If 550 ng/dL is your trough testosterone then peak could be over 800 and average close to 700. These latter numbers are quite possibly higher than ideal for you, at least with respect to HGB and HCT. The problem with just a dose reduction is that you might get into hypogonadal territory on the day before each injection. Have you considered EOD or daily injections?I’m going to jump into this conversation. I’m only using 50mg testosterone twice per week, and that keeps my free T about 19-22 on range of 9-25, and total T about 550. Obviously not outrageous levels, but I’m now wondering if it’s still too much for me. It keeps my HCT at 50-51 and HGB somewhere in 17’s. My ferritin is fine at 150 so I know it’s not that. I’ve never considered that testosterone at this small dosage could be the issue. I’m going to lower to 40mg twice per week to see if there’s a difference.