New Member
I’m 69 and lost sensitivity about a year ago. I no longer can have orgasm during sex, but still have some good feeling and a very high libido. I started having problems a couple years ago ( I’ve been on trt for 11 years now), and I’ve used HCG (used from BBC 500 iu/wk to 1500 iu/week for 12 weeks with no help. I’ve ran my E2 any where from crashed at 10 (never again) to the mid 90’s, and everywhere in between (usually a month to 6 weeks at a time). I’ve never been able to tell the difference between any of the levels (10,30,40,60,80,90) other than the low level of 10 and less than 10. Joints hurt like hell then and won’t go there again. No AI for this ole boy. I started at 120 mg/wk with 1 injection the first 5 years and everything was great. Icc c was tearing pussy up! Then Ed started, so went to viagra (stuffs me up too bad) then 10 mg cialis which worked well. I tried tri mix also but it didn’t do anything for the sensitivity. It did however, make my wife sore and thinking about it for a day or two . Then a couple years ago sensitivity left. I’ve just about given up on getting it back. I’ve got a good 62 yr old woman for a wife (she’s on HRT and horny as a bag of toads) who will work around the problem and we keep each other satisfied. I’m currently doing a stack of 15 mg cyp/15mg primo/and 30 mg NPP three times a week. I’m enjoying the gym, my wife and living. If you ever find the sensitivity cure, let me know. I know of at least a dozen others in the same boat who would love to feel it again.