Do I need to cycle off??


New Member
Don't do what I did here.. Check with your doctor and inform them of your problems.. Google has made it to easy for people like me to think we can fix it ourself... Not always the case and you could end up hurting yourself and ruining your life, if you don't have a female in your life that will stick with you through some very bad times.. And don't expect them to... I was just one lucky SOB with a lot of her time invested prior for her to make it through this... I'm 41 and have been married 20 years to the same great girl (no she is not here reading over my shoulder)... After hearing all the ads advertise, do you feel tired, lack of motivation, do you have low sex drive.. and so on so on, I thought wow that is so me, So I decided to check into Testosterone Replacement. So last September (2014) I decided to try BioTe, the pellets placed under the skin.. Hell go in every 6 months and I'm good to go, right??? Well not really that easy... So I get blood work done, I don't know what to ask or look for.. A week later I'm told my testosterone level is low (320).. OK cool, lets do this.. So after the blood work and the pellets I'm $1000.00+ into it.. And told to come back in 6 weeks for another blood test.. OK.. Well they cut into my butt to put in the pellets and put a steri-strip on and tell me not to get it wet for a few days.. (Well that night I get into bed and hear a little pop.. ask my wife to check it out and she says the steri-strip broke and I'm bleeding.. No biggie I have steri-strips and she fixes it up.. A weeks later we take the strips off and she says, well I hope that does not leave that big scare on your butt every time you do this.. (Its still there) OK so about 4 weeks later I feel like Superman.. Wife is like wow wtf!!! Where have you been the last 5 years... All is as good, its if I was 18 again, but this time I have a girl to party with as much as I want and more... She is demanding more,, and hell I'm giving it 110%.. She is loving it and demanding it... 6 weeks I go get blood work done.. At 8 weeks I get a call and told to come in and get the results.. They tell me all is good (but don't tell me my level) but I need Iodine, Vitamin A, D, and K, and a estrogen blocker DIMM, ok no problem whats another 250.00 if I feel like this.. RIGHT??? Good to go..... Well around January (2015) (4 months) my wife and I notice I have nothing coming out when I ejaculate.. So i google it.. Then checking it out my tesicals are way small.. It brings me to this site and I start reading.. HCG is the answer, I think.. I call the place that did my BioTe, not a Doctor I learn she is a RN something, that goes through a doctor in another location. After leaving messages, a week later I get a little pissed off, google other doctors around that will know whats up.. I find one I think is good (and he is for the most part, I'm still going there) Anyways I tell him the problem and he tells me not a problem he gives me a prescription for HCG and tells me I need a real E2 blocker so gives me a prescription for Arimidex 1MG also.. and tells me to stop the DIMM as its garbage. So I inject the HCG .5CC E3D and take the Arimidex EOD. A few days later my tesicals seem good.. WOW how easy was that.. I think I'm good to go... for a few weeks that is.. Well me and the wife get it on and notice the thickest load comes out, like glue. Wife is like there is something wrong with you!!! (And you are not doing that in my mouth, we mix it up you know, sometimes here sometimes there) So back to google and Excelmale.. After some more research I think well now I need CLOMID to fix this. I go see the new doc again and he tells me no, CLOMID will kill your E2 to nothing and you will have all kinds of problems then. Well shit now what???.. Wells guess who calls back the first RN lady, she tells me I need CLOMID and she called it into my pharmacy already. Well hell lets give it a try anyways because wife is not happy... So I start the CLOMID 50MG E3D like the RN told me.. Well shit now I can't stay hard for the life of me.. More research on here and google.. By this time I'm thinking my pellets are running out, and the new doc tells me he can put in more pellets, but thinks Test Cyp 200 and 1CC a week is better.. Ok lets do it (he was able to pull my last blood test and did't make me take a new one).. Still having the lack of hard erection, so google is leading me to believe I'm killing my E2 (yes he warned me of this) so after some research I change my regiment to 1CC Test Cyp 200 once a week, .5MG Arimidex EOD, 12.5MG CLOMID and .5CC HCG E3D. BOOM this is it.. I have no problems with anything!!!! So 10 weeks later I go back to the new doc to refill my Test, HCG, and Arimidex, and out of curiocity ask for a blood test because I think its all good and want to make sure (Test 1373, Estradiol 19.2) and a bunch of other numbers.. If you want to know ask I have the printout... He told me Test was pushing the upper limit but not to worried about it as it is not over.. All has been good, until the last month or so (but not a real problem) (July 2015), Ok so I have no problem with erection, ejaculation, testical size.. All is good as long as my wife starts to be frisky with me, but I'm not like the horny 18 year old I was in the beginning. When I woke up hard, looked at my wife and got hard, went to bed hard thinking about her getting into bed, is this just the hormones normalizing or do I need to take a break from it all because I don't want to loose it all.. I really enjoyed feeling like I was 18 again, but am happy with what I have now and don't want that to diminish.. Thanks for reading and any input..
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Jesus man, you are all over the place.

First and foremost; you can't take a SARM like Clomid concurrent with Testosterone therapy...ever! Any well trained anti-aging or TRT Practitioner knows that. A SARM, like clomid, stimulates your Pituitary to produce more endogenous LH but because you are are already HPTA suppressed due to the negative feedback loop of your androgen pathway because of your Testosterone use the Pituitary won't work so you won't produce any LH at all. YOu are putting a drug in you that you don't need.

You need to get off the Clomid as soon as you can; this is big pharmacological mistake.

We really need to see all your labs from your latest pull to make any sense of what's going on.

Let me address some things about your protocol.

You state your protocol is this now:
1CC Test Cyp 200 once a week - This is at the top of the dosage range for TRT and most men don't need to be here to restore serum levels back to youthful levels. All kinds of problems with high doses of Testosterone like elevated estrogen and hematocrit to name just a few. You would do better with a reduced dose like 140 mg per week IMO.

.5MG Arimidex EOD - Way way way to much!!! You state your E2 levels at 19 pg/ml BUT was this the "sensitive" estrogen lab? If not, this lab is useless for men if not the "sensitive" lab. The standard default lab used for women tends to over estimate estrogen levels in men so your 19 pg/ml is most likely much lower than this and it wouldn't surprise me with the levels of the AI you are taking PLUS your symptoms are inline with suppressed estrogen levels as well. If it were me, I'd get the estrogen "sensitive" lab done right away and get a true reading. Men need to be in the high 20's to mid 30's for optimal levels...your 19 is already low and I bet lower if you get a "sensitive" lab run. You're taking too much of the AI!


.5CC HCG E3D. - I don't know what .5 cc is as we dose in IU's for HCG and I don't know how your HCG was reconstituted so I don't know how much you are taking. But, you need HCG so that's good that you're taking it.

Finally, you need one (1) Physician taking care of you. Having two or three is a big mistake as your protocol is not being administered or managed incorrectly as you have learned.

If I may, you might want to call Defy Medical here and have them do conduct an full assessment on where you are right now and get their opinion on what you need to do. You can have either Dr. John Crisler evaluate you (he's one the best in TRT for men in the nation) or Dr. Saya and get an opinion from experts in TRT for men.

But, you need one practitioner and one only.

Word to the wise.

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There's no such thing as a "cycle" in regard to TRT - once you start walking down Hormone Replacement Highway it's a commitment that will last the rest of your life. All the more reason to heed what Gene wrote - stop the Clomid and get some decent lab numbers., link to them from this site, has provided excellent service for many of us (affordable prices). Then, by all means, find one, good doctor. I've no affiliation with Defy Medical, I have a local physician, but wouldn't hesitate to turn to them. You can sort yourself out, but you need a course correction. All the best.
tvarden, stop screwing with stuff you don't understand. You WILL hurt yourself. Call Defy, get blood work. Follow the protocol to a T. If something isn't working, call the Doc. He will order changes and possibly more labs. Stop jumping around.
Good luck
I just started with Defy and while the ramp up takes a bit of time once in the system it rolls smoothly.
All records in one place with people who specialize in this and you don't need to leave your phone.
So many things considered in isolation but not as a whole can really put you off track chasing symptoms and side effects you're creating unwittingly.
I just started with Defy and while the ramp up takes a bit of time once in the system it rolls smoothly.
All records in one place with people who specialize in this and you don't need to leave your phone.
So many things considered in isolation but not as a whole can really put you off track chasing symptoms and side effects you're creating unwittingly.
I think you're making the right choice with Defy Medical, that's who I use and my libido is 18 again ;)

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