DHT, DHT derivative steroids, and libido


New Member
A little background. I had a hardcore raging libido when I was younger, up to my early 20s. Quickly my erectile function deteriorated, followed by libido a few months later. I went for a blood test and my T was 300. I wanted TRT but my doc wouldn't prescribe it. So I turned to a friend at the gym who gave me testosterone. I cycled a few times, felt good while on, terrible when off. The one thing I noticed is that test really helped my libido at high doses with an AI, but I never once had erection or libido issues when using masteron, which is a DHT based steroid. It made me feel amazing.

Finally, I learned about telemedicine clinics, and wanted to do TRT the right way instead of damaging my health and flying blind. It's worked well for some things, but I never, ever felt that energy and sex drive or good erectile function like when I used something that boosted my DHT. It seems that no matter the dose, my body will not bring my DHT above 60. Now I know this is plenty for some guys, but I believe everyone has individual sensitivity, and that for me, this isn't enough to give me that boost I need.

I tried scrotal cream briefly, and I felt amazing for about a week, then estrogen symptoms skyrocketed and I had to stop. That was 25mg Scrotal per day with 120mg of test for the week.

What else can I do? Proviron isn't available as a prescription here, and I don't want to turn to buying masteron from some shady site to add to my TRT. I want to do this legally and avoid the headache. But I'm afraid that I'll never feel good again if I don't.
I tried scrotal cream briefly, and I felt amazing for about a week, then estrogen symptoms skyrocketed and I had to stop. That was 25mg Scrotal per day with 120mg of test for the week.

So you're saying you used 25mg equivalent (1 click of 100mg/ml strength cream) of cream in addition to 120mg/week of an injectable like cypionate?

If so, and particularly if you felt E2 was an issue, you might want to try dropping the injectable altogether and commit to a cream-only protocol.
So you're saying you used 25mg equivalent (1 click of 100mg/ml strength cream) of cream in addition to 120mg/week of an injectable like cypionate?

If so, and particularly if you felt E2 was an issue, you might want to try dropping the injectable altogether and commit to a cream-only protocol.
Yes. I don't know if the benefit was from a dopamine boost with the increase or the DHT itself. I will ask my doctor about a cream only protocol if you think it might be the solution.
I'm not sure that it will be the solution for you, but if you switch to a scrotal cream protocol (you'll want to use 200mg/ml cream this time) it will more than likely at least raise your DHT levels. Good luck!
I tried scrotal cream briefly, and I felt amazing for about a week, then estrogen symptoms skyrocketed and I had to stop. That was 25mg Scrotal per day with 120mg of test for the week.
What about adding an AI for the estrogen and keeping the cream. You can also add the AI as well as increase the cream beyond 25mg, while also reducing the injectable test.

I use cream and injections myself. The combo has been very effective, almost too effective. It really is like being a teenager again.
No lab tests to support any of the feelings you experienced? as in this instance you have no idea why you had this or that feeling, was it really DHT, and to what level was DHT at? Or was it even DHT at all? Was it E? Was E high? (rhetorical)
This forum centers a lot more than others with lab tests and results, substantial and helpful conversations center around lab tests.
This forum centers a lot more than others with lab tests and results, substantial and helpful conversations center around lab tests.
Somewhat of a side question, but if you decide to take one of the artificial DHTs—drostanolone/Masteron, mesterolone/Proviron, etc.—then how do you determine serum levels? My impression is that they don't show up on standard DHT tests, though I don't know for sure. Must one rely on a subjective evaluation?
What about adding an AI for the estrogen and keeping the cream. You can also add the AI as well as increase the cream beyond 25mg, while also reducing the injectable test.

I use cream and injections myself. The combo has been very effective, almost too effective. It really is like being a teenager again.

Do you use an ai? Just curious if you are having such good results with or without one. Thanks.
As said above, labs would definitely help the conversation, but I'm hearing more and more guys doing very well on the once to twice daily application of scrotal cream.
I think it helps me I do 1 click in the AM and 1 at bed time so 12.5mg per click. Lab tests verified the DHT boost, I've talked about quiet a bit on EM.
Somewhat of a side question, but if you decide to take one of the artificial DHTs—drostanolone/Masteron, mesterolone/Proviron, etc.—then how do you determine serum levels? My impression is that they don't show up on standard DHT tests, though I don't know for sure. Must one rely on a subjective evaluation?

Excellent question...would be a great question on an AAS focused board like Tnation, etc etc
I don't think we tend to entertain AAS use and aspects of that realm.
Tomorrow will be my first time trying 1 click of T Cream. My biggest concern is it doesn't help. Second biggest concern is what it does to accelerate MPB.
UNlikley but will be nice if you get going and what you happen to experience in that way, please keep us posted how DHT afffects you.

Vince, I am just about to start cream and thought once a day was the "norm" for cream was "best" for once a day as it gives a close peak and drop to our normal T cycle?

I was told to do one click two times a day.
Vince, I am just about to start cream and thought once a day was the "norm" for cream was "best" for once a day as it gives a close peak and drop to our normal T cycle?

I was told to do one click two times a day.

I also am starting t cream once my order comes in. Dr Nichols has the majority of his patients on twice per day dosing, including himself I believe. I think twice per day is the norm, but there’s at least one guy on here that said twice a day kept him up at night, and it all clicked when he went to once per day dosing. I plan on trying both.
I think it helps me I do 1 click in the AM and 1 at bed time so 12.5mg per click. Lab tests verified the DHT boost, I've talked about quiet a bit on EM.

Do you mind posting the results of that DHT test after being on the 2 clicks per day? And I assume you are applying each click to the scrotum?
Excellent question...would be a great question on an AAS focused board like Tnation, etc etc
I don't think we tend to entertain AAS use and aspects of that realm.
Probably less of interest to guys already taking large doses. The question is in the context of taking small doses concurrent with TRT to boost effective DHT, while keeping serum levels in what would be an equivalent physiological range. For some, testosterone cream to the scrotum is too much of an estradiol booster.

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