Exsctly. Very well said. Humans love comfort. They fear things that are new, and that they don’t fully understand. I’m not saying dr Lichten is right on everything he says, but imo, what he’s saying makes a lot of sense, and he’s progressing HRT forward, by not being a sheep, and thinking outside the box. It’s not his job to completely figure out this HRT thing. It’s much bigger than him. As patients, we still have to do our homework and make educated decisions. And if you don’t want to do that homework, I get it, but you still have to do your homework on which doctor that you think is going to give you the best chance of success. There’s not one way to do HRT. There’s many different ways to do this successfully. As a patient, you have to choose which doctor you feel is currently “right” in the way they practice HRT. But by no means does that make all other HRT doctors “wrong”