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Without typing a book I will give a brief description of my uneducated put bluntly stupid hole I've put myself in.

Currently 49 years young. Starting messing with PEDs in my early 30's (nothing crazy Test/anavar/winstrol) at first it was 3-500mg wk. Then went down to 2-250 off and on for 10 years + lazy on the PCT's. And I will take the bashing all this with no bloodworm I know.. I know..

So the last 3 years I have been doing the TrT thing again unsupervised. Went to SubQ (3) pins a week. With super low does 25mg per 75mg per wk. The last year has been rough very stressful. Deaths in family/work/weight gain 40lbs. And I miss weeks on pinning. Hit and miss. Now I'm afraid my I've shut myself down completely. Can't even bedroom with wife. IT won't work at all. Now with everything going on depression is setting it. Along with the energy. I barely can function even with 8 hours sleep. Affecting my job. Supervisors are catching on something is up. I do finally have appointment with my Dr. Do I tell her straight up ..what's up? Do I start pinning IM and put in 300-400 mg to start to Jumpstart test levels? Sorry for the long post. Currently I'm 5'8 225lbs bf is 35%. When things were good I was 185lbs 15% bf and was superman. Now I can't even get to the gym. It's been 8months. Just need help seen this forum highly recommended . Bash if u want I deserve it. But hoping to get some direction/help
Thx in advanced
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Without typing a book I will give a brief description of my uneducated put bluntly stupid hole I've put myself in.

Currently 49 years young. Starting messing with PEDs in my early 30's (nothing crazy Test/anavar/winstrol) at first it was 3-500mg wk. Then went down to 2-250 off and on for 10 years + lazy on the PCT's. And I will take the bashing all this with no bloodworm I know.. I know..

So the last 3 years I have been doing the TrT thing again unsupervised. Went to SubQ (3) pins a week. With super low does 25mg per 75mg per wk. The last year has been rough very stressful. Deaths in family/work/weight gain 40lbs. And I miss weeks on pinning. Hit and miss. Now I'm afraid my I've shut myself down completely. Can't even bedroom with wife. IT won't work at all. Now with everything going on depression is setting it. Along with the energy. I barely can function even with 8 hours sleep. Affecting my job. Supervisors are catching on something is up. I do finally have appointment with my Dr. Do I tell her straight up ..what's up? Do I start pinning IM and put in 300-400 mg to start to Jumpstart test levels? Sorry for the long post. Currently I'm 5'8 225lbs bf is 35%. When things were good I was 185lbs 15% bf and was superman. Now I can't even get to the gym. It's been 8months. Just need help seen this forum highly recommended . Bash if u want I deserve it. But hoping to get some direction/help
Thx in advanced

So the last 3 years I have been doing the TrT thing again unsupervised. Went to SubQ (3) pins a week. With super low does 25mg per 75mg per wk. The last year has been rough very stressful. Deaths in family/work/weight gain 40lbs. And I miss weeks on pinning. Hit and miss. Now I'm afraid my I've shut myself down completely. Can't even bedroom with wife. IT won't work at all. Now with everything going on depression is setting it. Along with the energy. I barely can function even with 8 hours sleep. Affecting my job. Supervisors are catching on something is up. I do finally have appointment with my Dr. Do I tell her straight up ..what's up? Do I start pinning IM and put in 300-400 mg to start to Jumpstart test levels? Sorry for the long post. Currently I'm 5'8 225lbs bf is 35%.

Welcome to Nelson's Excel!

Sorry to hear this as you are in a bad place.

Need to keep your head up here and get into seeing your GP asap.

Unfortunately we are shooting in the dark here as you have not even had your blood work done let alone your self treating protocols are sounding lackluster.

For all we know your TT/FT levels are far from ideal and even then where does your estradiol, prolactin and SHBG sit.

Throw in any dysfunction thyroid/adrenals and this would be a recipe for disaster.

You need a full set of labs TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, Vit D DHEA-S, LH/FSH, PSA, full thyroid panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, antibodies), salivary cortisol (Four Specimens), lipids, CMP, CBC, and CRP to see where everything sits.

Even then your protocol lacks consistency (dose of T/injection frequency).

Unless you have been injecting the same dose of T/injection frequency every week for at least 4-6 weeks then your blood work will be skewed as it takes 4-6 weeks for blood levels to stabilize when using exogenous esterified TC/TE due to the PK/half-life.

Every protocol needs to be consistent (dose of T/injection frequency) week in and week out before getting bloodwork done.

If you have not stuck with this regiment then you would need to come off temporarily so we can see where everything truly sits.

Although most would be fearful of crashing by the sounds of it you are already in a bad place and doubtful you would feel any worse.

Need to make sure you have your blood work done in the early am in a fasted state.

Otherwise, your results will be skewed!

Again blood work should be done for TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, Vit D DHEA-S, LH/FSH, PSA, full thyroid panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, antibodies), salivary cortisol (Four Specimens), lipids, CMP, CBC, and CRP.

Hang in there my man we are here to help you through this!
Without typing a book I will give a brief description of my uneducated put bluntly stupid hole I've put myself in.

Currently 49 years young. Starting messing with PEDs in my early 30's (nothing crazy Test/anavar/winstrol) at first it was 3-500mg wk. Then went down to 2-250 off and on for 10 years + lazy on the PCT's. And I will take the bashing all this with no bloodworm I know.. I know..

So the last 3 years I have been doing the TrT thing again unsupervised. Went to SubQ (3) pins a week. With super low does 25mg per 75mg per wk. The last year has been rough very stressful. Deaths in family/work/weight gain 40lbs. And I miss weeks on pinning. Hit and miss. Now I'm afraid my I've shut myself down completely. Can't even bedroom with wife. IT won't work at all. Now with everything going on depression is setting it. Along with the energy. I barely can function even with 8 hours sleep. Affecting my job. Supervisors are catching on something is up. I do finally have appointment with my Dr. Do I tell her straight up ..what's up? Do I start pinning IM and put in 300-400 mg to start to Jumpstart test levels? Sorry for the long post. Currently I'm 5'8 225lbs bf is 35%. When things were good I was 185lbs 15% bf and was superman. Now I can't even get to the gym. It's been 8months. Just need help seen this forum highly recommended . Bash if u want I deserve it. But hoping to get some direction/help
Thx in advanced

I do finally have appointment with my Dr. Do I tell her straight up ..what's up?

Yes be honest and if your GP gives you grief then we can recommend other options.

Do I start pinning IM and put in 300-400 mg to start to Jumpstart test levels?

No this is a horrible move!
So the last 3 years I have been doing the TrT thing again unsupervised. Went to SubQ (3) pins a week. With super low does 25mg per 75mg per wk. The last year has been rough very stressful. Deaths in family/work/weight gain 40lbs. And I miss weeks on pinning. Hit and miss. Now I'm afraid my I've shut myself down completely. Can't even bedroom with wife. IT won't work at all. Now with everything going on depression is setting it. Along with the energy. I barely can function even with 8 hours sleep. Affecting my job. Supervisors are catching on something is up. I do finally have appointment with my Dr. Do I tell her straight up ..what's up? Do I start pinning IM and put in 300-400 mg to start to Jumpstart test levels? Sorry for the long post. Currently I'm 5'8 225lbs bf is 35%.

Welcome to Nelson's Excel!

Sorry to hear this as you are in a bad place.

Need to keep your head up here and get into seeing your GP asap.

Unfortunately we are shooting in the dark here as you have not even had your blood work done let alone your self treating protocols are sounding lackluster.

For all we know your TT/FT levels are far from ideal and even then where does your estradiol, prolactin and SHBG sit.

Throw in any dysfunction thyroid/adrenals and this would be a recipe for disaster.

You need a full set of labs TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, Vit D DHEA-S, LH/FSH, PSA, full thyroid panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, antibodies), salivary cortisol (Four Specimens), lipids, CMP, CBC, and CRP to see where everything sits.

Even then your protocol lacks consistency (dose of T/injection frequency).

Unless you have been injecting the same dose of T/injection frequency every week for at least 4-6 weeks then your blood work will be skewed as it takes 4-6 weeks for blood levels to stabilize when using exogenous esterified TC/TE due to the PK/half-life.

Every protocol needs to be consistent (dose of T/injection frequency) week in and week out before getting bloodwork done.

If you have not stuck with this regiment then you would need to come off temporarily so we can see where everything truly sits.

Although most would be fearful of crashing by the sounds of it you are already in a bad place and doubtful you would feel any worse.

Need to make sure you have your blood work done in the early am in a fasted state.

Otherwise, your results will be skewed!

Again blood work should be done for TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, Vit D DHEA-S, LH/FSH, PSA, full thyroid panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, antibodies), salivary cortisol (Four Specimens), lipids, CMP, CBC, and CRP.

Hang in there my man we are here to help you through this!
See the Dr on the 3rd July. I will screen shot what bloodworm that needs to be done. Thank you. Really thank you I appreciate uour help
So the last 3 years I have been doing the TrT thing again unsupervised. Went to SubQ (3) pins a week. With super low does 25mg per 75mg per wk. The last year has been rough very stressful. Deaths in family/work/weight gain 40lbs. And I miss weeks on pinning. Hit and miss. Now I'm afraid my I've shut myself down completely. Can't even bedroom with wife. IT won't work at all. Now with everything going on depression is setting it. Along with the energy. I barely can function even with 8 hours sleep. Affecting my job. Supervisors are catching on something is up. I do finally have appointment with my Dr. Do I tell her straight up ..what's up? Do I start pinning IM and put in 300-400 mg to start to Jumpstart test levels? Sorry for the long post. Currently I'm 5'8 225lbs bf is 35%.

Welcome to Nelson's Excel!

Sorry to hear this as you are in a bad place.

Need to keep your head up here and get into seeing your GP asap.

Unfortunately we are shooting in the dark here as you have not even had your blood work done let alone your self treating protocols are sounding lackluster.

For all we know your TT/FT levels are far from ideal and even then where does your estradiol, prolactin and SHBG sit.

Throw in any dysfunction thyroid/adrenals and this would be a recipe for disaster.

You need a full set of labs TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, Vit D DHEA-S, LH/FSH, PSA, full thyroid panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, antibodies), salivary cortisol (Four Specimens), lipids, CMP, CBC, and CRP to see where everything sits.

Even then your protocol lacks consistency (dose of T/injection frequency).

Unless you have been injecting the same dose of T/injection frequency every week for at least 4-6 weeks then your blood work will be skewed as it takes 4-6 weeks for blood levels to stabilize when using exogenous esterified TC/TE due to the PK/half-life.

Every protocol needs to be consistent (dose of T/injection frequency) week in and week out before getting bloodwork done.

If you have not stuck with this regiment then you would need to come off temporarily so we can see where everything truly sits.

Although most would be fearful of crashing by the sounds of it you are already in a bad place and doubtful you would feel any worse.

Need to make sure you have your blood work done in the early am in a fasted state.

Otherwise, your results will be skewed!

Again blood work should be done for TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, Vit D DHEA-S, LH/FSH, PSA, full thyroid panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, antibodies), salivary cortisol (Four Specimens), lipids, CMP, CBC, and CRP.

Hang in there my man we are here to help you through this!
It's been 3 weeks since last pin. So bloodwork it will be slmost month. Can I ask for a copy where she sends me yo get bloodwork complete? Snd if so I will post results . Thanks again
It's been 3 weeks since last pin. So bloodwork it will be slmost month. Can I ask for a copy where she sends me yo get bloodwork complete? Snd if so I will post results . Thanks again

Yes I would wait 4 weeks since last pin then have your blood work done.

Critical to have testing done in a fasted state in the early am (6-9 am) within a few hours upon awakening as we want to test at the peak!

Two major labs mostly relied upon in Ontario would be Lifelabs or Dynacare.

You need to sign up online to get a membership/account so your results can be viewed/printed off but there is a small catch here as Dynacare charges a small yearly fee whereas Lifelabs is free unless they have changed that recently.

I use/rely upon Dynacare when getting blood work done and every so often I will pay out of pocket to get my own set of labs through Private Blood Tests in Canada - Order Online, Attend, Get Results Fast mind you the cost is ridiculous so I rarely use it.
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It's been 3 weeks since last pin. So bloodwork it will be slmost month. Can I ask for a copy where she sends me yo get bloodwork complete? Snd if so I will post results . Thanks again

Again blood work should be done for TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, Vit D, DHEA-S, LH/FSH, PSA, full thyroid panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, antibodies), salivary cortisol (Four Specimens), lipids, CMP, CBC, and CRP.

Most of these tests will be covered by OHIP other than estradiol sensitive, DHT, DHEA, salivary cortisol.

There may be a few others but you will need to look into which tests are not covered by OHIP let alone the cost of such testing between labs.
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