I experienced the same thing when I started my SERM (Torem). Before starting it, my libido was actually raging and I felt shockingly good. This was during the period I was taking HCG and HMG injections only (after stopping my T injections). The SERM seemed to totally TANK my libido. After 30 days of Torem, I took 12.5mg of Enclomiphene, and my libido also seemed to be totally tanked. I have since stopped taking everything.My last test injection was Feb 4th. I started the clomid about a week later (25mg eod). Did it for about 2 weeks then stopped as I had blood work coming up the end of March. Had the blood work done. My test came back way over the normal upper range but curiously I felt like my test was in the basement. I then started the clomid again (12.5mg eod) but my energy, libido tanked even more so I stopped. I didn't use anything else but a vitamin regimen. I'm not where I want to be yet but feeling much much better.
But you say that you're finally seeing your semen volume coming back, and getting libido back too?