I’m using 333IU HCG every other day. However I’ll soon be out and I may have to wait to get more as I have in the past. So if I can’t get it I’ll take a break for awhile and bump my testosterone dose a bit.

I have no noticeable side effects from 5mg Cialis Daily. My wife and I have sex every other day and on those days I also take 50mg Viagra. (Doctor approved). My erections are okay with Cialis daily but it is a small dose. I take it for BPH symptoms. I feel that viagra has a bigger kick. While I could get by fine without it, like I said before I enjoy the really hard and easy to get erections it helps provide. I’m usually hard without any direct stimulation well before my erection is needed. Sort of like thirty five years ago. I dyreally notice from the viagra either. Maybe a stuffy nose at most.
If I may ask, where do you get your HCG? Does your insurance cover its cost? Thank you
I definitely have experienced a better sexual performance when I add Cialis to my .50 mg of cypionate once a week. I also feel much better knowing that I’m able to have erections (confidence) as needed. Exogenous testosterone helps a lot but for me expecting to have cypionate alone fix my ED was a total disappointment that made me feel very frustrated to the point I couldn’t see the benefits of TRT as I was completely focused on my sexual behavior and not taking anything else. I take 20mg but I’d like to ask my Dr to prescribe dialy Cialis. What side effects if any do you have from .5mg daily? How many ius of HCG do you take? I believe your doctor is giving you a very comprehensive approach to treat TRT related issues.

My experience is similar. When I got on TRT I was 62 and was told that erection quality might not be improved. I wasn’t concerned, as I have been using pde5s for over 15 years with good results. Not sure if a younger guy would have been told the same thing. What I find is that testosterone definitely improved libido and that, in combination with cialis and viagra, has brought sex to a level I never had even in my 20s. In those days twice a night was the norm. First time was always under 5 minutes and the second would usually be about 15 minutes. Today it’s once per night, but I can last a long time with the norm being over 20 minutes and if I didn’t have a strenuous day can go 45 minutes of penetration. Orgasms are off the charts, way better than I ever imagined. Another side effect is that my 63 year old wife of 32 years is in fantastic shape and considers sex 3 times per week to be her cardio. I suggest just accepting things. PDE5s can be bought online from Indian pharmacies for short money so why not accept the changes in you and enjoy your health and sexuality? What good is a good physique and health if you are stressing out over the details? I have no sides, take 5 mg Cialis daily and add another 20 if sex is planned around 2 PM. IF we haven’t had sex in more than 3 days, I add 50 viagra instead of the 20 Cialis. Not sure how old you are, but I think one of the benefits of this regimen in my 60s is that this protocol works very well and there are no side effects. Not the Fountain of Youth, but I’ll certainly take it.
I completely agree with you -accept the changes in me. I was mislead to believe that TRT alone was going to help me with my ED. Dr Crisler et al don’t even mention PDE5 inhibitors! I’m 58 years old and had lost my libido completely that even taking Viagra didn’t make any sense. I’m on my third month of TRT but I will add Cialis Daily and generic Viagra which is very cheap out of pocket (Costco). Thanks for sharing your story.
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Here’s what my numbers looked like with the testosterone only. I was out of HCG at the time. I’d guess that adding back the HCG may have added another 200-300 in total testosterone. At that time I was using .25 mg arimidex twice a week along with injection but I have since stopped the arimidex with no noticeable difference. Estradiol was 20 at that same time. I don’t know what it is now. I haven’t taken it for a couple of months.
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Wow I thought for sure your numbers would of been higher on 180mg of test per week.

How long were you off of HCG, and do you notice any differences on HCG, compared to off of it?
For me, with sex, I went from a normal sex life, great orgasms, rock solid erections to nothing almost over night. It progressed to the point where I thought I would never have a normal sex life again.

Once I got TRT dialed in (some possible changes needed now after 2 years now) libido has come back but not as strong as when I initially started TRT and with the help of generic viagra (40 to 60mg) erections are very good again. Without viagra I can usually get a very good erection for a few minutes but once I start activity things go down hill pretty quickly.

Sensitivity is not what it once was but it's better then it was. The weird thing is, if my wife is giving oral it feels amazing for a few minutes and then the sensitivity fades off. It's the same thing with intercourse as well. Some times I have not been able to climax because of it. But if we stop for a few minutes the sensitivity will return and I will be able to climax if I really concentrate on it.
Gentlemen I have a question. I will post some history so you can better answer.

Started trt about 3-4 months ago.

Before trt I was very low , but had no problems with erections. Libido did suck. Sex maybe once a week. I am 40+

First couple weeks of TRT felt great increase in libido.

My libido is not really returning. I can still get erection but no sensitivity. Last night I had sex and the orgasm was barely felt. A dull experience. Wtf! This has never happened to me in my entire life.

I am taking: trt, thyroid meds. Supplements: vd, and a daily includes zinc boron and a few other minerals and important vitamins for men

My T levels are high and I have a good trt doc. I’m told This could be estrogen but not sure about that. I’m not taking ai to control it. If this is esstrogen I’d for sure lower my dose a bit and double check my supplements.
Go to YouTube search for TOTRevolution and listen to the last two YouTube videos. Jay goes into great detail about the effects of estrogen and why you might need an AI! Has to do with Body Fat percentage!
If I may ask, where do you get your HCG? Does your insurance cover its cost? Thank you
I just ordered more this morning. I order it from Walmart Specialty Pharmacy. My insurance won’t pay for it. The cost with a GoodRx coupon was $108.57 for one 10000IU vial of Pregnyl brand. Shipping is free and the also send free insulin syringes as prescribed by my doctor and alcohol wipes.
My experience is similar. When I got on TRT I was 62 and was told that erection quality might not be improved. I wasn’t concerned, as I have been using pde5s for over 15 years with good results. Not sure if a younger guy would have been told the same thing. What I find is that testosterone definitely improved libido and that, in combination with cialis and viagra, has brought sex to a level I never had even in my 20s. In those days twice a night was the norm. First time was always under 5 minutes and the second would usually be about 15 minutes. Today it’s once per night, but I can last a long time with the norm being over 20 minutes and if I didn’t have a strenuous day can go 45 minutes of penetration. Orgasms are off the charts, way better than I ever imagined. Another side effect is that my 63 year old wife of 32 years is in fantastic shape and considers sex 3 times per week to be her cardio. I suggest just accepting things. PDE5s can be bought online from Indian pharmacies for short money so why not accept the changes in you and enjoy your health and sexuality? What good is a good physique and health if you are stressing out over the details? I have no sides, take 5 mg Cialis daily and add another 20 if sex is planned around 2 PM. IF we haven’t had sex in more than 3 days, I add 50 viagra instead of the 20 Cialis. Not sure how old you are, but I think one of the benefits of this regimen in my 60s is that this protocol works very well and there are no side effects. Not the Fountain of Youth, but I’ll certainly take it.
I’m 54 and your sexual experience in your 20’s and today is exactly as mine. I could have written your post. It’s good to hear that other older men are experiencing the same fantastic sex as I am. In my twenties I wouldn’t have believed how much better it would be in my fifties. Words can’t describe how good it is.
I completely agree with you -accept the changes in me. I was mislead to believe that TRT alone was going to help me with my ED. Dr Crisler et all don’t even mention PDE5 inhibitors! I’m 58 years old and had lost my libido completely that even taking Viagra didn’t make any sense. I’m on my third month of TRT but I will add Cialis Daily and generic Viagra which is very cheap out of pocket (Costco). Thanks for sharing your story.
Before TRT ED drugs had no effect on me. With TRT they work really well. I think for them to work you need a good hormone level.
Wow I thought for sure your numbers would of been higher on 180mg of test per week.

How long were you off of HCG, and do you notice any differences on HCG, compared to off of it?
The blood test was done on the morning of injection before injection so this is my low level. Most of the time it would be higher. I’ve injected a much liver dose divided into daily injections and had a much higher T level due to not having peaks and valleys. However I didn’t feel as good. I think I do better with a higher weekly dose injected less frequently and with higher peaks. I think I’d do once a week injections but my insulin syringes only hold .5ml. I was off for two or three months. I didn’t notice any difference in how I felt. The only reason I use HCG is to keep my balls big. Otherwise they get smaller, softer and stay drawn up and don’t hang, leaving my sack hanging empty.
Jesus Christ, you have patience I can only dream about having lol. What’s your current protocol look like?

I don't really have patience, but there's pretty much no choice when you aren't yourself and are trying to get back there.

I won't put my specific protocol because everyone is different and I'm more sensitive to estrogen blockers than most (I also get back pain from Cialis, so started with Viagra when I was first on TRT) so I don't want people thinking what works for me will work for them.

But I will say I take my test shots twice a week, HCG three times a week, and an AI three times a week. That's pretty much it, along with Viagra if a sexual session is going to occur soon after a previous one. Other than that, I don't hardly use it at all.
For me, with sex, I went from a normal sex life, great orgasms, rock solid erections to nothing almost over night. It progressed to the point where I thought I would never have a normal sex life again.

Once I got TRT dialed in (some possible changes needed now after 2 years now) libido has come back but not as strong as when I initially started TRT and with the help of generic viagra (40 to 60mg) erections are very good again. Without viagra I can usually get a very good erection for a few minutes but once I start activity things go down hill pretty quickly.

Sensitivity is not what it once was but it's better then it was. The weird thing is, if my wife is giving oral it feels amazing for a few minutes and then the sensitivity fades off. It's the same thing with intercourse as well. Some times I have not been able to climax because of it. But if we stop for a few minutes the sensitivity will return and I will be able to climax if I really concentrate on it.

I’ve had problems with low penis sensitivity and problems reaching orgasm and I attributed it to high E2 and taking some arimidex solved the problem right away. However I almost never take arimidex and I don’t really know if high E2 was the cause.

Since I’ve been on TRT for the past seven or eight years my libido has been off the charts. I always want sex. My wife can’t keep up with me. I’d say my libido is stronger now than any point in my life.
I’ve had problems with low penis sensitivity and problems reaching orgasm and I attributed it to high E2 and taking some arimidex solved the problem right away. However I almost never take arimidex and I don’t really know if high E2 was the cause.

Since I’ve been on TRT for the past seven or eight years my libido has been off the charts. I always want sex. My wife can’t keep up with me. I’d say my libido is stronger now than any point in my life.

I suspected that it could be E2 related. I am at 35 right now. I started at like 6 or 7. When I was at 65 to 70 I was almost 100% impotent - so I know it does affect me.

I am at a cross roads right now with treatment. I was going to increase dosage on the next shot day (Sunday) but now I have a possible kidney problem that we need to explore. If it's related to the TRT I may have to stop it. :( That means my life is basically over. I felt like hell on earth before I started TRT.

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