So I sent my script in to Empower to get filled and got a email back that they need to obtain permission from my doc since they compound in grapeseed oil. Why would that matter?
Hey Zooka your doctor probably sent in a prescription for the commercially available form of Testosterone Cypionate. Since our compounded Testosterone Cypionate is different from the commercially available form we need to confirm with your doctor that they are ok with this substitution.
OK , makes sense....would this be just a one time verification that is needed? I plan on using empower from here on out since walgreens or CVS in my area wont supply 10ml vials.
Your doctor will have to to indicate that you want your Testosterone Cypionate made in Grapeseed Oil every time they send it, otherwise we'll have to verify with them.
I believe that they're all being forced in to 5mL vials recently, there will be no more 10's which really has no bearing on anything at all. I believe with the 10s that some brain surgeon postulated that there's too much use there and possibility of contamination over time and repeated use, that and it does have a shelf-life once opened and a 5mL will address that.
The big reason they're going with 5's is because Big Pharma already does 10's and in order to keep it legitimate with the FDA, compound pharmacies can't be offering the same things that are already available on the market.
Has nothing do I think with 10ml size and big Pharma, My cvs, walgreens, walmart, ect. Also use the contamination excuse for the 10ml. There is way more money supplying the 1ml vials. The cost $18 vs $70 for 10ml
I'm pretty sure I didn't get that wrong. I'm not saying contamination isn't also a factor, but I'm positive there's an FDA issue with them issuing the exact same formulations of drugs already on the mass market. Maybe someone from Empower will chime in.
The reason we go with 5mL vials has to do with the DEA. Since Testosterone is a Schedule III Controlled Substance it can only be dispensed for a maximum 3 month supply at a time. Since most prescribers write "Inject 0.5mL every week" when it comes to Testosterone Cypionate, a 10mL vial would last 5 months. Whenever a pharmacy fills a prescription for a 10mL vial that will last for more than 3 months technically they are breaking pharmacy state board and DEA regulations.
If a patient is injecting 1mL every week then a 10mL vial can be legally dispensed. If this is the case we simply give the patient 2 separate 5mL vials.