Does Testosterone Replacement Affect the Thyroid?

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Yes, a lot more women have hypothyroidism than men.
Definitely. Think it’s like 10x more. Seems like estrogen could be playing a role, and I assume that low iron also plays a role. Healthy iron levels are important for optimal thyroid function, and we know that it’s super common for women to have low iron levels/ be anemic. Most likely due to them menstruating each month, as well as women tending not to eat much red meat, on a regular basis. Women are also about 5x more likely to acquire autoimmune conditions, than men, which obv includes hashimotos disease. While looking that up, came across a pretty shocking statistic. Apparently 80% of all autoimmune cases include women. That’s pretty crazy
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That might be one reason why guys feel better when using an AI. So did I.
All about balance. Literally everything in the body works in a balance system. Too much or too little of anything in the body, isn’t good. U always want everything to be in a sweetspot. Only problem is, that sweetspot can slightly change, from person to person, and it can even change within the same person, depending on the balance of other things going on in the body. For example, at one point in a persons life, they might need X amount of testosterone to feel optimal. Then later in life, they have to go on exogenous testosterone, and may also receptor sensitivity issues, compared to when they were younger. So the sweetspot for testosterone in this scenario, for this person, is probably going to be quite different than the sweetspot of testosterone that they needed when they were younger. There’s other factors to consider as well, but point being, everything within the body needs to be in a sweetspot, for that person as an individual, to feel and function optimally. Too much, or too little, of anything, within the body, is going to cause issues.

But yes, in regards to estrogen, one of the ways an ai might make guys feel better, is by lowering high levels of estrogen, and therefore possibly improving thyroid levels.
All about balance. Literally everything in the body works in a balance system. Too much or too little of anything in the body, isn’t good. U always want everything to be in a sweetspot. Only problem is, that sweetspot can slightly change, from person to person, and it can even change within the same person, depending on the balance of other things going on in the body. For example, at one point in a persons life, they might need X amount of testosterone to feel optimal. Then later in life, they have to go on exogenous testosterone, and may also receptor sensitivity issues, compared to when they were younger. So the sweetspot for testosterone in this scenario, for this person, is probably going to be quite different than the sweetspot of testosterone that they needed when they were younger. There’s other factors to consider as well, but point being, everything within the body needs to be in a sweetspot, for that person as an individual, to feel and function optimally. Too much, or too little, of anything, within the body, is going to cause issues.

But yes, in regards to estrogen, one of the ways an ai might make guys feel better, is by lowering high levels of estrogen, and therefore possibly improving thyroid levels.
This is one of the reasons I posted my age... everything changes as we age.. harder to gain muscle but not impossible...diets change to maintain the desired weight etc..,
I used to use Micro's of a 50 year old woman(I'm Male in case you didn't know ) LOL since I lost my Thyroid...but I've learned what is the right dieting for me...
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
This is one of the reasons I posted my age... everything changes as we age.. harder to gain muscle but not impossible...diets change to maintain the desired weight etc..,
I used to use Micro's of a 50 year old woman(I'm Male in case you didn't know ) LOL since I lost my Thyroid...but I've learned what is the right dieting for me...
Well said. It’s all about tailoring things to what works for us as individuals. And like u just said, even that can change based on so many factors, age definitely being one of them
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