Dr Edward Litchten treatment protocol

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The people leading that ******** group are fucking morons like this guy Danny which is a narcissist piece of shit. I’ve been reading on these forms for close to 12 years now and these fads like scrotal testosterone and all this bullshit come and go just like propionate and so many other things I’ve seen come and go over the years and that’s a fact. The truth is and it’s not being negative, it is stating a fact have these ancillary medications and other bullshit pushed by some of these doctors do nothing but cause harm to patients and miserable fucking side effects
Are you kidding me bro. Because your dialed in your an authority? Your following a cult that just believes in adding more and more t with no science to back it up. You wanna poll every man on this forum and ******** and all the other trt forums and see what happens to there shbg when they go on testosterone? I’m not saying the man has not helped people and I’m glad people are trying to push trt forward but some things the man says are outlandish but r not even close to practical. Not everyone wants to be on fucking 35 hormones to feel like a decent human. I’ve tried more cutting edge things then you can shake a stick at and I will never say because they don’t work for me they might not work for you please don’t twist my words. I’m just pointing out facts about shbg.

By stating that the sick should not be critiquing others, I in no way made myself an authority. That is entirely in your mind. This is a case of the sick leading the sick. First the sick should fix themselves up before seeing fit to find fault with every single protocol. Including those that work 100%! Its ridiculous really and is contributing to the deterioration of this forum.

Now, what is this cult you speak of that believes in adding more and more T? And who is "this man" you are saying has helped other people? I am really in the dark here
And that’s like saying a hockey coach that never made it to the nhl as a player could never be a nhl coach. All I stated in this thread is dr L even said himself in a video with Danny bossa that he treats people with chronic auto immune issues with his aggressive protocol. He isn’t touting it as trt. And I also said that from my experience on the forums that t doesn’t drive up shbg. It hasn’t in me and anyone I’ve ever seen in these boards. Can there be outliers sure but this is common basic trt knowledge. So tell me where I have said anything wrong? I’m not giving anyone advice I’m just telling people to be wary of a lot of the new age shit speaking from experience. I’ve tried many things in this hormone game and I’m still going too. We have some people that come here say they feel amazing from a protocal that is unorthodox and people see they feel good and want to jump right on it. I’m just telling people to Be careful
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whats the forum for buddy searching for answers right. Go back and read all your posts. Your all over the fucking place one minute you’re feel great then you say you change protocal cause it’s in your nature to tinker with shit then you say your not dialed in what is it ? Don’t be mad cause I’m telling it like it is your over here trying to justify to yourself that your on this shit for optimal health and your obviously on it for your fragile ego didn’t you just say you had a kid recently and yet your in the back banging nurses. Seems like you do a lot of shit for all the right reasons kiddo. If everyone on excel is so negative to your beliefs why don’t you just stay on the fb group your always trying to protect. Your over here calling us all sheep. I’m not complaining at all I’m sharing my experience and I constantly have guys sending me pm that are in similar situations but this forum isn’t for me?

Ya, but have you ever heard me complain and judge other people? All you do is complain and be negative. I’m here to learn and help others. Why do you care what another grown man does, or doesn’t do in his personal life and with his protocols? I feel fine, and am not changing protocols because I feel bad and am looking to find one where I feel good. I feel good all the time, that’s not why I change protocols often. And I’m a nurse, the girl I was banging wasn’t. I had a kid with my ex. I’m not with her. I’m not sure why my personal life matters to you that much though. Why do you care so much what another grown man is doing with his life? Seems weird. I’ve never gotten upset about what another grown man is choosing to do with his personal life.
Ya, but have you ever heard me complain and judge other people? All you do is complain and be negative. I’m here to learn and help others. Why do you care what another grown man does, or doesn’t do in his personal life and with his protocols? I feel fine, and am not changing protocols because I feel bad and am looking to find one where I feel good. I feel good all the time, that’s not why I change protocols often. And I’m a nurse, the girl I was banging wasn’t. I had a kid with my ex. I’m not with her. I’m not sure why my personal life matters to you that much though. Why do you care so much what another grown man is doing with his life? Seems weird. I’ve never gotten upset about what another grown man is choosing to do with his personal life.
once again you have terrible comprehension skills and obviously you see things the way you want. I’m not negative about you or anyone’s life I’m on this forum cause I do care and if I can help anyone not make the mistakes I have then that makes me happy. I’ve never once said I was an expert nor do I have any of this figured out I have always said I haven’t responded well to treatment that doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion about things on an open forum. You tell me how you would like all these conversations to go on the boards. They all have to fit your narrative? Your a hypocrite judging me and calling me negative. Why do you care about what I’m saying? Exactly and I would like you to show me where I’ve ever spread false information your running around one minute quoting things as gospel then the next your going the other way so cut the shit. And just see people that have other opinions then you are not sheep. You calling people sheep isn’t judging them. Get a fucking grip boy
once again you have terrible comprehension skills and obviously you see things the way you want. I’m not negative about you or anyone’s life I’m on this forum cause I do care and if I can help anyone not make the mistakes I have then that makes me happy. I’ve never once said I was an expert nor do I have any of this figured out I have always said I haven’t responded well to treatment that doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion about things on an open forum. You tell me how you would like all these conversations to go on the boards. They all have to fit your narrative? Your a hypocrite judging me and calling me negative. Why do you care about what I’m saying? Exactly and I would like you to show me where I’ve ever spread false information your running around one minute quoting things as gospel then the next your going the other way so cut the shit. And just see people that have other opinions then you are not sheep. You calling people sheep isn’t judging them. Get a fucking grip boy

What are you even talking about. All the things you just said I’ve never even done. But anyways, just please stop replying to anything I say on here. There’s nothing that you have to say that I want to hear anymore. Whenever you see me post, please just ignore it and bother someone else.
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