Dr Neal Rouzien's Position on Hematocrit and Estradiol Management

Nelson, I am looking into the issue of TRT related erythrocytosis. It has been 8 years since this post. I am wondering if you know if there has been any new research on this matter? And/or if you have changed your views on the need for donating to keep hematocrit below 52%?

Respectfully, the studies you mentioned above may not be applicable to increased red blood count/hematocrit/hemoglobin from TRT. People who are anemic to begin with may be more prone to strokes perhaps.

And Dr Rouzier still has his license. ;-) Just out of curiousity I checked. Perhaps he was not incorrect. Or perhaps he has changed his views. I couldn't find any more recent content on this topic from him.
Thanks again!
There you go.
Enjoy and happy reading.

As blanket advice, the provider's opinion you reference is medically irresponsible if not insane. Think about it. Elevated Hct is harmless because....wait for it...because it is. Sounds completely reasonable and applicable to every individual, right?

Hungry for more?
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And Dr Rouzier still has his license. ;-) Just out of curiousity I checked. Perhaps he was not incorrect. Or perhaps he has changed his views. I couldn't find any more recent content on this topic from him.
Thanks again!
I wouldn't read too much into that as far as the legitimacy of his views. He personally practices, and actually teaches in seminars, tactics to prevent other medical professionals from seeing the patient lab values that result from his hormone treatments.
the guy who interviews Rouzien, Delgado, advocates heavily for the vegan diet. in the comments he claims the veganism will lower your HCT and this is the real cause of danger - eating meat. I am so over this vegan BS from every possible angle. while I am not super convinced at what level high HCT becomes dangerous (lots of discussions here), the veganism is another major red flag here
Wow how come no one ever told me these powerful alternatives exist?

"Doctor"? Nah. Serious people with PhDs don't go by Dr. If they aren't practicing medicine. Misleading.

But he will definitely sell you some "cutting edge" supps!

Feel that burn........in your wallet!!

PT Barnum had it correct. Nice microscope "Doctor".
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I wouldn't read too much into that as far as the legitimacy of his views. He personally practices, and actually teaches in seminars, tactics to prevent other medical professionals from seeing the patient lab values that result from his hormone treatments.
I remember watching a video of one of his lectures and he was answering questions from the doctors….one asked about DHT elevations with high dose scrotal cream and he said “quit testing it!” I guess in his world ignorance is bliss….and I get that some docs are gonna come off as a little cocksure and arrogant, but this guy takes the cake…14 karat a$$hole comes to mind….
Wow how come no one ever told me these powerful alternatives exist?

"Doctor"? Nah. Serious people with PhDs don't go by Dr. If they aren't practicing medicine. Misleading.

But he will definitely sell you some "cutting edge" supps!

Feel that burn........in your wallet!!

PT Barnum had it correct. Nice microscope "Doctor".
I love that shit. a bunch of dried herb powder in unknown quantities. how exactly will that make my balls pump more juice lol, even without TRT
I remember watching a video of one of his lectures and he was answering questions from the doctors….one asked about DHT elevations with high dose scrotal cream and he said “quit testing it!” I guess in his world ignorance is bliss….and I get that some docs are gonna come off as a little cocksure and arrogant, but this guy takes the cake…14 karat a$$hole comes to mind….
I do remember that Dr crisler wasn’t concerned with testing dht way back in the day either. A bunch of drs are saying the same stuff nichols and Neil have talked about. With dht being a paracrine hormone and it’s just spill over in the blood. I personally have sky high dht on cream and zero symptoms of so called high dht. No prostate issues, no hair loss acne non of that. So take it for what it’s worth

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