Daily Testosterone Injection?


Did you end up going daily? If so, how's it going?


No, I stayed with EOD for the time being and I'm doing pretty well. Fresh bloodwork coming in soon, so my first consult in months will be coming up. I doubt we'll go to every day, but who knows.
Nice bro! So if I'm not mistaken that's 46mg eod coming out to a just about perfect 160mg/wk. where does this put your levels? More importantly, how do you feel??? No AI/HCG I'm assuming.
Nice bro! So if I'm not mistaken that's 46mg eod coming out to a just about perfect 160mg/wk. where does this put your levels? More importantly, how do you feel??? No AI/HCG I'm assuming.

I feel pretty damn good overall. Lots of things have improved for me over the past 6 months: mood is stable (number 1 for me), body composition is getting better, energy levels are good, I sleep way better, etc. Last time we checked back in March, my total T was 1137 (range of 348-1197), Free T was 25.6 (range of 8.7-25.1), and E2 sensitive was 49.6 (range of 8.0-35). But that was on a dose of .25ml EOD. We dropped the dose a bit to help control E2 without hopefully impacting my T levels too much (no AI, which I hope to avoid, so we added calcium d-glucarate to my regimen also to help control it).

New blood work results are in, I'm just waiting for my copy, so we'll see where things are now very soon.
Sounds great man. Happy for you! That's a good protocol.

New numbers just came in after I put up that reply. Here they are:

Total T: 824 (348-1197)
Free T: 17.5 (8.7-25.1)
E2: 29.1 (8-35)
SHBG: 36.2 (16.5-55.9)

Kind of shocked to see the drastic drop with such a small change in dosage (from .25ml to .23ml). And now I'm conflicted...everything looks pretty good numbers wise, except the T I think could be better, and symptomatically I'm doing pretty good, but I could be doing better...I just don't want to throw it all out of whack again on the E2....hmm...

For those who are low SHBG...it can get better! When I started TRT a year and a half ago it was at 17. Don't ask why it went up, because I have no clue..lol.
I have never seen anybody with low SHBG be able to raise it as high as yours! I too have low SHBG and mine varies between tests but never rises above mid-teens. No A1C or glucose or obesity issues so perhaps its genetic in my case. I have been doing daily injections for about a year as well.

At any rate, congratulations on getting yours up to a useful level!

Did you draw blood at the same time? Day of injection or peak day?

It is a drop but it's 15mg per week difference.

Question, did u feel better at 50 eod or 46 eod? Don't stress about numbers.

Did you draw blood at the same time? Day of injection or peak day?

It is a drop but it's 15mg per week difference.

Question, did u feel better at 50 eod or 46 eod? Don't stress about numbers.

This time I drew at about 24 hours after my last injection. Last time I was a little late and drew about 32-33 hours after my last injection. So last time was more of a trough than this time.

In some ways I feel better, other ways not so much. Though I call my mood stable, that's probably more a comparison to pre-TRT than it is to the past 6 months...I guess I'm just thankful it's not in a pit of hell like it used to be, so I'm being optimistic..lol. My wife, who is a much better judge of my mood than I am sometimes, tells me that it's worse now than it was prior to the dose change. And after considering it I think I would agree (though still way improved over pre-TRT days).

My motivation and confidence seems to have gotten worse since the last dose change, but energy seems to be about the same.

One thing that's much improved is my body composition...I've lost about 20lbs of fat and water weight, and yet gained muscle mass, since the last dose change, which I attribute to 1) cutting quite a bit of sugar from my diet and getting my pre-diabetic situation under control (might have also contributed to the higher SHBG value) and 2) the estrogen drop. So I don't want to change that, but I think the higher T levels (especially free T) were better for me overall. Just not sure how to get there without boosting the E2 again...guess I might have to do an AI after all...
Those sound like some serious dietary changes you made. Why don't you just go back to the 50mg eod and keep everything else the same. Almost certain your weight loss has to do with cutting sugar out of your diet and not e2 levels. If you felt great at the other dose why do you need an AI? Just because the numbers were high? Were you having any nipple soreness? Erectile dysfunction? Gyno symptoms? If your answer to the last three questions are NO then I don't see any reason for an AI whatsoever. But I would go back to 50mg eod for sure.
Also... Cypionate peaks at about 36 hours... So the first set of labs were more of a peak... But what's most important here are your changes in mood. It sounds like everything was going smoothly and you got frightened by high e2 numbers. You didn't say you were even having high e2 symptoms.
Thanks JQ88 for your insight. I was having some high E symptoms (night sweats, hard to lose fat, issues with erectile function, etc.) which is why we lowered the T dose, to prevent more conversion. But I did make some serious diet changes, though I wouldn't say it's hardcore since I still have sugar just much less than before. But I agree, changing the T dose a bit might be all I need, just don't want to go back to high E.
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I didn't know you were having erectile issues on 50mg eod. Has your erectile function improved since you lowered the T dose to 46mg eod? Also not sure if you are already... But 5mg daily cialis is a great medication for men with numerous benefits.
I didn't know you were having erectile issues on 50mg eod. Has your erectile function improved since you lowered the T dose to 46mg eod? Also not sure if you are already... But 5mg daily cialis is a great medication for men with numerous benefits.

I would say things are maybe slightly worse now. I do have cialis troche's that I use as needed, 10mg at a time, but that seems to have stopped working, or at least works maybe 20% as well as it used to. I also never have morning wood, though for a while on the old dose I was having frequent just before sleep wood, but that seems to have stopped too. I would say on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being optimum, my erectile function is at 5-6 or so now and it was maybe a 6-7 before. I find erectile function so hard to judge day to day unless it's just not working at all.

edit: sorry for totally hijacking this thread! We should take it to PM's...
Don't apologize man.

You started out saying you feel pretty damn good overall.

But now you're saying you take 10mg of cialis and can't get hard.

Those two statements don't add up.

I've been there man without erectile function I can't feel great.

I'm gonna have to bow out of this one because your numbers look good I don't know why the ED is about.

My ED started when I introduced an AI to my protocol.
Don't apologize man.

You started out saying you feel pretty damn good overall.

But now you're saying you take 10mg of cialis and can't get hard.

I didn't say can't get hard, just that cialis doesn't put my erectile function at a 10 like it used to. And yeah, pretty damn good overall was more a comparison to how I felt pre-TRT when my total T was 64...lol...like I said, I tend to be a little too optimistic when it comes to that because of how I USED to feel...I still feel good, just not as good as I know I can in some areas. I'll update my own thread later with news if something does change.
Hey at least you're functional!

I would go back to 50 eod add some DIM cut the sugar out Completely and see what happens.

You said erectile function was better on 50 eod and you said your mood was better on 50 eod.

So if those two statements are correct then it seems like a no brainer.

I appreciate your input cause I'm on a similar journey protocol wise.

I ran an AI on 100mg twice a week but it was so tough to dial in so I dropped the AI and moved to eod.

Good luck man!!!

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