Did SSRI's cause problems for your TRT protocol?

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I've read about SSRIs have some effect on various sex hormones. I've started recently Zoloft for anxiety but can't help but feel like it's doing weird things to my hormones. This isn't my first time on Zoloft, I have been on it in the past but when prior to TRT. Is anyone here on TRT with and SSRI? Has it affected your bloodwork or experience of TRT in anyway?
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I've read about SSRIs have some effect on various sex hormones.
Sure SSRI’s will lower testosterone, but for someone on TRT that can’t happen. SSRI’s can still cause side effects and diminish the benefits of TRT. Testosterone isn’t a drug, it’s a hormone, therefore there can be no interactions with other drugs.

So you’ll have the same side effects on an SSRI on TRT that you will have when not on hormone therapy, minus the reduction in testosterone.

Has it affected your bloodwork or experience of TRT in anyway?
This is not possible, because TRT is not a drug, it’s a bio-identical hormone.
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