Man ur doing better than I am I can tell u that lol. I know what the healthiest diet is for man, but doesn’t mean I currently follow it lol. I do try to stay as close to carnivore as I can tho. But the gym and building muscle is important to me, and I have a pretty crazy work schedule and social schedule, so haven’t been able to take the full carnivore plunge just yet. I do plan on doing so at some point tho. Currently eating the same exact thing everyday. 5 whole eggs, 2 just egg whites, white rice, honey for breakfast, followed by some fruit for desert. For lunch it’s cooked steak and rice, and then fruit for desert, and dinner is steak, rice and honey, and fruit for desert. Haven’t been able to get to the farmers market in a while, but when I can I always pickup some grassfed raw milk. Oh and I eat 1 ounce of organic raw grassfed cheese everyday.
So how many raw eggs do u do? Do u eat the whites raw too? Do u just crack them open and put them in ur mouth and swallow them? I don’t do the egg whites raw, due to worrying about the stuff that inhibits biotin supposedly that’s in them. What I do is I’ll eat 2 yolks raw just by swallowing them, put the two whites from them in a pan to cook, then crack 3 whole eggs in the pan to cook, and then just two whites in the pan to cook and throw 2 of the yolks away. So I eat 7 eggs total per day, but only 5 yolks