Had this email come to me today. Got me wondering what the drug is called. Think it is the known orals like
Kyzatrex? I imagine you all don't agree that what he is saying is accurate. Sounds too good to be true. Thoughts?
(email body)
An industry changing new technology has just arrived, a fully FDA Approved Daily
Oral Testosterone Therapy and
(Name removed, didn't want to break any rules here) is the only telemedicine platform approved to distribute this exciting new therapy. This is what testosterone replacement therapy always should have been.
Advanced benefits include:
• Does NOT reduce natural Testosterone production, actually increases it (that's right! Improves your own production, which is incredible!)
• Does NOT elevate Estrogen, so no more E-blockers.
• Optimizes hormone balance by imitating the body's natural daily circadian cycles.
• NO injections required.
Sign up today to access this groundbreaking testosterone supplementation.
An industry changing new technology has just arrived, a fully FDA Approved Daily Oral Testosterone Therapy and (Name removed, didn't want to break any rules here) is the only telemedicine platform approved to distribute this exciting new therapy. This is what testosterone replacement therapy always should have been.
The only FDA-approved oral T formulations approved for the treatment of testosterone deficiency in the US are (Jatenzo, Tlando, and
The first oral formulation of testosterone Jatenzo was approved by the US FDA back in 2019.
Other formulations of oral TU such as Tlando and
Kyzatrex were released in 2022.
Other than the last point (NO injections required) this is misleading!
Advanced benefits include:
• Does NOT reduce natural Testosterone production, actually increases it (that's right! Improves your own production, which is incredible!)
• Does NOT elevate Estrogen, so no more E-blockers.
• Optimizes hormone balance by imitating the body's natural daily circadian cycles.
• NO injections required.
Sign up today to access this groundbreaking testosterone supplementation.
• Does NOT reduce natural Testosterone production, actually increases it (that's right! Improves your own production, which is incredible!)
Any form of exogenous testosterone other than Natesto will have a strong impact on the shutdown of the hpta.
Out of all the formulations available, Natesto will have the least impact.
• Does NOT elevate Estrogen, so no more E-blockers.
Any time you increase T you drive up estradiol.
The higher you drive up your FT the higher you drive up estradiol.
Just because one has elevated estradiol it is not a given that an AI would be needed
Oral TU is dosed twice daily and will result in 2 distinct peaks (short-lived)/troughs 24/7.
Although one can achieve fairly high peaks (depending on dose) they are short-lived and T levels do not stay elevated too long let alone trough levels will be much lower.
One can achieve much higher peaks/troughs let alone steady-state T levels on injections.
oral testosterone undecanoate. https://www.empr.com/home/news/fda-approves-oral-testosterone-replacement-therapy-
• Optimizes hormone balance by imitating the body's natural daily circadian cycles.
Natural endogenous testosterone secretion is pulsatile and diurnal.
During the natural 24-hour circadian rhythm of a healthy young male T levels will start rising gradually overnight reaching a peak (highest point) in the early AM followed by lower levels in the late afternoon and reaching trough (lowest point) in the evening.
Fluctuations from peak--->trough would be around 20-25%
One daily peak/trough.
My reply from a previous thread:
Jatenzo (oral TU)
If anything you are getting 2 daily peaks/troughs 24/7.
T levels will be much lower before it is time for your second dose (12 hrs after 1st dose) let alone after you take your second dose you will hit a high Cmax 2-4 hrs later then T levels will rapidly decline and will be much lower overnight until your next dose in the early AM.
Even if dosed once daily which no one would do your T levels would be much lower in the evening/throughout the night until your next morning dose.
Many fail to realize that T levels gradually rise overnight reaching a peak in the early AM.
*elevated and near peak TT level during nighttime sleep, peak TT level around the time of morning awakening
*T production occurs in the greatest amount during sleep as recurring pulses at approximately 90 min intervals in healthy young males and approximately 140 min in healthy middle-aged males (91).
This is key:
(i) elevated and near peak TT level during nighttime sleep, (ii) peak TT level around the time of morning awakening, (iii) moderately elevated TT level during the initial hours of wakefulness, (iv) reduced TT level in the late afternoon, and (v) lowest TT level in the evening. Based upon these criteria, only the Androderm® transdermal patch (Figure 3D), when applied in the evening (∼22:00 h) as recommended, closely mimics the TT circadian rhythm of normal young adult males.
*There are substantial differences between the therapies in the derived TT 24 h pattern; moreover, all but one of them differs either somewhat or greatly from the normative one of diurnally active young adult males, which is defined by:
(i) elevated and near peak TT level during nighttime sleep, (ii) peak TT level around the time of morning awakening, (iii) moderately elevated TT level during the initial hours of wakefulness, (iv) reduced TT level in the late afternoon, and (v) lowest TT level in the evening. Based upon these criteria, only the Androderm® transdermal patch (Figure 3D), when applied in the evening (∼22:00 h) as recommended, closely mimics the TT circadian rhythm of normal young adult males.
*The Jatenzo® oral soft gel capsule formulation ingested twice daily at equal intervals also gives rise to variable TT levels of distinct 12 h patterning, with prominent Cmax following 2 to 4 h after each ingestion and rapidly declining levels thereafter (Figure 3B).
*As shown in the graphs of Figures 2 and 3, the PK of most FDA-approved PA-TRTs gives rise to TT 24-hour patterns that deviate greatly from the normative one thereby failing to satisfy one or more of the five specified criteria.
*The temporal patterns of these PA-TRTs differ from normal, either in the timing of the peak and/or nadir TT concentrations, by achieving the highest hormone levels generally between midmorning and noon and lowest (rather than near peak) ones during sleep (Figure 2A-2F).
KYZATREX (testosterone undecanoate) is an
oral testosterone replacement therapy specifically designed for adult males with conditions associated with a deficiency or absence of endogenous testosterone, such as primary hypogonadism and hypogonadotropic...
Oral Testosterone Replacement Therapy: What’s Available and What Took so Long? Introduction The field of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has witnessed remarkable growth and demand in recent years. While injectable and topical forms remain popular, other types of TRT including oral...
Hi all, Does anyone here know where I can get Natesto, that is my protocol for 1 year 1/2 -3x daily pharmacy got a letter from McKesson no longer available commercially? Now seriously considering Tlando is there anyone currently on that medication and could you please tell me the pro's and...
Hi all, Does anyone here know where I can get Natesto, that is my protocol for 1 year 1/2 -3x daily pharmacy got a letter from McKesson no longer available commercially? Now seriously considering Tlando is there anyone currently on that medication and could you please tell me the pro's and...
excelmale.com/forum/threads/testopel-%C2%AE-vs-generic-testosterone-pellets.22108/ https://www.
Been around the board for a LONG time. Use to be a member of SWALES board. Was around when SWALE posted on several other well know boards. Have been on TRT for quite a few years now (20yrs). I also have a doctor providing my script. Previously mine was self monitors but I will see how my...
Safety Aspects and Rational Use of Testosterone Undecanoate in the Treatment of Testosterone Deficiency: Clinical Insights (2023) Katherine Campbell, Akhil Muthigi, Armin Ghomeshi, Kyle Schuppe, Max D Sandler, Ranjith Ramasamy Abstract Testosterone deficiency is diagnosed by a serum total...