Does semen volume ever come back? I’ve been off TRT since February, and I still just have drops that come out:(

My last test injection was Feb 4th. I started the clomid about a week later (25mg eod). Did it for about 2 weeks then stopped as I had blood work coming up the end of March. Had the blood work done. My test came back way over the normal upper range but curiously I felt like my test was in the basement. I then started the clomid again (12.5mg eod) but my energy, libido tanked even more so I stopped. I didn't use anything else but a vitamin regimen. I'm not where I want to be yet but feeling much much better.
I experienced the same thing when I started my SERM (Torem). Before starting it, my libido was actually raging and I felt shockingly good. This was during the period I was taking HCG and HMG injections only (after stopping my T injections). The SERM seemed to totally TANK my libido. After 30 days of Torem, I took 12.5mg of Enclomiphene, and my libido also seemed to be totally tanked. I have since stopped taking everything.

But you say that you're finally seeing your semen volume coming back, and getting libido back too?
I experienced the same thing when I started my SERM (Torem). Before starting it, my libido was actually raging and I felt shockingly good. This was during the period I was taking HCG and HMG injections only (after stopping my T injections). The SERM seemed to totally TANK my libido. After 30 days of Torem, I took 12.5mg of Enclomiphene, and my libido also seemed to be totally tanked. I have since stopped taking everything.

But you say that you're finally seeing your semen volume coming back, and getting libido back too?
Yes with regards to the volume. And I do sense the libido making a comeback although not as much as I'd like, but maybe I'm a bit impatient.
Yes with regards to the volume. And I do sense the libido making a comeback although not as much as I'd like, but maybe I'm a bit impatient.

Hey man. Did you ever recover your semen volume to normal levels? It has been 11 months since I stopped all TRT, and I’m still just barely dribbling. In my latest semen analysis I only produced .9 mL.
I took HCG, HMG, and Toremifene (SERM) to restart my HPTA. I’m taking no meds at all now.

All my lab works shows I recovered fully. I tested total T, free T, E2, LH, FSH, PSA, and prolactin.

All my numbers came back in a good range.

However, when I cum, I barely have any semen still. My gf hates it, and I do also. Does semen volume ever come back? Is this normal after TRT? How can I bring it back?
I’m 38, and in overall great health and great shape. I ran TRT for about 18 months at roughly 80mg test cyp per week.


you can get it on line/Amazon but get a high quality with no additives... and don't fall for advertised BS like Semnex etc. Pygeum will do the trick to the point it your loads may be a mouthfull ...


you can get it on line/Amazon but get a high quality with no additives... and don't fall for advertised BS like Semnex etc. Pygeum will do the trick to the point it your loads may be a mouthfull ...

I've taken Pygeum. I've also tried the whole "holy grail" supplement stack.

Did not work at all. No difference.
Also…what is it about TRT that causes such reduced semen volume? Like what causes it physiologically?
The loss of your gonadotropins is the main cause of the often dramatic loss of semen volume during TRT. Particularly FSH. Most of your semen in is produced in the seminal vesicles being 80% and a smaller amount is produced by the prostate. Essentially TRT interrupts the whole reproductive system in the male and that in itself can cause sexual dysfunctions for some men. I think when the stimulation from your gonadotropins ceases, it is possible that the seminal vesicles atrophy and it may take some time for them to return to normal.
It could also be possible that this interruption or atrophy of these glands if caused for long enough may alter the function of these glands permanently for some males. Shutting any gland down in the body for a lengthy period of time is not something to be taken lightly in medicine. Once we go through puberty all the glands and organs associated with sexual function are meant to work consistently until we die, not have periods of shut down and then restart. I do not think we fully understand what may happen to them during these unnatural periods we create.

It could also be that your FSH levels have not returned back to where they were before TRT.

I would also consult with your urologist as to if some form of retrograde ejaculation may be occurring due to issues caused from the shut down or from an entirely different cause.

As a side note, as a young man I had a bout of Non-specific urethritis (NSU). After this infection, my ejaculate levels were never quite the same and I experienced complete retrograde ejaculation at times. So I would also check for any form of low grade infection in the area.

I've done PED cycles in the past and I just started TRT 6 weeks ago. I've always found being on gear or testosterone, mine goes from being kinda watery, grayish to this clumpy bright white, almost cottage cheese look. It's also not as much, although it's still pretty decent amount, assuming I'm not having sex 3 - 5 times a day like I did the first 3 weeks on TRT. I'm not real happy with how quickly my balls have shrunk, but my penis has actually gotten larger, especially flaccid. It had shrank and I assume it was from my low testosterone (150's NGDL total Testosterone).
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The loss of your gonadotropins is the main cause of the often dramatic loss of semen volume during TRT. Particularly FSH. Most of your semen in is produced in the seminal vesicles being 80% and a smaller amount is produced by the prostate.

We need to separate spermatogenesis and seminal fluid production. Sperm is produced in the testicle and regulated by gonadotropins (FSH and LH). On the other hand the majority of the semen volume is produced by the seminal vesicles, which is regulated by androgens and not gonadotropins. See below regarding androgens for semen fluid.

Encyclopaedia Britannica says: “ The size and activity of the seminal vesicles are controlled by hormones. Production of androgen, the major hormone that influences the growth and activity of the seminal vesicles, begins at puberty and starts to decline at about the age of 30. In the absence of this hormone, the seminal vesicles will degenerate (atrophy).”

“The finding of normal sperm concentrations in two subjects with 5 alpha-reductase-2 deficiency suggests that DHT does not play a major role in spermatogenesis.”

We also seen anecdotes that finasteride causes low semen volume (via lowering DHT which is an androgen), also Proviron causes high semen volume (it’s similar to DHT).

So we can conclude the solution to increase semen fluid volume (via the stimulation of the seminal vesicles) is not gonadotropins but to increase androgens/DHT. To increase sperm itself, you need to increase gonadotropins.

Indeed there are still many shooting small loads after adding HCG and FSH and lots of guys shooting big loads on grams of steroids which provide massive androgen if stimulation. It’s not strictly always the case, there are a few examples in the opposite direction.

But I hope this is a starting point for my hypothesis “Increase DHT to increase semen volume”. This could be via scrotal creams or the addition of masteron/proviron/etc to TRT. Remember this increased volume will still have reduced sperm due to LH and FSH being zero.

Interesting fact: The leaflet for proviron says it will also increase sperm counts and parameters (contrary to logic which says exogenous DHT would surely reduce sperm and related parameters via shutdown). This solution can be used by those not on TRT/who have quit TRT.
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We need to separate spermatogenesis and seminal fluid production. Sperm is produced in the testicle and regulated by gonadotropins (FSH and LH). On the other hand the majority of the semen volume is produced by the seminal vesicles, which is regulated by androgens and not gonadotropins. See below regarding androgens for semen fluid.

Encyclopaedia Britannica says: “ The size and activity of the seminal vesicles are controlled by hormones. Production of androgen, the major hormone that influences the growth and activity of the seminal vesicles, begins at puberty and starts to decline at about the age of 30. In the absence of this hormone, the seminal vesicles will degenerate (atrophy).”

“The finding of normal sperm concentrations in two subjects with 5 alpha-reductase-2 deficiency suggests that DHT does not play a major role in spermatogenesis.”

We also seen anecdotes that finasteride causes low semen volume (via lowering DHT which is an androgen), also Proviron causes high semen volume (it’s similar to DHT).

So we can conclude the solution to increase semen fluid volume (via the stimulation of the seminal vesicles) is not gonadotropins but to increase androgens/DHT. To increase sperm itself, you need to increase gonadotropins.

Indeed there are still many shooting small loads after adding HCG and FSH and lots of guys shooting big loads on grams of steroids which provide massive androgen if stimulation. It’s not strictly always the case, there are a few examples in the opposite direction.

But I hope this is a starting point for my hypothesis “Increase DHT to increase semen volume”. This could be via scrotal creams or the addition of masteron/proviron/etc to TRT. Remember this increased volume will still have reduced sperm due to LH and FSH being zero.

Interesting fact: The leaflet for proviron says it will also increase sperm counts and parameters (contrary to logic which says exogenous DHT would surely reduce sperm and related parameters via shutdown). This solution can be used by those not on TRT/who have quit TRT.
Very very inciteful! My LH and FSH levels are totally normal now that I’m off TRT…but perhaps my DHT levels are low. However, this low semen volume was occurring even while I was still on TRT. If I was on TRT, wouldn’t my DHT have been higher too?
Very very inciteful! My LH and FSH levels are totally normal now that I’m off TRT…but perhaps my DHT levels are low. However, this low semen volume was occurring even while I was still on TRT. If I was on TRT, wouldn’t my DHT have been higher too?

Perhaps not necessarily so with injections vs other methods. And also, perhaps not with lower end dosing ~50-120mg week.

I did post previously in another thread, about my loads being much smaller at 70mg/week and good at 200mg/week. That was cypionate daily IM and I felt much better at 70mg.

We can't have everything, I guess. One cannot optimise for longevity, gym performance, gains, semen volume, libido, erections, joint protection, fertility etc etc all with the same protocol. Some may find their protocol gives all of this (lucky them), others find changing the protocol is a trade-off. You may have to give up one benefit to gain another.
We need to separate spermatogenesis and seminal fluid production. Sperm is produced in the testicle and regulated by gonadotropins (FSH and LH). On the other hand the majority of the semen volume is produced by the seminal vesicles, which is regulated by androgens and not gonadotropins. See below regarding androgens for semen fluid.

Encyclopaedia Britannica says: “ The size and activity of the seminal vesicles are controlled by hormones. Production of androgen, the major hormone that influences the growth and activity of the seminal vesicles, begins at puberty and starts to decline at about the age of 30. In the absence of this hormone, the seminal vesicles will degenerate (atrophy).”

“The finding of normal sperm concentrations in two subjects with 5 alpha-reductase-2 deficiency suggests that DHT does not play a major role in spermatogenesis.”

We also seen anecdotes that finasteride causes low semen volume (via lowering DHT which is an androgen), also Proviron causes high semen volume (it’s similar to DHT).

So we can conclude the solution to increase semen fluid volume (via the stimulation of the seminal vesicles) is not gonadotropins but to increase androgens/DHT. To increase sperm itself, you need to increase gonadotropins.

Indeed there are still many shooting small loads after adding HCG and FSH and lots of guys shooting big loads on grams of steroids which provide massive androgen if stimulation. It’s not strictly always the case, there are a few examples in the opposite direction.

But I hope this is a starting point for my hypothesis “Increase DHT to increase semen volume”. This could be via scrotal creams or the addition of masteron/proviron/etc to TRT. Remember this increased volume will still have reduced sperm due to LH and FSH being zero.

Interesting fact: The leaflet for proviron says it will also increase sperm counts and parameters (contrary to logic which says exogenous DHT would surely reduce sperm and related parameters via shutdown). This solution can be used by those not on TRT/who have quit TRT.
" On the other hand the majority of the semen volume is produced by the seminal vesicles, which is regulated by androgens and not gonadotropins"

Very interesting. I am always open to more hypothesis on these topics. Yes, androgens must play a very important role in the development and continued function of these sexual glands as they do the tissues in the penis. Yes, I know of guys on finasteride who experience this and who have normal hormone function otherwise. The loss of DHT must affect this.
Could it be that it is the whole gamut that is responsible for this, not just androgens?
Remove gonadotropins and there will be a loss, or remove androgens and there will be a loss of semen volume. It could be after a period of time, many months perhaps that the loss of gonadotropins has this effect, it may not be immediate.
True, there are "guys shooting small loads" on FSH and hCG, however, this could be for many reasons; these combined are not identical to our natural hormones or produced in the same pulsatile manner. What effect could hCG be having on these glands, as not all men tolerate this compound very well? What occurred to these individuals before using these drugs? Have the seminal vesicles been damaged due to past atrophy, or hormone disruption?
I also wonder what would happen to "these guys who shoot big loads" on large doses of androgens, after 12 months or more on extended steroid courses? I highly doubt this would continue.
It could be that Proviron does indeed stimulate these glands even in the absence of gonadotropins in some men via another pathway. Does it work for all men in this manner?

From my own personal experience, after being on testosterone, it was evident that my DHT levels rose considerably, as I lost my hair and grew substantial amounts of body hair, that I have since had removed by laser hair reduction. My semen parameters did nothing but decline to almost zero after many months, this was not immediate.
They returned somewhat after the use of hCG, which clearly says to me that gonadotropins play a role here, possibly a substantial one. It was also evident to me that the increase I had of DHT, did not help preserve my seminal fluid amount that I had pre-TRT.
The times I ceased TRT and let my body regain natural function at much lower levels of androgens, my semen levels increased to almost pre TRT levels after 4-6 months.
This does not seem consistent with your hypothesis.
I am tempted to think it is much more complex than just androgens or gonadotropins, specifically.

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