Damn do I envy you guys


New Member
Please pardon some asshole just venting, but it's probably all I can do.

I can't express how much I envy you guys who get good results from TRT. Especially within weeks or months. I've been on so-called TRT for 3 years and feel no discernible difference that is even remotely noteworthy. Well, I have gained nearly 3/16-1/4 inch in my arms, and have noticed a noticeable dip in my checking account, but beyond that it's like a 3-yr placebo test. Primary had me on Andrgel, then switched to injections every two weeks , then I switched to Defy for a couple years and it's been 'interesting'. Good luck with the "and somebody will get back to you", sometimes, but not often. Any changes appear to be done in 6 month intervals, so if you're far from being dialed in it appears the time frame for the potential of feeling good (whatever that is) is likely to be a few years. When I research the efficacy of various meds I learn the time to reach therapeutic levels surely doesn't take 1/2 year or years to see some results which has made me wonder what the real-world time ranges are to see results for a given med or protocol. I always place my expectations on the outside of a range and I'm still disappointed. Such as, if something averages 1-3 months for results I'll tell myself to wait at least 4 months before I'll think it's not doing shit. Then I'll always hear "things take time". Of course they do, common sense tells you nothing happens overnight. But hell, if I were one of you guys who sees a result for something in a matter of weeks or months I'd feel so lucky I'd probably go play the lotto. I feel VERY much a cookie cutter approach, which is probably fine for many otherwise that approach likely wouldn't be utilized. I imagine. My mindset all along had been "if I only wind up feeling HALF as good as all the posts I read here it'll be 10 times better than I feel now, and I'll be happy just to attain that". My regimen is pretty basic & predictable; I'm told I'm on 200/week, but if ya do the math it's actually 180. EOD gives you 4 injections per week, so .2 x's EOD is 180, not 200. Obviously not going to make a difference but just throwing it out there. Along with 300 HCG and 1/8 AI 2x's per week. Pretty basic. The Defy's prices are probably pretty darn good, but it's more than 10 times the cost of going through my insurance which I was able to do up until recently. And since Defy no longer does pre-authorizations for scrips I'm doubly out of luck. I'd already cut out dinners, socializing and cable to fund my TRT experiment so out-of-pocket is not currently an option. And, I'm selling my home, motorcycles, pretty much all I own so I can look for a small 1-bedroom place in order to free up funds just in case I DO find a TRT alternative to jump on. Who knows, I might find an avenue I haven't tried yet. If not, oh well, I tried. In the mean time I feel like I'd been talked into some timeshare type pitch with a perpetual "stick with it and you'll feel better" mantra wherein the reality is it 'might' work for 'some' people at best. Hate to admit it, but it does make me feel pretty stupid that I fell for it.
I've done pretty well at not chiming in on various posts, nobody needs my input anyway, so I just click & read and wonder how much of all the positive outcome is real. If it is, damn do I envy you guys. Maybe some guys just can't be 'fixed'.

No replies needed, just venting.
it really depends what state your body is. some guys start trt and in few weeks they take off full of energy, optimism, libido.. other guys (like me) get emotional, weepy and depressed and stay in that state for quite a long time before any effects that you would expect from trt appear.. I don't know why it happens but I think you need to be in very good health for trt to start working from the start.. if there is something to repair in your body you will get fatigue, headaches, etc from trt
Damn, I was feeling pretty good today until I read that original post. What a bummer. I know that ZizshitWorks for me and I wish it worked, at least a little bit, for you too.

That reads like a movie script............

I'm really sorry about your predicament.
Please pardon some asshole just venting, but it's probably all I can do.

I can't express how much I envy you guys who get good results from TRT. Especially within weeks or months. I've been on so-called TRT for 3 years and feel no discernible difference that is even remotely noteworthy. Well, I have gained nearly 3/16-1/4 inch in my arms, and have noticed a noticeable dip in my checking account, but beyond that it's like a 3-yr placebo test. Primary had me on Andrgel, then switched to injections every two weeks , then I switched to Defy for a couple years and it's been 'interesting'. Good luck with the "and somebody will get back to you", sometimes, but not often. Any changes appear to be done in 6 month intervals, so if you're far from being dialed in it appears the time frame for the potential of feeling good (whatever that is) is likely to be a few years. When I research the efficacy of various meds I learn the time to reach therapeutic levels surely doesn't take 1/2 year or years to see some results which has made me wonder what the real-world time ranges are to see results for a given med or protocol. I always place my expectations on the outside of a range and I'm still disappointed. Such as, if something averages 1-3 months for results I'll tell myself to wait at least 4 months before I'll think it's not doing shit. Then I'll always hear "things take time". Of course they do, common sense tells you nothing happens overnight. But hell, if I were one of you guys who sees a result for something in a matter of weeks or months I'd feel so lucky I'd probably go play the lotto. I feel VERY much a cookie cutter approach, which is probably fine for many otherwise that approach likely wouldn't be utilized. I imagine. My mindset all along had been "if I only wind up feeling HALF as good as all the posts I read here it'll be 10 times better than I feel now, and I'll be happy just to attain that". My regimen is pretty basic & predictable; I'm told I'm on 200/week, but if ya do the math it's actually 180. EOD gives you 4 injections per week, so .2 x's EOD is 180, not 200. Obviously not going to make a difference but just throwing it out there. Along with 300 HCG and 1/8 AI 2x's per week. Pretty basic. The Defy's prices are probably pretty darn good, but it's more than 10 times the cost of going through my insurance which I was able to do up until recently. And since Defy no longer does pre-authorizations for scrips I'm doubly out of luck. I'd already cut out dinners, socializing and cable to fund my TRT experiment so out-of-pocket is not currently an option. And, I'm selling my home, motorcycles, pretty much all I own so I can look for a small 1-bedroom place in order to free up funds just in case I DO find a TRT alternative to jump on. Who knows, I might find an avenue I haven't tried yet. If not, oh well, I tried. In the mean time I feel like I'd been talked into some timeshare type pitch with a perpetual "stick with it and you'll feel better" mantra wherein the reality is it 'might' work for 'some' people at best. Hate to admit it, but it does make me feel pretty stupid that I fell for it.
I've done pretty well at not chiming in on various posts, nobody needs my input anyway, so I just click & read and wonder how much of all the positive outcome is real. If it is, damn do I envy you guys. Maybe some guys just can't be 'fixed'.

No replies needed, just venting.
I’m sorry you’re feeling so bad man. I’ve been on TRT for over a year and still having trouble dialing in. Hang in there man. I have learned A lot in my short time on this forum trying different things. Best advise I can give is introduce one thing at a time. This is a for sure way you know what’s causing you to feel like crap.
Sorry to hear that. Praying that you will find an answer. Don't give up! Just change your approach until you get results. I remember when my son waited 5 years of hell before he found the right protocol for his bipolar. Then when he was about to give up - whamo! He found the correct combination and has been stable for 2 years. In fact he just left to play a concert over the weekend. Please don't give up. Change the approach and monitor the results, but don't give up :)
This really sucks. Gels seem to be a bad way to start, and HCG and an AI right off the start can make it hard to figure out what is in need of adjustments. Too many variables to adjust. I think too many guys are convinced that all these are needed when they would be better off starting on 100 mg test weekly and then seeing where they are at in a few months.

And the insurance thing. I use my insurance and it covers most of everything. $80 twice a year for specialist visit, $200 for bloodwork every six months, $25 for testosterone script monthly. Once I got a referral from my PCP I was all set. You need to be able to articulate an argument as to why you need it and be emphatic that you know what you are talking about. My levels were 444, supposedly “in range.” I argued that, even though I was 62, that I shouldn’t feel this way. I worked out daily 45 minutes, slept well and had a good diet. ED managed with cialis. When I started talking about sarcopenia and the doctor knew I had a cogent argument he gave me the referral. Insurance, depending on where you live, can get you to see some good doctors if you do the research. I lived in Massachusetts when I got on and drive 2 to 3 times a year to Boston from New Hampshire to Abraham Morgantaler’s clinic, so I am fortunate. My total cost per year is $660 for all this right now.

Don’t give up. Your concerns are legitimate. You may need to speak like a prosecuting attorney, but it can be done.
If you're injecting .2ml EOD you're not doing 180mg or 200mg per week, just FYI. In light of this, please consider posting recent labs, etc. as well. I'm sure some of the more experienced members would love to try to help you out if they could, and it won't cost you a thing.

I'm really sorry for your frustrations. There was a time that I felt the exact same way about TRT.
If you're injecting .2ml EOD you're not doing 180mg or 200mg per week, just FYI. In light of this, please consider posting recent labs, etc. as well. I'm sure some of the more experienced members would love to try to help you out if they could, and it won't cost you a thing.

I'm really sorry for your frustrations. There was a time that I felt the exact same way about TRT.

0.2 cc twice per week is 80 mg per week, under the 100-150mg/week that is standard. I am sure it was a typo.
Sorry guys for wasting your valuable time, didn't wish for my nonsense bouncing around in your brain. For more messed up humor I might as well add; I have pretty damn good insurance and I was able to afford the attempt at TRT as a result. However, Defy no longer does pre-authorization paperwork and I can no longer get refills on my scrips so the costs jump by a HUGE amount. A $129 bottle of Test Cyp would've cost me about $10, pills that are about $49 would cost me about $3, etc. So if I wanted to try to continue, factoring in labs & follow up fees, it's EASILY over a couple thousand per year, more actually. I don't know how you guys swing all that shit. I haven't had any TestCyp and other stuff for a couple months with the exception of some HCG I still have. And the HCG? Was paying less than $100 for 3 vials AND that included needles, wipes, and sharps container etc., nice while it lasted. I'm trying to save for a bit to try once more maybe sometime soon. But, struggling to find rationale to do so. Yeah, would probably feel different if I'd felt any substantive improvements from my earlier TRT money pit. One has to wonder what the point of tests are if ya still wind up merely throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks. And, the "do this and we'll talk in 6 months" pretty much assures it'll take YEARS to possibly see any improvement. Hence my befuddlement as to how you guys are getting results in mere weeks or months. I wish, or used to I guess, there were some place I could go who would write scrips so I could at least afford to try it again. So, I'm riding my wave back to my baseline. I'd been thinking which parts of my protocol I could do without. It can't possibly make much of a difference, if at all, since I wasn't feeling any real changes so I have nothing to lose by cutting this or that out if trying to afford something. How ironic, pay tons of money each year for insurance and have to pay full price for all TRT supplies if ya wanna try HRT. A long time ago I might have laughed about it. Hope ya don't mind the venting.
For those TRT works for, feel fortunate.
It took me 9 months on androgel to get to feeling really good.

You are not getting 180mgs per week. EOD is 7 injections in two weeks. 7x40mgs is 280. 280/2= 140mgs per week. You should up your dosage, and go off of how you feel. What good are great labs if you feel like shit. I feel best out side of the upper range. I wouldnt wait 3 months for a change, I did that for 18 months with a moron doc and it sucked. give it six weeks and adjust. I dont wait for a doctor now to tell me, we discuss it and I decide.

I just paid under 50 bucks cash for a 10ml vial 200mg cyp including shipping cause I wanted to try grape seed oil. otherwise my doctor who doesnt take insurance calls in a script to my pharmacy that does, and its covered. why are you not using your insurance? Or at leastsubmitting reciepts? You should be able to submit receipts for out of network office visit? My non insurance doctor wanted me to use in house labs, and i said no, right me a script, I have quest for my lab card. my labs are covered. I dont pay anything for labs. every 6 weeks..
PM me if you neeed a pharmacy. Start using your insurance. My docs a $125 a visit, but phone call adjustments to lab results are free.

Dont give up.
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ZizshitWork - I am really sorry that the treatment has not provided relief after all this time. Personally, I have been on TRT for almost 10 weeks without any symptom relief, and that has been disappointing. I can't imagine going 3 years without acceptable results.

If you feel your concerns are not being adequately addressed, it may make sense to get a second opinion from another provider. Just a suggestion.

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow.
I feel the same way you do after a lot longer time on TRT. I am seeing a fairly high percentage of guys for whom TRT does not offer any "Low T" symptom relief even when working with a top doctor and trying every possible protocol and working hard on wellness at the same time. (good diet, solid sleep, good exercise, etc...)
Don’t give up zizshitwork! Drop hcg and ai and just use testosterone and see how you feel. After 6 weeks run blood work and adjust from there.
Found the labs. Brain is so fucked up these days I can't even find shit on my own computer. Old fart.
Blackbob: I no longer use my insurance because Defy stopped doing pre-authorizations for scrips. Bad enough it was $25 just to fax a scrip in, but it was still less of a hit than full pop out of pocket. Well, that's one way to get your customers off their insurance and into your pocket. No doubt the insurance companies were a big factor. And your last 3 words? Honestly, hard not to.
Nelson: as to "0.2 cc twice per week is 80 mg per week, under the 100-150mg/week that is standard. I am sure it was a typo." It's been actually .2 every other day, but still not 180 or 200. I'd say 160. However, kind of you to even notice, thanks. Wanted to try .25 EOD or even something different such as alternating on the EOD with .2 then .3, then .2, then .3 etc. JUST to see what would happen or if I felt anything. I didn't for concern of running out and not being able to refill scrip if I ran out too soon. Would that be like a weak version of 'blast & cruise'?
S1W: I 'think' I got the labs able to post. Unless I screwed that up too. We'll see.
Joey786: Tried just T early on, drove E up really high. All the bad E symptoms and a noodle that wouldn't have been worthy if ya put it on a plate with sauce & meatballs.
I hope the labs show up for those asking. If I'm lucky it'll help somebody regardless of my outcome. You guys know SO much by comparison that I don't feel I have anything of substance to bring to the table.


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He isn’t on anything right now.

I think biggbamboo says he gets a script from defy and fills it at walmart for $30. Maybe you just have to bark louder and tell defy your situation.

Anway, how did you feel on trt? Was it just same or worse than normal?

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