Hi brunoreus. Let me clarify a few things, since I started this thread before trying the scrotal cream as well.
1. The E2 mirroring SHBG even though is not very popular approach, it has worked for a few members on this forum, I think Vince is the other member that I am aware of (and he was also going to try out the cream). The E2 mirroring to SHBG has worked for me when my SHBG was under 15. I believe if SHBG is higher we should be able to tolerate E2 a little higher than SHBG, so basically it is not a linear function.
2. Having said that, I had mixed results, because having E2 artificially low is a very fine line between having it at that level and crashing it. To me, a crash is not bringing E2 to zero, it is bringing it to a level in which I feel like crap, and that was when E2 was under 10-12. So this approach made me feel good for days or even hours, so very very hard to sustain, I even tried daily injections and daily anaztrozole, with again mixed results.
3. After I tried the scrotal cream, I noticed I felt amazing, even with my E2 around 25-30. I attributed this to the fact that the higher DHT allowed me to tolerate a bit more of E2 despite my low SHBG. On the cream once my E2 climbed to >30 I started to lose my libido a bit but not entirely. So I am happy because I found something that allowed me to not having to artificially keep my E2 that low.
4. You asked about my anaztrozole dose, It depends on my T levels, but with 120mg cypionate a week split into 2 or 3 doses, I would need around 0.375mg anaztrozole a week to keep my E2 around 15-18. With 140mg cpyonate a week I would need 0.5mg anaztrozole a week. Right now I am on both injections and cream. I am still trying to dial in but my protocol is 100mg cypionate a week + 100mg cream (1 click AM and 1 click PM), with 0.25mg anaztrozole a week split into 2 doses of 0.125mg. Reason for lower AI is because I can tolerate more E2 because of my higher DHT. I tried this without AI at all, and felt overall good, but not great, and no libido.
5. I would strongly suggest you try the cream even if that means getting it from another country, or maybe travelling to a country that sells it. Please just bear in mind I noticed 3 significant differences between you and me. First, you seem to have a hard time to raise your T even at high doses. I never had that problem, I can get 1,000 T and 40 free T with 140mg cypionate a week split into 2 or 3 doses. 2. You also seem to need much more anaztrozole that I needed. I can crash my E2 too easily if I take more than 0.50mg a week. and 3rd, I took accutane so I suspect I have a mild deficiency that makes me over aromatize and not convert T to DHT as efficient as others (and that is where the cream helps because it gives you much more DHT/T ratio than with just injections).
Hope this info helps, I realize that the E2 mirroring to SHBG was my old advice (and Vinces) before wee tried the cream, so that probably does not apply anymore, I would not recommend it because it is too easy to crash E2.